113 items
Progress of the World Report on Landslides
Abolmasov Biljana, Fatani Faisal, Kofei Liu, Kyoji Sassa. "Progress of the World Report on Landslides" in Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides, Proceedings of 4th World Landslide Forum, Ljubljana 29 May-02 June 2017 1, Berlin:Springer Interantional (2017): 219-226. https://doi.org/DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59469-9_
Recycling of carbonates into the deep mantle beneath central Balkan Peninsula: Mg-Zn isotope evidence
Mg i Zn izotopi, ciklus ugljenika, natrijski alkalni bazalti, orogeni pojas Tetisa, Balkansko poluostrvoZi-Tan Shu, Sheng-Ao Liu, Dejan Prelević, Vladica Cvetković, Shuguang Li. "Recycling of carbonates into the deep mantle beneath central Balkan Peninsula: Mg-Zn isotope evidence" in Lithos, Elsevier (2022). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106899
Отпад из процеса сагоревања угља као сировина за добијање елемената ретких земаља
Бојан Земљак (2024)Због великог броја индустрија у којима се користе ови ресурси, глобална економија се у великој мери ослања на елементе ретких земаља. Елементи ретких земаља су есенцијална сировина — материјал за развој савремених технологија, али у односу на њихову огромну потражњу, њихово вађење је ограничено и повезано је са значајним утицајима на животну средину. Због њихове ограничене доступности, проблема који се јављају при процесима експлоатације, све више и више земаља почиње да тражи повољније могућности вађења елемената [REE] из секундарних ...... MeMOpaHy. Ayropu [Zheng, Zhang, Liu, Xu, Yan} [208] cy HMaHH yTHCHyTH CHHTeTHCaHH Me3ONHOpO3HH (bHJIM Ca JOHHMa HeOJHMHjyMa [Nd*+] uuja je unpaMeHa Omma ma omBojH joHe HeonMMHjyMa |Nd*}] o joga mpasaeomajyMa [Pr"}]. Jlokx cy ucrpaxupBauu |Liu, Xu, Zheng, Zhang, Liu a Li| [209] npanpeMumu jomri jejHy ...
... , Zhang, F., Liu, E., Xu, X. and Yan, Y., 2017. Efficient recovery of neodymium in acidic system by free-standing dual-template docking oriented ionic imprinted mesoporous films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(1),p.730-739. [209] Liu, E., Xu, X., Zheng, X., Zhang, F., Liu, E. and Li, C ...
... |Qin, Zhao, Lai, Li, Liu, Deng, 2002.] [200]. TamuarH [ELM] cHcTeM cajlp)XH HEKOJIHKO KOMIOHCHTH KaO IIITO Cy HOCaUH, cypoakraHru, pa3OmaxupBauM, HyMema H pacrBopa 3a yKHMmamame {Raji, Abolghasemi, Safdari, Kargari, 2018.} [201]. 58 MHcrpaxunauu [Qin, Zhao, Lai, Li, Liu, Deng] [200] cy KpeHpanH ...Бојан Земљак. Отпад из процеса сагоревања угља као сировина за добијање елемената ретких земаља, 2024
Hydrothermal Synthesized and Alkaline Activated Carbons Prepared from Glucose and Fructose—Detailed Characterization and Testing in Heavy Metals and Methylene Blue Removal
Sanja Krstić, Milan Kragović, Maja Pagnacco, Vladimir Dodevski, Branka Kaluđerović, Miloš Momčilović, Ivica Ristović, Marija Stojmenović (2018)glukoza, fruktoza, аktivni ugalj, hidrotermalni tretman, aktivacija hidroksida, teški metali, metilen plavo... Wang, N.; Xie, P.; Wang, Z.; Fan, G.; Liu, H.; et al. An overview of metamaterials and their achievements in wireless power transfer. J. Mater. Chem. C 2018, 6, 2925–2943. [CrossRef] 29. Li, Y.; Zhou, B.; Zheng, G.; Liu, X.; Li, T.; Yan, C.; Cheng, C.; Dai, K.; Liu, C.; Shena, C.; et al. Continuously ...
