121 items
Design of a sucker rod pumping system
Ana Ponoćko (2024)For a long time in the history of oil production, sucker rod pumps have been the first and in many cases the only choice when it comes to mechanical extraction methods. Proper selection of each individual element of the system enables optimization, which entails benefits in the form of increased efficiency and reduced costs. The first part of the paper presents the underground and surface equipment of the rod pump and describes the operation of the entire system. The ...... eaaeeaeaeaeaatakteee 10 3.1.1 „Plungerofa Sucker Rod Pump ........aaaaaaaaa a aeaeaeaaaaaeataakttkoi 11 3.1.2 _ Sucker Rod Pump Cylinder........aaaaaa a aeaaaaaeataatakci 12 KRIKGBBATAIM- -JR AAARRRAAA 14 3.1.4 _ Types of Sucker Rod Pump........aaaaaa a aaaaaaeattatakoi 17 3.2 | Gasanchors ...
... The main components of subsurface equipment for deep-well pumping are: • Sucker Rod Pump • Gasanchor • Tubing anchor • Suckerrod string • Tubing 3.1 Sucker Rod Pump The main parts of a Sucker Rod Pump are: 1. Plunger 2. Cylinder 3. Traveling valve and standing valve Holddown ...
... aaaaaaaeaitNkteet 5 2 SYSTEM FOR ROD PUMPING ........a e aeaaeeaeeaeaeaataaaaeaaakteee 6 2.1. Working Cycle ofa Sucker Rod Pump .........aaaaaaaaeanaeanaeaaaaaeaeaekteei 8 3 SUBSURFACE EQUIPMENT....... a aaeeaeaeaeaaaaaaaeaaaaitakoi 10 3.1 Sucker Rod Pump.........aaaaaaa a eaee e aaaaaaeaea ...Ana Ponoćko. Design of a sucker rod pumping system, 2024
Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field
Most of the wells in the oilfield Turija are operating with sucker rod pumps, where casing pressure at around 15 bar, and with marginal production rates. The high value of casing pressure indicates high pressure on the face of the formation and depends directly on well productivity. In addition, with increasing value of the casing pressure gas column in the annulus is moving the dynamic fluid level near pump intake and more gas is entering the pump, it results ...beam gas compressor, BGC, increase productivity, sucker rod pump, SRP, mature field, artificial lift, production optimisationBojan Martinović, Dušan Danilović, Branko Grubač, Robert Fadiga. "Productivity improvement with use of beam gas compressor: pilot test in Southeastern Europe mature field" in International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology (2022)
Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production
Maja Trikić (2024)This paper will thoroughly examine how machine learning can improve the diagnosis of deep well pumps by analyzing the role and function of the pumps, dynamograms, sensor technologies, and diagnostic methods.Our analysis will provide insights into modern techniques and approaches for enhancing the performance and reliability of oil production systems, targeting cost reduction and increased operational efficiency.deep well pump, dynamograms, machine learning, diagnostics of operating coditions,Random Forest, XGBoost... plunger of the deep well pump. It facilitates the lifting and lowering of the smooth rod and sucker rods, as well as the pump plunger. The horsehead is characterized by its maximum allowable torque, load capacity (which must exceed the maximum load of the smooth rod), and the maximum stroke length ...
... At the end of the sucker rod string, in the last segment of the tubing, the downhole pump with a cylinder where the plunger moves is installed. The movement of the pump plunger is achieved by converting the rotational motion of the motor through the gearbox and the horsehead"s lever system into ...
