994 items
Utvrđivanje uslova žarenja na promenu kriteriona koncentracije u sistemu minerala magnezit-dolomit pri raslojavanju u vazduhu
Predrag Bulatović (1984)Predrag Bulatović. Utvrđivanje uslova žarenja na promenu kriteriona koncentracije u sistemu minerala magnezit-dolomit pri raslojavanju u vazduhu, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1984
Geološki sastav i tektonski sklop terena između Sinjajevine, Lisca i Čehotine(Crna Gora)
Predrag Vujisić (1995)Predrag Vujisić. Geološki sastav i tektonski sklop terena između Sinjajevine, Lisca i Čehotine(Crna Gora), Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1995
Optimalni model kinetike flotiranja minerala obojenih metala
Predrag Lazić (2002)Predrag Lazić. Optimalni model kinetike flotiranja minerala obojenih metala, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2002
Dijagnostika ponašanja pogonskih grupa na rotornom bageru u cilju njihove revitalizacije
Predrag Jovančić (2007)Predrag Jovančić. Dijagnostika ponašanja pogonskih grupa na rotornom bageru u cilju njihove revitalizacije, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2007
Dijagnostika ponašanja pogonskih grupa na rudarskim mašinama
Predrag Jovančić (2007)Predrag Jovančić. "Dijagnostika ponašanja pogonskih grupa na rudarskim mašinama" in Istraživanja i projektovanja za privredu (2007)
Одржавање рударских машина
Предраг Јованчић (2014)Предраг Јованчић. Одржавање рударских машина, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2014
Asset management and condition monitoring on maintenance of mining equipment lignite mines
Predrag Jovančić (2016)Maintenance strategy, once set, is not permanent. This strategy should be adapted and altered according to the findings, achieved results, variation of mine product prices, changes in the region etc. On the other hand, maintenance strategy should be: safe operation, higher productivity, reduced costs and functionality of complete system. Asset management represents activities through which mine achieves the optimal and sustainable management of its property, in order to meet the plan - realization of production with optimized costs. Therefore, ...Predrag Jovančić. "Asset management and condition monitoring on maintenance of mining equipment lignite mines" in 13th International symposium Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Belgrade – Serbia, Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee (2016)
Terenska nastava iz geofizike: Arheološki lokaliteti na području Trstenika
... od 2016. do 2019. go- dine u široj okolini Trstenika, a u okviru 31 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e sprovođenja terenske nastave, geofizič- ka ispitivanja su vršena na pet ...
... Zahvaljujući magnetometrij- skim ispitivanjima područja Stragari, 33 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e ukupne površine oko 2,5 ha, izvrše- no je lociranje ostataka materijalnih ...
... od strane meštana (Стокић и др., 2017; Анђелковић и др. , 2019) 35 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e rovatno iz mlađeg perioda, pri čemu su nađene i kosti odraslog čoveka ...Dragana Đurić, Jelena Vukčević, Dejan Vučković, Ivana Vasiljević, Vesna Cvetkov . "Terenska nastava iz geofizike: Arheološki lokaliteti na području Trstenika" in Aktuelna interdisciplinarana istraživanja tehnologije u arheologiji jugoistočne Evrope: zbornik radova / Prvi skup Sekcije za arheometriju, arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog arheološkog društva, 28.02.2020., Beograd, Beograd : Srpsko arheološko društvo (2020)
Značaj geografske širine za lociranje uzročnika magnetnih anomalija kod prospekcije arheoloških lokaliteta
Vesna Cvetkov (2020)... tim tačnije definisanje potencijalnih zona od interesa za arheo- 15 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e loška istraživanja i lociranje arheoloških objekata. Sam izbor metode ...
... da se ponašaju kao mali magneti i orijentišu paralelno sa MPZ. 17 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e Drugi bitan i najčešće razma- tran parametar kod magnetometrijskih i ...