... ; Dai, K.; Liu, C.; Yan, X.; Shen, C.; Guo, Z. Carbon Nanotubes-Adsorbed Electrospun PA66 Nanofiber Bundles with Improved Conductivity and Robust Flexibility. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 14150–141559. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 31. Liu, H.; Huang, W.; Yang, X.; Dai, K.; Zheng, G.; Liu, C.; Shen, ...
... [CrossRef] 32. Liu, H.; Dong, M.; Huang, W.; Gao, J.; Dai, K.; Guo, J.; Zheng, G.; Liu, C.; Shen, C.; Guo, Z. Lightweight conductive graphene/thermoplastic polyurethane foams with ultrahigh compressibility for piezoresistive sensing. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5, 73–83. [CrossRef] 33. Liu, H.; Li, Y.; ...Sanja Krstić, Milan Kragović, Maja Pagnacco, Vladimir Dodevski, Branka Kaluđerović, Miloš Momčilović, Ivica Ristović, Marija Stojmenović . "Hydrothermal Synthesized and Alkaline Activated Carbons Prepared from Glucose and Fructose—Detailed Characterization and Testing in Heavy Metals and Methylene Blue Removal" in Minerals, MDPI (2018)
Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code
The Selanac debris flow is a very huge event triggered after extreme rainfall caused by Cyclone Tamara activity in the Republic of Serbia in May 2014. The Selanac case study was already modelling in different programs using Voellmy rheology assumptions like RAMMS software. In this paper research are focusing particularly on the process of debris flowing from initiation zone to main deposition area using Geoflow SPH two-phase model considering frictional rheology law. Main rheological parameters are back-calculated using also ...... proposed by Lucy (1977) and Gingold and Monaghan (1977) and applied in astrophysical modeling. In time, it became widely used in different fields (Liu and Liu 2010; Chen et al. 1996; Huang et al. 2015). The function values , at the particles are firstly approximated by an integral function, , where ...
... Adriatic - Balkan Region, ReSyLAB, Sarajevo.1: 163-167. Legros, F. (2002). ‘’The mobility of long-runout landslides’’. Eng Geol 63:301–331. Liu, G.R. and Liu, M.B. (2003) ’’Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A Mesh free Particle Method’’. World Scientific: Singapore. Lucy, L.B. (1977) ‘’A numerical ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Manuel Pastor, Saeid M. Tayyebi . "Numerical modeling of Selanac debris flow propagation using SPH code" in SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Colombia- February 22-26, 2021, International Society for Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering (2021)
A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites
Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska (2021)... 265 times more potent than CO2 in atmospheric warming and contributes to stratospheric ozone depletion (Liu et al., 2020). Most anthropogenic emissions of this gas occur in drained peatlands (Liu et al., 2020). Peat and lignite have a similar gen- esis and, despite differences resulting from age, many ...
... Zrównowazony Rozw. 1, 135–142. Liu, J., Peach, C.J., Spiers, C.J., 2016. Anisotropic swelling behaviour of coal matrix cubes ex- posed to water vapour: effects of relative humidity and sample size. Int. J. Coal Geol. 167, 119–135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2016.09.011. Liu, B., Vrabec, M., Markic, M ...