... in the downhole pump has not yet responded, as the sucker rods elongate and the tubing relieves and contracts (segment 2, + 2+). When point B is reached, the sucker rods bear the maximum load, and the piston begins to move upward. Segment BC shows a constant load on the smooth rod. At point C, ...Maja Trikić. Application of machine learning for diagnosing the operation of a deep well pump in oil production, 2024
Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency
Bojan Martinović, Dušan Đekić, Dušan Danilović, Pavel Isaev. "Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2022)
Double traveling valve increases rod-pump efficiency
Traditional sucker rod pumps (SRP) use a single traveling valve, but recent double traveling valve innovations have improved SRP performance and efficiency in field applications with double traveling valves installed in pumps with top mechanical seating. The valves sealed better and produced similar fluid volumes compared with the previous single-valve pumps. They also enabled a reduction in pump diameter and optimized usage of surface equipment. Overall, the double travel valve SRPs produced stable production rates and annual production targets.Miloš Petrović, Bojan Martinović, Milica Ješić, Miroslav Crnogorac. "Double traveling valve increases rod-pump efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2023)
Одређивање оптималне производње дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама
Небојша Савић (2024)Дужи временски период током историје производње нафте, дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама су први и у многим случајевима једини избор када су у питању механичке методе експлоатације. Правилан одабир сваког појединачног елемента система омогућава оптимизацију која са собом повлачи бенефите у виду повећавања ефикасности и смањења трошкова. Тренутно примењени систем дубинских пумпи на клипним шипкама на лежишту „Н“ обезбеђује стабилну производњу и реализацију годишњих планова производње без већих проблема. У овом раду је приказан начин оптимизације производње дубинским пумпама ...... land.htm (12.04.2024.) 7. Takacs, G., 2015. Sucker-rod Pumping handbook: Production Engineering Fundamentals and Long-Stroke Rođ Pumping, University of Miskolc, Hungary 8. PETROTEC/Downhole pump Five Basic Components of a Sucker Rod Pump, URL: http://pgp.co.id/products/Downhole_Equiom ...
... TIIHJIHHJ1Ipa Ca TaHKHM 3HJIOM (thin-wall). = Cauka 3.2. IIpukas uununopa ca ojaudaHuM u maHKUM 3u0O0M ( PETROTEC/Downhole pump Five Basic Components of a Sucker Rod Pump, URL: http:/pgp.co.id/products/Downhole_Equioment_Products.html ) TiamanynpaH ca ojaudaHHM 3HJIOM HMaJy JeOJbHHy 3HJla IHJTHHJipa ...
... ucts.html (14.04.2024.) 45 9. Takacs, G,. 1993. Modem Sucker-rod Pumping, University of Miskolc, Hungary 10. Production · Technology/API Subsurface Pump Designation URL: https://production-technology.org/api-subsurface-pump-designation/ (17.04.2024.) 11. LUFKIN DON NAN, URL: https://www ...Небојша Савић. Одређивање оптималне производње дубинске пумпе на клипним шипкама, 2024
Избор одговарајуће механичке методе
Анастасија Мирјанић (2024)Експлоатација нафте и гаса кључна је за задовољење глобалних енергетских потреба. Различите методе се користе за ефикасно вађење тих природних ресурса из земљe. Механичке методе експлоатације, које укључују различите врсте пумпи и компресора, играју значајну улогу у овом процесу. У нафтној индустрији, ефикасно вађење нафте и гаса зависи од избора одговарајуће технологије пумпања. Две од најраспрострањенијих технологија су дубинске пумпе са клипним шипкама (енгл. Sucker rod pumps- SRP) и електричне потапајуће пумпе (енгл. Electrical submersible pump- ESP). Овај завршни рад ће ...Анастасија Мирјанић. Избор одговарајуће механичке методе, 2024
Selection of Artificial Lift Methods: A Brief Review and New Model Based on Fuzzy Logic
Miroslav Crnogorac, Miloš Tanasijević, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Branko Leković (2020)Artificial lift methods have applications in oil wells where oil production is no longer possible due to natural reservoir energy, so this necessary energy is added by introducing lift methods. In order to achieve optimum production, the selection of an artificial lift method is very important. This paper uses fuzzy logic as a mathematical and conceptual model for selection of the optimal artificial lift method. The outcome or IF-THEN rules, as the central part of the model, is based ...... depletes, artificial lift methods are applied. The most common of these are: gas lift (GL), sucker rod pumps (SRP), electric submersible pumps (ESP), progressive cavity pumps (PCP), and hydraulic jet type pump (HP) [1]. The selection of the artificial lift method is one of the most important process ...
... depletes, artificial lift methods are applied. The most common of these are: gas lift (GL), sucker rod pumps (SRP), electric submersible pumps (ESP), progressive cavity pumps (PCP), and hydraulic jet type pump (HP) [1]. The selection of the artificial lift method is one of the most important process ...