... arheoloških objekata od opeke pri različi- tim vrednostima inklinacije 19 A k t u e l n a i n t e rd i s c p l i n a r n a i s t ra ž i v a n j a t e h n o l o g i j e u a r h e o l o g i j i j u g o i s t o č n e E v ro p e pomeren u odnosu na centar uzročnika (Slika 1). Kako bi oblik magnetne ...Vesna Cvetkov. "Značaj geografske širine za lociranje uzročnika magnetnih anomalija kod prospekcije arheoloških lokaliteta" in Aktuelna interdisciplinarana istraživanja tehnologije u arheologiji jugoistočne Evrope: Zbornik radova, Prvi skup Sekcije za arheometriju, arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog arheološkog društva, Beograd, 28.02.2020. , Beograd : Srpsko arheološko društvo (2020)
Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)
Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović (2019)geochemical and mineralogical study was performed on lignite samples from the Upper Miocene Kovin deposit, hosting three coal seams. The Kovin lignite is characterized by high moisture content, medium to high ash yield, medium to high sulphur content and a relatively low gross and net calorific value. The mineralogical composition, and major and trace element contents were determined by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) analyses, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). ...... Измењено: 2023-10-14 04:32:13 Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia) Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović ...
... факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia) | Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović | Geologia ...
... major and trace el ements contents. Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia) Dragana Životić1, Olga Cvetković2, Predrag Vulić1, Ivan Gržetić3, Vladimir Simić1, Konstantin Ilijević3, Biljana Dojčinović2, Suzana Erić1, Bogdan Radić4, Sanja Stojadinović2 and Snežana ...Dragana Životić, Olga Cvetković, Predrag Vulić, Ivan Gržetić, Vladimir Simić, Konstantin Ilijević, Biljana Dojčinović, Suzana Erić, Bogdan Radić, Sanja Stojadinović, Snežana Trifunović. "Distribution of major and trace elements in the Kovin lignite (Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2019). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2019.06
The number of unimodular roots of some reciprocal polynomials
Dragan Stankov (2020)We introduce a sequence P2n of monic reciprocal polynomials with integer coefficients having the central coefficients fixed. We prove that the ratio between number of nonunimodular roots of P2n and its degree d has a limit when d tends to infinity. We present an algorithm for calculation the limit and a numerical method for its approximation. If P2n is the sum of a fixed number of monomials we determine the central coefficients such that the ratio has the minimal limit. ...Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "The number of unimodular roots of some reciprocal polynomials" in Cmptes rendus mathematique (2020). https://doi.org/10.5802/crmath.28
Soil oscillation law parameter determination with the application of Lagrange’s theorem at “Kovilovača“ open pit
... (8) is reduced to: 1-n- c 1 -n 1 -n s Rn-k R- Rk-R sR k , (9) namely to: 1-n- c 1 -n 1 -n s R-n R- R-R sR , R1 < Rc < Rs. (10) No. 3, 2015 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor 56 From the equation (10) the following is obtained: 1 1 1 1 n n s n s c RR RRn R , R1 ...
... (5), for- mula (8) se svodi na: 1-n- c 1 -n 1 -n s Rn-k R- Rk-R sR k , (9) tj. na: 1-n- c 1 -n 1 -n s R-n R- R-R sR , R1 < Rc < Rs. (10) Broj 3, 2015. Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor 66 Iz jednačine (10) dobijamo: 1 1 1 1 n n s n s c RR RRn R , R1 < Rc < Rs. ...