... (Brezigar et al., 1985). Themain lignite seam is characterized by a thickness of up to 165 m in the central part of the seam with an average of 60 m (Liu et al., 2019). 2.3. Sampling procedures Lignite was sampled from freshly exposed fragments of each de- posit. Large lignite chunks (4 - 5 kg) were ...Anna Pytlak, Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Weronika Goraj, Izabela Śnieżyńska, Aleksandra Krążała, Artur Banach, Ivica Ristović, Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Zofia Stępniewska. "A survey of greenhouse gases production in central European lignites" in Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149551
Hydrochemical features and their controlling factors in the Kucaj-Beljanica Massif, Serbia
Earth-Surface Processes, Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeFen Huang, Ljiljana Vasic, Xia Wu, Jianhua Cao, Saša Milanovic. "Hydrochemical features and their controlling factors in the Kucaj-Beljanica Massif, Serbia" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8452-4
FTIR spectroscopic study оf S-мetolachlor сorption оn inorganic and organically modified montmorillonite from Bogovina
... 1525—1534. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2008.05.015 Liu, W., Gan, J., Papiernik, S.K., Yates, S.R., 2000. Structural influences in relative sorptivity of chloroacetanilide herbicides on soil. J. Agric. Food Chem., 48, 4320 — 4325. DOI: 10.1021/jf090970+ Liu, W., Gan, J., Yates, S.R., 2002. Influence of ...
... Future under Global Challenges and C-N in this compound are in a conjugation mode due to the distribution of double bonds and lone electron pairs (Liu et al., 2002). š š š F| ž Ž\ š L š a% 3 NaM-SM E |Eg \' 'KN z a N2 _ :1 k a ____NM /V \gp / a MNL J INRA ŠR 10'00 4000 3000 2000 Wavenumber ...
... the lone pair on nitrogen and the double C=O bond, which delocalizes the charge distribution and reduces the charge density on the carbonyl oxygen (Liu et al., 2000). The second significant change after the S-metolachlor sorption was detected on 1456 cm-! band. This band shifted to 1440 cm'"! and increased ...Lazar Kaluđerović, Zorica Tomić, Jelena Bogosavljević, Ljubomir Životić, Maja Milošević. "FTIR spectroscopic study оf S-мetolachlor сorption оn inorganic and organically modified montmorillonite from Bogovina" in Book of Proceedings / 3rd International and 15th National Congress Soils for Future Under Global Challenges, 21-24 September 2021 Sokobanja, Serbia , Belgrade : Serbian Society of Soil Science (2021)
Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency
Bojan Martinović, Dušan Đekić, Dušan Danilović, Pavel Isaev. "Linear-motor plunger pump increases lifting efficiency" in Oil & Gas Journal (2022)
Substitution reactions of some novel sterically hindered monofunctional Pd(II) complexes
Reakcije supstitucije monofunkcionalnih kompleksa [(TLtBu)PdCl]+ i [Pd(tpdm)Cl]+, gde je TLtBu = 2,6-bis[(1,3-di-terc-butilimidazolin-2-imino)metil]piridin i tpdm = terpiridindimetan, sa nukleofilima kao što su: tiourea, I−, Br−, NO2−, piridin i dimetil-sulfoksid (DMSO) proučavani su u 0,1 M vodenom rastvoru NaClO4 u prisustvu 10 mM NaCl. Reakcije su sprovedene na tri različite temperature (288, 298 i 308 K) korišćenjem tehnike zaustavljenog protoka na različitim temperaturama. Reakcije supstitucije su praćene pod uslovima pseudo prvog reda sa velikim viškom nukleofila. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da kompleks ...... Al-Allaf, L.J. Rashan, Boll. Chim. Farmac. 140 (2001) 205. [11] E.J. Gao, F.C. Liu, M.C. Zhu, L. Wang, Y. Huang, H.Y. Liu, S. Ma, Q.Z. Shi, N. Wang, Enzyme Inhib. Med. Chem. 25 (2010) 1. [12] E.J. Gao, L. Wang, M.C. Zhu, L. Liu, W.Z. Zhang, J. Med. Chem. 45 (2010) 311. [13] R. Jose, D.V. Marıa, C. Natalia ...
