79 items
Просторна анализа епикарста у оквиру карстног система источног дела Суве планине
Епикарст представља највиши део стенске масе који је изложен карстификацији, при чему су главне карактеристике епикарста акумулирање подземне воде и стварање услова за формирање концентрисаних токова у подини ове зоне. У досадашњој пракси истраживања епикарста углавном су коришћене индиректне методе: даљинска детекција, анализа хидрограма карстних врела, хидрохемијске и изотопске анализе, па чак и опити трасирања, док је са друге стране јако мали број истраживача изучавао епикарст директним теренским истраживањима. У раду je приказана иновирана методологија истраживања епикарста, која користи ...Бранислав Петровић, Зоран Стевановић, Вељко Мариновић, Снежана Игњатовић. "Просторна анализа епикарста у оквиру карстног система источног дела Суве планине" in XVI српски симпозијум о хидрогеологији са међународним учешћем, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2022) М63
Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt.
Branislav Petrović (2022)The epikarst is a part of the karst outcrop that is located within the unsaturated zone and represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface. The correct and complete perception of epikarst, its degree of development and the presence on the limestone terrain can be achieved with a multidisciplinary approach. The study area for the applied multidisciplinary research was the Eastern part of karst massif Suva Planina Mt. One important part of ...Branislav Petrović. "Specific electrical conductivity in epikarst groundwater of the eastern Suva Planina mt." in KARST 2022: "Importance, State of the Art, and Prospective of Utilization and Protection of Resources in Karst", Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) (2022) М34
A contribution to the understanding of the discharge dynamics and water balance of the karst spring Gornji Dušnik (Suva Planina)
A sufficiently long time-series of daily discharges is needed to assess the discharge dynamics and calculate the water balance equation parameters of a spring (river source). The paper assumes that a catchment is gauged if a time-series of observations of at least 30 years is available, which is a rare case in Serbia. One-year monitoring is often set up to verify the reserves of a water source or spring intended for capture. Monitoring ceases after the final report is ...Aleksandar Tanasković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Jelena Močević. "A contribution to the understanding of the discharge dynamics and water balance of the karst spring Gornji Dušnik (Suva Planina)" in Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Bulgarian Geological Society (2023). https://doi.org/10.52215/rev.bgs.2023.84.3.315 М23
The Flow Conditions in the Epikarst Zone of a Karst Aquifer. Case Study: Suva planina Mt., East Serbia
Branislav Petrović (2023)The epikarst as a part of the karst aquifer represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface, carbonate rocks altered by “corrosive” water, flora and fauna (and remains of), which is partially saturated with groundwater. Significant amounts of (plant accessible) water, and other solutes and particles, can be stored in this zone for extended periods of time. Thus, attenuation or biochemical processes could start in this layer and change quality of infiltrated ...Branislav Petrović. "The Flow Conditions in the Epikarst Zone of a Karst Aquifer. Case Study: Suva planina Mt., East Serbia" in International Scientific Conference "Man and Karst 2022", CIRS - Centro Ibleo di Ricerche Speleo-Idrogeologiche (2023) М33
A contribution to the understanding of the discharge dynamics and water balance of the karst spring Gornji Dušnik (Suva Planina)
A sufficiently long time-series of daily discharges is needed to assess the discharge dynamics and calculate the water balance equation parameters of a spring (river source). The paper assumes that a catchment is gauged if a time-series of observations of at least 30 years is available, which is a rare case in Serbia. One-year monitoring is often set up to verify the reserves of a water source or spring intended for capture. Monitoring ceases after the final report is ...Aleksandar Tanasković, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Dušan Polomčić, Jelena Ratković. "A contribution to the understanding of the discharge dynamics and water balance of the karst spring Gornji Dušnik (Suva Planina)" in National Conference with International Participation “GEOSCIENCES 2023”, Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, Sofia : Bulgarian Geological Society (2023) М33