... .., N, are used from the table of experimental data, so that: n 111 RvK n 222 RvK ... n NNN RvK , whereby, for parameter K, the arithmetic mean is used, namely: N KKK K N...21 . (19) In this way, the model for solving the rock mass oscillation law is determined, taking: n RKv ...Suzana Lutovac, Nebojša Vidanović, Čedomir Beljić, Zoran Gligorić. "Soil oscillation law parameter determination with the application of Lagrange’s theorem at “Kovilovača“ open pit" in Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, Bor : Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (2015). https://doi.org/10.5937/MMEB1503053L
A necessary and sufficient condition for an algebraic integer to be a Salem number
Dragan Stankov (2019)We present a necessary and sufficient condition for a root greater than unity of a monic reciprocal polynomial of an even degree at least four, with integer coefficients, to be a Salem number. This condition requires that the minimal polynomial of some power of the algebraic integer has a linear coefficient that is relatively large. We also determine the probability that an arbitrary power of a Salem number, of certain small degrees, satisfies this condition.Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "A necessary and sufficient condition for an algebraic integer to be a Salem number" in Journal de theorie des nombres de Bordeaux (2019). https://doi.org/10.5802/jtnb.1076
The use of biological markers in determination of origin and type of organic matter in the Tisza river sediments
Snežana Štrbac, Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Nebojša Vasić, Ksenija Stojanović, Branimir Jovančićević (2013)The objective of the study was to determine the origin and type of organic matter (OM) of the Tisza recent sediments along the distance of 153 km through the territory of Serbia. For this purpose group organic-geochemical parameters and biomarker compositions were used. All samples contain approximately same amount of OM, which was deposited under uniform, slightly reducing conditions. Based on the distribution of n-alkanes, the origin and type of OM could not be precisely estimated. However, n-alkane patterns ...... n-C20)+Σodd(n-C17–n-C21) / Σeven(n-C18–n-C22)]; cCPI deter- mined for distribution of n-alkanes C23–C35 (mass chromatogram m/z 71), CPI (C23–C35) = 1/2 [Σodd(n-C23– –n-C35) / Σeven(n-C22–n-C34)+Σodd(n-C23–n-C35) / Σeven(n-C24–n-C36)]; dPr/Ph = pristane/phytane Tricyclic and pentacyclic terpanes. The ...
... n of n-alkanes C16–C35 (mass chromatogram m/z 71), CPI (C16–C35) = 1/2 [Σodd(n-C17–n-C35) / Σeven(n-C16–n-C34) + Σodd(n-C17–n-C35) / Σeven(n-C18–n- –C36)]; bCPI determined for the distribution of n-alkanes C16–C22 (mass chromatogram m/z 71), CPI (C16– –C22) = 1/2 [Σodd(n-C17–n-C21) / Σeven(n-C16– ...
... such as gaso- line and diesel, have different n-alkane distributions, which range from n-C6 to n-C12, and n-C12 to n-C25, respectively. Moreover, these derivatives do not con- tain polycyclic biomarkers of the sterane and terpane types.7,8 Similarly to n-alkanes, the distributions of polycyclic alkanes ...Snežana Štrbac, Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Nebojša Vasić, Ksenija Stojanović, Branimir Jovančićević. "The use of biological markers in determination of origin and type of organic matter in the Tisza river sediments" in Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2013). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC130614087S
On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number
Dragan Stankov (2016)It is well known that the sequence of powers of a Salem number θ, modulo 1, is dense in the unit interval, but is not uniformly distributed. Generalizing a result of Dupain, we determine, explicitly, the repartition function of the sequence , where P is a polynomial with integer coefficients and θ is quartic. Also, we consider some examples to illustrate the method of determination.Algebraic integer, the house of algebraic integer, maximal modulus, reciprocal polynomial, primitive polynomial, Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture, Mahler measure, method of least squares, cyclotomic polynomialsDragan Stankov. "On the distribution modulo 1 of the sum of powers of a Salem number" in Comptes rendus Mathematique (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crma.2016.03.012
Development of the Availability Concept by Using Fuzzy Theory with AHP Correction, a Case Study: Bulldozers in the Open-Pit Lignite Mine
Stevan Đenadić, Dragan Ignjatović, Miloš Tanasijević, Uglješa Bugarić, Ivan Janković, Tomislav Šubaranović (2019)Availability is one of the most used terms in maintainability engineering. This concept is used to denote: The quality of service of an engineering system, i.e., machines, weak points’ analysis, asset management, as well as making decisions in the process of life cycle management. Availability is an overall indicator and contains partial indicators that are oriented towards reliability, maintenance, and logistical support. Availability presents a variable value and changes in time and space. Usually, availability is shown as the ...... example: λ1 = (a11·WRB1−N)+(a12·WMB1−N)+(a13·WSB1−N) WRB1−N = (1·0.1630)+(0.5·0.2968)+(0.33·0.5401) 0.1630 = 3.01492 λ2 = (a21·WRB1−N)+(a22·WMB1−N)+(a23·WSB1−N) WMB1−N = (2·0.1630)+(1·0.2968)+(0.5·0.5401) 0.2968 = 3.00825 λ3 = (a31·WRB1−N)+(a32·WMB1−N)+(a33·WSB1−N) WSB1−N = (3·0.1630)+(2·0.2968)+(1·0 ...