... overlapping of the electric submersible pumps (ESP) standard with a new well, (d) overlapping of the sucker rod pumps (SRP) standard with a new well, (e) overlapping of the hydraulic jet type pump (HP) standard with a new well, (f) overlapping of the progressive cavity pumps (PCP) standard with a ...Miroslav Crnogorac, Miloš Tanasijević, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović Maričić, Branko Leković. "Selection of Artificial Lift Methods: A Brief Review and New Model Based on Fuzzy Logic" in Energies, MDPI AG (2020)
Evaluation of the effects of wastewater heat pump integration into district heating systems by simulation
Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dimitrije Manić, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović (2023)The integration of wastewater heat pumps (using purified water) in district heating systems is analyzed in this paper. The simulation procedure is proposed to analyze the impacts of stochasticity of purified water temperature and flow to heat pump integration and operation. The analysis includes calculation of the daily and seasonal coefficient of performance, as well as fossil fuel savings and CO2 emission reduction due to wastewater heat pump use. The proposed procedure is implemented for the case study in ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Dimitrije Manić, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović. "Evaluation of the effects of wastewater heat pump integration into district heating systems by simulation" in Thermal Science, National Library of Serbia (2023). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI220813168I
Opremanje bušotine X zavojnom pumpom
Milan Filipović (2024)Ovaj rad se bavi osnovnim pojmovima i karakteristikama zavojnih pumpi.Prikazan je sklop zavojnih pumpi i njena prateća oprema. Objašnjen je princip rada zavojnih pumpi kao i uloga svakog mašinskog elementa koji se nalazi u pumpi. Razmotrene su prednosti i nedostaci primene ovih primarnih mehaničkih metoda eksploatacije ugljovodonika. Dat je uvid u inovativna rešenja problematike primene zavojnih pumpi. Na konkretnom primeru bušotine X su prikazani problemi kao i rešenja primene ovih primarnih mehaničkih metoda u praksi. Napravljena je detaljna analiza ...... je dat uporedni prikaz ESP I zavojne pumpe I njihovog pogonskog sklopa. (A. Wood, 2002) Progressing Cavity Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) Electric Submersible Pump (PCESP) Cable ____».| | _<____ Cable *9ft-40ft. *10HP-5ft 60 HP- 21 ft. *Depends on power required Slika 5 Uporedni prikaz ...
... adekvatna primarna mehanička metoda proizvodnje. Neke od tih primarnih metoda jesu dubinsko pupmanje sa klipnim šipkama, ESP (electrical-submersible pump), gas lift, zavojne pumpe... O zavojnim pumpama će se dalje govoriti u ovom radu. Njihova primena u naftnoj industriji Je relativno mala, međutim ...
... rešenja na pitanje koju mehaničku metodu treba odabrati. 2. ZAVOJNE PUMPE 2.L1 iIstorijat Zavojne (dubinske) pumpe eng. Progressive cavity pump (PCP) su se prvi put pojavile 1920. g. kada je naučnik Rene Moineau patentirao mlazne motore. Zavojne pumpe imaju dvostruko helikoidni stator i ...Milan Filipović . Opremanje bušotine X zavojnom pumpom, 2024
Convective heat transfer in centrifugal pumps lifted wells: the case of South-Eastern Europe waxy wells
Electric submersible pumps (ESP) are applied in wells where additional energy is needed to ensure discharge of the fluid to the surface through the tubing. At the discharge side of the pump the fluid has bigger velocity, thus the pump induces a forced convection between the fluid and the tubing inner surface. Understanding of convective heat transfer in wellbores and analyses of influential parameters provides a possibility to optimise value of convective heat transfer coefficient in order to avoid ...Bojan Martinovic, Marija Živković, Branko Grubač. "Convective heat transfer in centrifugal pumps lifted wells: the case of South-Eastern Europe waxy wells" in International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Inderscience Publishers (2021). https://doi.org/10.1504/IJOGCT.2021.10043281
Challenges in using wastewater heat pumps in district heating systems
Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović, Dimitrije Manić (2022)Decarbonization of district heating systems requires ensuring significant amounts of renewable energy available in the proximity of the district heating network. One of the promising solutions is the utilization of purified water from wastewater treatment plants by heat pumps. However, as a heat source, wastewater treatment plants are characterized by annual variability of the flow and temperature of purified water. The consequence is the variability of recoverable heat potential. In this paper, the effect of variability is analyzed for ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Boban Pavlović, Dušan Danilović, Dimitrije Manić. "Challenges in using wastewater heat pumps in district heating systems" in 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, Niš, Serbia, October 18 – 21, 2022, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Niš (2022)
Analiza softvera za projektovanje ESP sistema
Aleksandar Sredojević (2024)U momentu kada pritisak na dnu bušotine nije dovoljan da savlada ukupne gubitke pritisaka od dna bušotine do separatora, proizvodnja pomoću ležišne energije nije više moguća i bušotina prestaje sa eruptivnim radom. Kako bi ponovo omogućili proizvodnju fluida iz bušotine, potrebno je primeniti neke od mehaničkih metoda eksploatacije. Najprimenljivije mehaničke metode eksploatacije su: gas lift (GL), dubinske pumpe sa klipnim šipkama (SRP), električne uronjene centrifugalne pumpe (ESP), zavojne pumpe (PCP) i hidraulične pumpe (HP). Jadna od tih metoda koja ...električna centrifugalna pumpa (ESP), proizvodnja fluida, mehaničke metode eksploatacije, Prosper, Pipesim... (C·FER); Fater Rick, (2014). „The Defining Series: Electrical Submersible Pumps“; Gabor Takacs, (2015). „Sucker-Rod Pumping Handbook-Production Engineering Fundamentals and Long-Stroke Rod Pumping“, Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Miskolc, Hungary; 75 Gabor Takacs, (2018). ...