... 50 (2007) 2259. [16] E.J. Gao, M.C. Zhu, H.X. Yin, L. Liu, Q. Wu, Y.G. Sun, J. Inorg. Biochem. 102 (2008) 1958. [17] J. Zhang, L. Li, L. Wang, F. Zhang, X. Li, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 45 (2010) 5337. [18] C.Y. Shi, E.J. Gao, S. Ma, M.L. Wang, Q.T. Liu, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 20 (2010) 7250. [19] R.A. ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Jovana Bogojeski, Biljana Petrović, Živadin D. Bugarčić. "Substitution reactions of some novel sterically hindered monofunctional Pd(II) complexes" in Inorganica Chimica Acta, Elsevier BV (2011). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2011.11.031
The interaction of organoselenium trans-palladium(II) complexes toward small-biomolecules and CT-DNA
Serija organoselenijum trans-paladijum(II) kompleksa 1 (bis(2-(fenilselanilmetil)oksolan)dihloropaladijum(II)), 2 (bis(2-(fenilselanilmetil)oksan)dihloropaladijum(II)) i 3 (bis(2) ,2-dimetil-3-(fenilselanil)oksan)dihloropaladijum(II)) su korišćeni za ispitivanje reaktivnosti ovog specifičnog tipa kompleksa prema različitim bio-molekulima. Ovaj sistem je od posebnog interesa jer se jako malo zna o supstitucionim reakcijam organoselenijum paladijum(II) kompleksa sa trans konfiguracijom. Zamena koordinovanog hlorida sa serijom malih bio-molekula (l-Met, l-His, l-Cis, GSH i 5′-GMP) proučavana je pod uslovima pseudo-prvog reda kao funkcija koncentracije nukleofila i temperature korišćenjem tehnika zaustavljenog toka. Rezultati za proučavane komplekse ukazuju da ...Vera M. Divac, Aleksandar Mijatović, Marina D. Kostić, Jovana Bogojeski. "The interaction of organoselenium trans-palladium(II) complexes toward small-biomolecules and CT-DNA" in Inorganica Chimica Acta, Elsevier BV (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2017.07.012
Laboratory Testing of Nanosilica- Reinforced Silicate and Polyacrylamide Gels
Irina Zahirovic, Dušan Danilović, Milica Šuput Vranjin, Miloš Tripković. "Laboratory Testing of Nanosilica- Reinforced Silicate and Polyacrylamide Gels" in SPE Journal (2023)
BaTiO3/NixZn1−xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) Composites Synthesized by Thermal Decomposition: Magnetic, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties
Marija Šuljagić, Ivan Petronijević, Miljana M. Mirković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Adis Džunuzović, Vladimir B. Pavlović, Aleksandra Kalezić-Glišović, Ljubica Andjelković (2023)To investigate the influence of spinel structure and sintering temperature on the functional properties of BaTiO3/NixZn1−xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1), NiFe2O4, ZnFe2O4, and Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 were in situ prepared by thermal decomposition onto BaTiO3 surface from acetylacetonate precursors. As-prepared powders were additionally sintered at 1150 °C and 1300 °C. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used for the detailed examination of phase composition and morphology. The magnetic, dielectric, and ...ferroelectric, dielectric properties, magnetic properties, titanate/ferrite composites, phase composition... remaining, questions, and perspectives. Npj Comput. Mater. 2017, 3, 18. [CrossRef] 10. Liu,H.;Yang,X.A brief review on perovskite multiferroics. Ferroelectrics 2017, 507, 69–85. [CrossRef] 11. Dong,S.;Liu,J.-M. Recent Progress of Multiferroic Perovskite Manganites. Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2012, 26, 1230004 ...
... tric effect: Principles and applications in biology and medicine—A review. Mater. Today Bio 2021, 12, 100149. [CrossRef] 16. Cai,T.-Y.; Liu,S.-C.;Ju,S.; Liu, C.-Y.; Guo, G.-Y. Multiferroic Double Perovskites ScFe; _„CrOy (1/6 < x < 5/6) for Highly Efficient Photovoltaics and Spintronics. Phys. ...
