Cement Slurries for Drilling Fluid Loss Control


Врста завршног рада
Мастер рад
en Miljan Stojiljković
Година одбране
en Branko Leković
Чланови комисије
en Branko Leković, Vesna Karović-Maričić, Dušan Danilović
en In the oil industry cements are clasiffied according to API standard. API cements are made for oil drill wells and are made the same way as the Portland cement is made, from the same compounds, but in different relations. These cements are projected to fulfill different conditions in oil drill wells. Different additives are added to change certain cement properties. Additives used in oil industry affect hardening time, cement density and viscosity change. Cement represents basic tool for closing places where drilling fluids are lost. Cementation as basic part of all operation done in drilling oil and gas drill wells, represent ending phase of process. The basic goal of cementation is consolidation of column of casing that are built in, prevention of fluid flow into a drill well and prevention of drilling fluid loss. Cementation tools are cement agregate, cementing plugs and cement heads. The cement slurry needs to be suitable to use on field. That means that the cement slurry must mix easily and injected with conventional equipment to certain height inside drill well, so the time of hardening must be long enough. To have a succesfull process of cementation, cement slurry must be appropriate.
During the process of drilling, loss of drilling fluid causes high number of technical problems, like inflow of formation fluids. Drilling fluid loss represents volume of drilling fluid that is lost in rocks. When the location of loss is determined, material to recover that place can be chosen, so that cracks and pores stay clogged. LCMs (lost circulation materials) are one of the materials that are used for this. Practical example is given in form of drill well „Ulcinj kopno 1“.
Кључне речи
en drilling fluid, cement, cement slurries, cement cleaver, cementation
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Miljan Stojiljković. Cement Slurries for Drilling Fluid Loss Control, 2022

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