... pumpanja sa klipnim šipkama je pumpanje sa hodajućom gredom (kačaljkom), poznato ı kao pumpanje sa dubinskom pumpom na klipnim šipkama (SRP - sucker-rod pumpe). Koristi zapreminsku pumpu, a njen najpoznatiji površinski deo je Jedinica za pokretanje pumpe (kačaljkom) (Paul M., Bommer & A., L., ...
... Pressure 1.1 BARa }i T 480| Allow Tapered ESPs No Number of Motors Number Of Stages 326 Voltage At Surface. 1000 Pump Wear Factor 0.05 'Gas DeRating Model'Current Pump, BORETS ESPM5-50 92.0001 mm (25-70.0001 m3/day) Current Motor, Boret EDB125-117B5 168HP 2100V 49A Current Cable #6 ... Aleksandar Sredojević. Analiza softvera za projektovanje ESP sistema, 2024
Innovative solution for the pump impeller shaft sealing
Batalović Veselin (2012)Batalović Veselin. "Innovative solution for the pump impeller shaft sealing" in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering November 2012 226 no. 4 (2012): 263-271. https://doi.org/10.1177/0954408911425886
Hydraulic lift systems with piston type pump
Veselin Batalović, Dušan Danilović, Vesna Karović-Maričić . "Hydraulic lift systems with piston type pump" in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 78 (2011): 267-273
Utilizing sewage wastewater heat in district heating systems in Serbia: effects on sustainability
Marija Živković, Dejan Ivezić (2021)Transformation of the heating sector is recognized as being essential for ensuring reliable and afordable energy services provided with reduced consumption of energy sources and diminished impact on the environment and less import dependency. The possibility of utilizing energy sources that otherwise would be wasted needs to be considered and treated as a big advantage of district heating systems. Despite many advantages, sewage wastewater heat is still a mostly unused resource at the global level and a totally unused ...рекуперација топлоте из отпадних вода, систем даљинског грејања, топлотне пумпе, енергетске уштеде, емисија угљендиоксида, енергетска безбедност, Србија... were identified: (a) Heat pump placement into the existing network without major changes, (b) heat pump placement in an expanded network, (c) deep refurbishment of the existing district heating system, and (d) the design of a new district heating system supplied by a heat pump. By implementing one of ...
... cities (Lu et al. 2020). Selection of an appropriate heat pump is strongly driven by characteristics of available heat source. Besides selection of the appropriate heat pump technology, the heat source has influence on the placement of the heat pump unit, connection and operational modes, appropriate ...
... simulated to explore how increasing the share of heat pump production influences DH systems. Data on heat pump performance in an Olympic village in Vancouver are given in Fiore and Genon (2014). Technical data and analyses of effectiveness of a heat pump installa- tion in Vladivostok are discussed in Alekseiko ...Marija Živković, Dejan Ivezić. "Utilizing sewage wastewater heat in district heating systems in Serbia: effects on sustainability" in Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10098-021-02063-6
Palinomorfe sa lokaliteta Gostuška reka (Stara planina)
Ivan Rutović (2024)U radu su prikazani rezultati palinološkog istraživanja permsko-trijaskih sedimenata sa lokaliteta Gostuška reka. Palinološki kompleksi su detaljno analizirani, što je omogućilo morfološku, taksonomsku i paleoekološku identifikaciju palinomorfi. Istraživanje je pokazalo prisustvo velikog broja spora i polena golosemenica, dok je polen skrivenosemenica zastupljen u manjem procentu. Na osnovu paleoekoloških analiza, zaključeno je da je tokom formiranja sedimenata na lokalitetu vladala aridna klima, sa povremenim vlažnim fazama koje su omogućavale razvoj močvarne vegetacije.... hexareticulatus Wilson & Coe Rod 7homsonisporites Leschik B. 7homsonisporites signatus Leschik Rod Uvaesporites Doring C. Uvaesporites argenteaeformis (Bolkh.) Schulz Rod Ferrucosisporites (Ibrahim) Smith et. al. D. Ferrucosisporites (Ilbrahim) Smith Rod 4piculatisporis Potonie & Kremp ...