... nce effect in multiferroic BIMnOy. Phys. Rev. B 2003, 67, 180401. [CrossRef] 4. _ Wang,J.; Neaton, J.B.; Zheng, H.; Nagarajan, V.; Ogale, S.B.; Liu, B.; Viehland, D.; Vaithyanathan, V.; Schlom, D.G.; Waghmare, U.V.; et al. Epitaxial BiFeOa Multiferroic Thin Film Heterostructures. Science 2003, ...Marija Šuljagić, Ivan Petronijević, Miljana M. Mirković, Aleksandar Kremenović, Adis Džunuzović, Vladimir B. Pavlović, Aleksandra Kalezić-Glišović, Ljubica Andjelković. "BaTiO3/NixZn1−xFe2O4 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) Composites Synthesized by Thermal Decomposition: Magnetic, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties" in Inorganics, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/inorganics11020051
Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications
... extraction using neighborhood knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 855–860 (2008) 20. Liu, F., Pennell, D., Liu, F., Liu, Y.: Unsupervised approaches for automatic key- word extraction using meeting transcripts. In: Proceedings of the HLT: The Annual Conference ...Slobodan Beliga, Olivera Kitanović, Ranka Stanković, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić . "Keyword Extraction from Parallel Abstracts of Scientific Publications" in Sematic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources - Third International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2017 Gdańsk, Poland, September 11–12, 2017 Revised Selected Papers and COST Action IC1302 Reports, Springer (2017)
Sorpcija herbicida na neorganski i organski modifikovanom prirodnom montmorionitu iz Bogovine
Lazar M. Kaluđerović (2018-01-17)fikasnost prilikom sorpcije S-metolahlora i klomazona od strane neorganskih iorganski modifikovanih montmorionita sa lokaliteta Bogovina odreĎena je metodombach adsorpcije. Uzorci montmorionita su tretirani prvo rastvorom NaCl a zatim irazličitim koncentracijama organskih kompleksa. Adsorpcione izoterme su dobijenetretiranjem uzoraka različitim koncentracijama herbicida. Detaljna mineraloškakarakterizacija uzoraka uraĎena je metodom rendgenske difrakcije. Rezultati interakcijemontmorionita sa organskim kompleksima i herbicidima dobijeni su primenomrendgenskih, optičkih, termičkih i spektroskopskih metoda.Na osnovu rezultata rendgenskih ispitivanja uzoraka, utvrĎeno je prisustvoorganskih kompleksa i herbicida u meĎuslojnom prostoru montmorionita.Montmorioniti modifikovani ...adsorpcija, montmorionit, heksadeciltrimetilamonijum bromid,feniltrimetilamonijum hlorid, S-metolahlor, klomazon... bentonites. Applied Clay Science, 46: 314–318. Liu W., Gan J., Papiernik S. K., Yates S. R. 2000. Structural Influences in Relative Sorptivity of Chloroacetanilide Herbicides on Soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48: 4320–4325. Liu W., Liu H., Zheng W., Lu J. 2001. Adsorption of chl ...
... HDTMA+ katjona u meĎuslojnom prostoru (Hedley et al., 2007; Liu and Xiao, 2012). Dobijeni rezultati za uzorak 4H su u saglasnosti i sa rezultatima drugih autora (Zhu et al., 2003; He et al., 2006; Nuntiya et al., 2008; Sompech et al., 2008; Liu and Xiao, 2012; Dutta and Singh, 2015). Prema njima se ...
