Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt.
- Тип
- Саопштење са скупа штампано у изводу
- Верзија рада
- објављена
- Језик
- српски
- Креатор
- Branislav Petrović
- Извор
- KARST 2022: "Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst"
- Уредник
- Slobodan B. Marković, Zoran Stevanović
- Издавач
- Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA)
- Српска академија наука и уметности (САНУ)
- Датум издавања
- 2022
- Сажетак
- The epikarst is a part of the karst outcrop that is located within the unsaturated zone and represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface. The correct and complete perception of epikarst, its degree of development and the presence on the limestone terrain can be achieved with a multidisciplinary approach. The study area for the applied multidisciplinary research was the Eastern part of karst massif Suva Planina Mt. One important part of the research was dye tracing test at Peč cave microlocation, with temperature -T and specific electrical conductivity -Ec monitoring. The results of Ec measurements show a certain constancy of the specific electrical conductivity at one location, but also the difference between "neighboring" locations. In accordance with the measured values, 3 groups with similar values were distinguished that somewhat correspond to the different types of water flow occurring in the unsaturated (epikarst) zone.
- почетак странице
- 71
- крај странице
- 75
- isbn
- 978-86-7025-956-0
- Просторно покривање
- Srbija
- Subject
- epikarst, specifična električna provodljivost, Suva Planina, pećina Peč
- epikarst, specific electrical conductivity, Suva Planina Mt., Peč cave
- Шира категорија рада
- М30
- Ужа категорија рада
- М34
- Права
- Отворени приступ
- Лиценца
- Creative Commons – Attribution-NonComercial-Share Alike 4.0 International
- Формат
Branislav Petrović. "Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt." in KARST 2022: "Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst", Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) (2022) М34
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