... specific example: _ (a11-Wrpi-n)+(412-Wopi-n)+(413-Wspi-n) __ (1-0.1630)+(0.5-0.2968) + (0.33-0.5401) __ A= = = 3.01492 Wrsi-N 0.1630 -Wrepi- -W; _ -Weopi— 2-0.1630 1-0.2968 0.5-0.5401 A> = (421:Wrpi-n)+(422-Wopi-n) +(423-Wsp1-N) ( )+( )+( ) 3.00825 Wupi_n 0.2968 -Wrpi- -W; _ -Wopi- 3-0.1630 2-0.2968 1-0 ...
... ranking of the R, M, S indicators is given for the new (B1-N, B2-N, and B3-N have the same ranking) and old machines. Table 6. The ranking of partial indicators of the availability of new and old machines. AHP Preferences B1-N (B2-N, B3-N) B1-O B2-O B3-O R M S R M S R M S R M S R 1 1/2 1/3 1 1 1 ...Stevan Đenadić, Dragan Ignjatović, Miloš Tanasijević, Uglješa Bugarić, Ivan Janković, Tomislav Šubaranović. "Development of the Availability Concept by Using Fuzzy Theory with AHP Correction, a Case Study: Bulldozers in the Open-Pit Lignite Mine" in Energies, MDPI AG (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/en12214044
DNA/BSA interactions and cytotoxic studies of tetradentate N,N,O,O Schiff base copper(II) complexes
Aleksandar Mijatović, Angelina Caković, Aleksandar Lolić, Snezana Sretenović, Marko Živanović, Dragana Seklić, Jovana Bogojeski, Biljana Petrović (2023)Three Schiff base Cu(II) complexes, (N,N’-bis(acetylacetone)propylenediimine)copper(II) complex, [Cu(acac2pn)] (1), (N,N'-bis-(benzoylacetone)propylenediimine)copper(II) complex, [Cu(phacac2pn)] (2) and (N,N’-bis-(trifluoroacetylacetone)propylenediimine)copper(II) complex, [Cu(tfacac2pn)] (3), were used to investigate the interactions with calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) using the electronic absorption and spectroscopic fluorescence methods. UV-Vis absorption studies showed that studied complexes interact with DNA molecule and exhibit moderate binding affinity. Fluorescence studies of complexes 1-3 also showed a possibility for DNA intercalation as well as a relatively high binding ability ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Angelina Caković, Aleksandar Lolić, Snezana Sretenović, Marko Živanović, Dragana Seklić, Jovana Bogojeski, Biljana Petrović. "DNA/BSA interactions and cytotoxic studies of tetradentate N,N,O,O Schiff base copper(II) complexes" in Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/JSC230614063M
Some models for determination of parameters of the soil oscillation law during blasting operations
... Equation (4) into Equation (3), we obtain: v “ Kv ¨ ˝ 3 b 3¨Q 4¨π r ˛ ‚ n “ Kv ¨ ˜ 3 c 3 4 ¨ π ¸n ¨ ˆ 3 ? Q r ˙n “ Kv ¨ K1 ¨ ˆ r 3 ? Q ˙´n “ K ¨ ˆ r 3 ? Q ˙´n “ K ¨ R´n (5) where as: ˜ 3 c 3 4 ¨ π ¸n “ K1; Kv “ K K1 ; r 3 ? Q “ R (6) where: R—reduced distance is the distance ...
... marked ´n, meaning that: ∆v v ∆R R « ´n (7) Thereby it can be considered that: lim∆RÑ0 ∆v v ∆R R “ ´n, which means: dv v dR R “ ´n (8) Equation (8) can be written in the form: dv v “ ´n ¨ dR R , where by integration is obtained: ż dv v “ ´n ¨ ż dR R , namely: logv “ logR´n ` logC (9) ...