... Colloid and Interface Science, 305: 150–158. Xie W., Gao Z., Liu K., Pan W. P., Vaia R., Hunter D., Singh A. 2001. Thermal characterization of organically modified montmorillonite. Thermochimica Acta, 367/368: 339–350 Xu C., Liu W., Sheng G. 2008. Burned rice straw reduces the availability of ...Lazar M. Kaluđerović. "Sorpcija herbicida na neorganski i organski modifikovanom prirodnom montmorionitu iz Bogovine" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2018-01-17)
A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)
Gordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević (2021)The molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in initial bitumen isolated from immature (0.41% Rr) oil shale samples (Aleksinac deposit) and liquid products obtained by pyrolysis in open (OS) and closed (CS) systems are studied. The influence of pyrolysis type and variations of kerogen type on biomarkers composition and their isotopic signatures in liquid products is determined. The applicability of pyrolysis type, numerous biomarkers and carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) of n-alkanes in liquid pyrolysates is established. Pyrolysis experiments were ...Uljni šejl, Aleksinac, organska supstanca, otvoreni i zatvoreni sistem pirolize, biomarkeri, izotopski sastav ugljjenikaGordana Gajica, Aleksandra Šajnović, Ksenija Stojanović, Jan Schwarzbauer, Aleksandar Kostić, Branimir Jovančićević. "A comparative study of the molecular and isotopic composition of biomarkers in immature oil shale (Aleksinac deposit, Serbia) and its liquid pyrolysis products (open and closed systems)" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105383
A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor
Miloš Milenković, Miloš Gligorić, Nebojša Bojović, Zoran Gligorić. "A comparison between ARIMA, LSTM, ARIMA-LSTM and SSA for cross-border rail freight traffic forecasting: the case of Alpine-Western Balkan Rail Freight Corridor" in Transportation Planning and Technology, Informa UK Limited (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/03081060.2023.2245389
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy prediction of operation of the bucket wheel drive based on wear of cutting elements
The capacity of the rotor excavator depends largely on the operation of the subsystem for digging. There is a great contribution to the correct and sharp teeth when the capacity is the highest. In the function of time, the teeth become clogged due to abrasive wear, or changes in their geometric shape. To analyze the bucket wheel drive in depend on wear of the cutting elements in this study adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) approach was implemented. ANFIS ...Filip Miletić, Predrag D. Jovančić, Milos Milovančević, Dragan Ignjatović. "Adaptive neuro-fuzzy prediction of operation of the bucket wheel drive based on wear of cutting elements" in Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advengsoft.2020.102824
Differently shaped nanocrystalline (Fe, Y)3O4 and its adsorption efficiency toward inorganic arsenic species
Biljana P Dojčinović, Boštjan Jančar, Lotfi Bessais, Aleksandar Kremenović, Nataša P Jović-Jovičić, Predrag T Banković, Dalibor M Stanković, Miloš Ognjanović, Bratislav V Antić (2019)Herein we report effects of partial substitution of Fe3+ by Y3+ in magnetite (Fe3O4) on morphology and inorganic arsenic species adsorption efficiency of the Fe3−xYxO4 nanoparticles formed. The series of Fe3−xYxO4 (x=0.00, 0.042 and 0.084, labeled as Y00, Y05 and Y10, respectively) was synthesized using co-precipitation followed by microwave-hydrothermal treatment (MW) at 200°C. With increase of yttrium content(xvalue), both the morphological inhomogeneity of the samples and the fraction of spinel nanorods as compared to spinel pseudospherical particles increased. By ...Biljana P Dojčinović, Boštjan Jančar, Lotfi Bessais, Aleksandar Kremenović, Nataša P Jović-Jovičić, Predrag T Banković, Dalibor M Stanković, Miloš Ognjanović, Bratislav V Antić. "Differently shaped nanocrystalline (Fe, Y)3O4 and its adsorption efficiency toward inorganic arsenic species" in Nanotechnology, IOP Publishing (2019). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/ab3ca2
Fluid inclusion systematics in the Okoška gora polymetallic deposit
... References Berce, B. 1963: The formation of the ore-deposits in Slovenia. - Rendiconti della Societa Мтегајорса Наћапа,19, 1–16. Chang, R., Neubauer, F., Liu, Y., Genser, J., Jin, W., Yuan, S., Guan, Q.. Huang, Q. & Li. W, 203 Subduction of a rifted passive continental margin: the Pohorje case ofEastern Alps~ ...Aleš Šoster, Miloš Velojić, Barbara Potočnik Krajnc, Matej Dolenec. "Fluid inclusion systematics in the Okoška gora polymetallic deposit" in 25th meeting of Slovenian geologists, Ljubljana, 2021, Univerza v Ljubljani, Oddelek za geologijo (2021)