The Flow Conditions in the Epikarst Zone of a Karst Aquifer. Case Study: Suva planina Mt., East Serbia
Branislav Petrović (2022)The epikarst as a part of the karst aquifer represents a complex point of contact and mixing of unconsolidated material from the terrain surface, carbonate rocks altered by “corrosive” water, flora and fauna (and remains of), which is partially saturated with groundwater. Recharge of karst aquifers, usually, occurs via the unsaturated zone which uppermost part could be epikarst zone. Significant amounts of (plant accessible) water, and other solutes and particles, can be stored in this zone for extended periods ...Branislav Petrović. "The Flow Conditions in the Epikarst Zone of a Karst Aquifer. Case Study: Suva planina Mt., East Serbia" in International Scientific Conference - Man and Karst 2022, Custonaci, Italy, 12-16.09.2022, Gruppo Grotte Ragusa - C.I.R.S. (2022) М34
Geološki sastav i tektonika planina Durmitora, Pivske planine i Vojujaka
Mirko Mirković (1979)Mirko Mirković. Geološki sastav i tektonika planina Durmitora, Pivske planine i Vojujaka, Titograd:, 1979
Metalogenija rejona Stare planine
Jovan R. Kovačević (2005)Jovan R. Kovačević. Metalogenija rejona Stare planine, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 2005
Mineraloško-petrološka studija granitoidnih stena Stare planine
Stevan Divljan (1967)Stevan Divljan. Mineraloško-petrološka studija granitoidnih stena Stare planine, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1967
Metalogenija urana u permo-trijaskim sedimentima Stare planine
Jovan Kovačević (1997)Jovan Kovačević. Metalogenija urana u permo-trijaskim sedimentima Stare planine, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1997
Palinomorfe permsko-trijaskih sedimenata Stare planine(Istočna Srbija)
Jelena Milivojević (2001)Jelena Milivojević. Palinomorfe permsko-trijaskih sedimenata Stare planine(Istočna Srbija), Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2001
Stratigrafska i tektonska studija kristalastih terena Poreča donje Bele reke i zapadne Stare planine
Mihailo Kalenić (1992)Mihailo Kalenić. Stratigrafska i tektonska studija kristalastih terena Poreča donje Bele reke i zapadne Stare planine, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1992
Geološki sastav i tektonski sklop centralnog dela Osogorske planine, sa osvrtom na pojave Pb-Zn na području Sasa - Toranica
Jordan Pendžerkovski (1965)Jordan Pendžerkovski. Geološki sastav i tektonski sklop centralnog dela Osogorske planine, sa osvrtom na pojave Pb-Zn na području Sasa - Toranica, Skoplje:, 1965
Geologija terena jugozapadnih padina Vlašić planine : (Zapadna Srbija)
Luka PEŠIĆ (1975)Luka PEŠIĆ. Geologija terena jugozapadnih padina Vlašić planine : (Zapadna Srbija), Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1975
Stratigrafija trijasa planina Lisine i Dimitora
Vojislav Mudrenović (1991)Vojislav Mudrenović. Stratigrafija trijasa planina Lisine i Dimitora, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1991
Stratigrafija trijasa planine Lisine i Durmitora
Vojislav Mudrenović (1978)Vojislav Mudrenović. Stratigrafija trijasa planine Lisine i Durmitora, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1978
Geologija, struktura i metalogeneza olovno-cikovog ležišta planine Rudnik
Vojin Simić (1965)Vojin Simić. Geologija, struktura i metalogeneza olovno-cikovog ležišta planine Rudnik, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1965
Petrologija mezozojskih vulkanita planine Bobije kod Ljubovije
Velimir Jovanović (1994)Velimir Jovanović. Petrologija mezozojskih vulkanita planine Bobije kod Ljubovije, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1994
Kumulatna zona ultramafita Brezovice(Šar planina| Srbija)
Danica Srećković (1993)Danica Srećković. Kumulatna zona ultramafita Brezovice(Šar planina| Srbija), Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1993
Palinomorfe sa lokaliteta Gostuška reka (Stara planina)
Ivan Rutović (2024)U radu su prikazani rezultati palinološkog istraživanja permsko-trijaskih sedimenata sa lokaliteta Gostuška reka. Palinološki kompleksi su detaljno analizirani, što je omogućilo morfološku, taksonomsku i paleoekološku identifikaciju palinomorfi. Istraživanje je pokazalo prisustvo velikog broja spora i polena golosemenica, dok je polen skrivenosemenica zastupljen u manjem procentu. Na osnovu paleoekoloških analiza, zaključeno je da je tokom formiranja sedimenata na lokalitetu vladala aridna klima, sa povremenim vlažnim fazama koje su omogućavale razvoj močvarne vegetacije.Ivan Rutović. Palinomorfe sa lokaliteta Gostuška reka (Stara planina), 2024