... (1) we obtain the equation: v “ v1 ¨ ˆ R1 R ˙n (14) From Equation (14), for R = R1 there is obtained v = v1 for any n, in our case n > 0. For R = Ri, i = 2, 3, ..., N, from Equation (14), we can take that: vi “ v1 ¨ ´ R1 Ri ¯n , i = 2, 3, ..., N, from there the relation is obtained: v1 ¨ v2 ...Suzana Lutovac, Dragan Medenica, Branko Gluščević, Rade Tokalić, Čedomir Beljić. "Some models for determination of parameters of the soil oscillation law during blasting operations" in Energies, Basel, Switzerland : MDPI (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9080617
Parameter determination of soil oscillation law using quotient of the relative growth increments of oscillation velocity and reduced distances at “Nepričava“ open pit mine
... obtained: 1 1 2 1 1 2 ... ... n N N N N R v v v v R R R (10) From the relation (10), we can determine parameter n. By logharithm operation of relation (10) we obtain: 1 21 1 2 1 ... log log ... N N N N v v vR n R R R v ...
... .. N N N N v v v v n R R R R (11) By the replacement of the value for the parameter n in the equation (11), found in this way, we obtain the relation for the oscillation velocity of rock mass in the monitored environment: 1 1 n R v ...
... obtain the equation: 1 1 n R v v R (9) From the equation (9), for R = R1 there is obtained v = v1 for any n, in our case n > 0. For R = R1, i = 2, 3, ..., N, from the equation (9), we can take that: 1 1 2,3,..., n i i R v v i N R ...Suzana Lutovac, Sanja Bajić, Marina Ravilić, Radmila Gaćina. "Parameter determination of soil oscillation law using quotient of the relative growth increments of oscillation velocity and reduced distances at “Nepričava“ open pit mine" in Underground Mining Engineering, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad1526009L
Rezultati probnog ispitivanja geotehničkih prenapregnutih sidara u Užicu (Stari grad)
Vladimir Kovačević (2024)Za potrebe izrade završnog rada na četvrtoj godini Rudarsko-geološkog fakulteta, studijskog programa Geotehnika, pod mentorstvom doc. dr Zorana Berisavljevića, odabrana je tema „Rezultati probnog ispitivanja geotehničkih prenapregnutih sidara u Užicu (Stari grad)“. Osnovni metodološki pristup koji je korišćen za rešavanje postavljenog problema predstavlja kabinetsko istraživanje dostupne dokumentacije, analiza i interpretacija rezultata izvedenih geoloških,geotehničkih i geomehaničkih istraživanja. Predstavljene su osnovne informacije,karakteristike i upotreba prednapregnutih geotehničkih sidara.Analiziran je tok testiranja granične nosivosti prednapregnutih sidara. Na osnovu izvršenih geotehničkih istraživanja terena i ispitivanja ...... M O H O N V 3O O N L L S S L L A L I O V d V O ĐONIMHVHH - Q O M I O H O N V Đ N L L S M . L / L I S O A I S O N M N Q I N V N M S O I S M L - V I V G I S f N V A L L I d S I I W O N T O H . L N O X O X I N S I d V Z Đ N I S S H N . L S H N H G G N V gauMn,LOniLLS ...
... A Y O H O N V O O N L L S I L L A.LIOVdV' O Đ N I D H V H H - Q 1 O D 0 i 1 O H O N V Đ N L L S ? L L / L L S O A I S O N M N N O I N V ? H D .LSŠLL – V M V G I S O f N V A L L I d S I T W O N T O H . L N O N M O M I N S I d V Z ĐNISSHNH.LSHNHd G N V SMMn.LOnbiLLS ...
... + i i = + - + ++ o 5 ( N O d d S r N a Z n O Z I - V1IS I N W H O V T I G ĐONISSiHHLSSHHd G N V g S d H n i O n H 1 I S HO34 H 3 1 N 3 O - S r N v V Z d H d v N G d b H d | 3 r I O 5 n H . L S N O y N VZ H V 1 L N 3 O B8B8B8BPEB8BSBBRB wl {v= CENTAR ...Vladimir Kovačević. Rezultati probnog ispitivanja geotehničkih prenapregnutih sidara u Užicu (Stari grad), 2024