... Kremp E. 4piculatisporis megaspinous Potonie & Kremp Rod Callumispora Bharadwaj & Srivastava F. Callumispora sp Rod Limitisporites Leschik, 1956 G. Limitisporites leschik Leschik Rod Lueckisporites Potonie & Klaus, 1954 H. Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonie Tabla 2 JIlinites (Kosanke) ...
... a s lokaliteta Gostuške reke ustanovljena je dominacija bisakatnih polenovih zrna. Pored toga, primećena je značajna zastupljenost predstavnika roda 7riadispora, koji se povezuju s vegetacijom prilagođenom sušnim staništima i kseromorfnim karakteristikama. Triletne spore i monosulkatna zrna ...Ivan Rutović. Palinomorfe sa lokaliteta Gostuška reka (Stara planina), 2024
Paleontološke karakteristike i biostratigrafski značaj rudistnog senonskog roda pseudopolyconites Milovanović
Mileva Sladić-Trifunović (1980)Mileva Sladić-Trifunović. Paleontološke karakteristike i biostratigrafski značaj rudistnog senonskog roda pseudopolyconites Milovanović, Beograd:Rudarsko Geološki Fakultet, 1980
Morfološke paleoekološke i biostratigrafske odlike roda clypeaster(Echinoidea) iz neogenskih sedimenata Bosne i Srbije
Marina Dimić (1997)Marina Dimić. Morfološke paleoekološke i biostratigrafske odlike roda clypeaster(Echinoidea) iz neogenskih sedimenata Bosne i Srbije, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 1997
Mikrobiološki diverzitet kiselog jezera Robule i uticaj jezerske vode na oksidaciju sulfidnih minerala
Srđan B. Stanković (2016-09-11)Jezero Robule, formirano u podnožju rudničke raskrivke Oštreljski planir (Rudnik bakra Bor), je nastalo kao posledica rudarskih aktivnosti. Mikrobiološki diverzitet ekstremno kiselog jezera Robule ispitivan je primenom kako klasičnih mikrobioloških metoda (svetlosna mikroskopija i kultivacija na selektivnim podlogama) tako i primenom savremene metode molekularne biologije (analiza polimorfizama terminalnih restrikcionih fragmenata; T-RFLP). Takođe, ispitivan je i potencijal i efikasnost jezerske vode u biološkom luženju mineralnog koncentrata, kao i u bioluženju uzoraka stare flotacijske jalovine Rudnika bakra Bor.Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ...... 1996). Sve vrste koje pripadaju ovom rodu su fakultativni anaerobi. Rod Sulfobacillus Bakterije iz roda Sulfobacillus su svrstane u razdeo Firmicutes: Gram-pozitivne sporogene bakterije. Do sada su identifikovane četiri vrste bakterija u okviru ovog roda: S. thermosulfidooxidans, S. acidophilus ...
... 2003). Rod Alyciclobacillus Rodu Alyciclobacillus (razdeo Firmicutes) pripadaju gram pozitivne, umereno termofilne, heterotrofne, sporogene acidofilne bakterije filogenetski bliske rodu Sulfobacillus. Identifikovano je 18 vrsta bakterija koje pripadaju ovom rodu (Cheng- Ying et al ...
... prisutvo heterotrofnih bakterija koje su filogenetski bliske rodu Acidiphilium, odnosno rodovima Acidiphilium i Acidisphaera, dok preostalih 20 % i 30 % sekvenci većinom ukazuje na prisutvo bakterija srodnih rodu Leptospirillum, odnosno rodovima Bacillus i Legionella. Falagan et al. (2013) su ispitivali ...Srđan B. Stanković. "Mikrobiološki diverzitet kiselog jezera Robule i uticaj jezerske vode na oksidaciju sulfidnih minerala" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-09-11)