264 items
Reconstruction of the Tethys’ Waning in the Balkans
Dejan Prelević, Kristijan Sokol, Ana Mladenović, Violeta Gajić, Vladica Cvetković. "Reconstruction of the Tethys’ Waning in the Balkans" in 16th Alpine Workshop, European Geosciences Union (2024)
Analysis and Calculation of MMRS and Primary Gas Distribution Network in Urban Environment – Case Study Kučevo
Aleksandar Madžarević, Pavle Janković (2022)Oblast primene prirodnog gasa je veoma široka. Kao energent može se koristiti za proizvodnju energije u elektranama, toplanama i postrojenjima za kombinovanu proizvodnju energije ili za zadovoljavanje različitih toplotnih potreba u industriji i širokoj potrošnji. Gas se može upotrebiti i kao sirovina u hemijskoj i petrohemijskoj industriji, a tokom poslednjih decenija nalazi primenu i u saobraćaju kao pogonsko gorivo u SUS motorima. Sa ekološkog stanovišta, prirodni gas predstavlja najprihvatljiviji izvor energije u poređenju sa drugim fosilnim gorivima. Pri sagorevanju ...Aleksandar Madžarević, Pavle Janković. "Analysis and Calculation of MMRS and Primary Gas Distribution Network in Urban Environment – Case Study Kučevo" in Međunarodni Kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING '22, Beograd : SMEITS, Društvo za procesnu tehniku (2022)
Definition of Circulation Conditions and Groundwater Genesis of the Complex Krupaja Hydrogeological Karst System (Eastern Serbia)
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, Geography, Planning and Development, Building and Construction... of 24.797 mg/L at the thermal spring. This ionic composition, which changes with depth, clearly indicates the contact of this water with another rock mass not containing, carbonates. Sustainabilihy 2023, 15, 11146 11of14 2500 2000 1500 Q6 d0 /s ) 1000 500 Comparative diagram of Q ...
... environmental water samples by the 3He-ingrowth method: Letter to the Editor. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2010, 24, 698–704. [CrossRef] [PubMed] Papp, L.; Palcsu, L.; Major, Z.; Rinyu, L.; Toth, I. A mass spectrometric line for tritium analysis of water and noble gas measurements from different ...
... laboratory of the International Research Centre on Karst IRCK) in China using, a LGR LWIA-V2 water isotope analyzer and a MAT253 stable isotope mass spectrometer, while ion contents were measured with an ion chromatograph (IC) Dionex ICS-900 [12]. The hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics ...Ljiljana Vasić, Saša Milanović, Tina Dašić. "Definition of Circulation Conditions and Groundwater Genesis of the Complex Krupaja Hydrogeological Karst System (Eastern Serbia)" in Sustainability, MDPI AG (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/su151411146
Definition of criteria and alternatives for choosing the optimal mining method deposits when applying multi: Criteria optimization, Belgrade, June 2024
Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Gluščević, Radmila Gaćina, Josip Išek. "Definition of criteria and alternatives for choosing the optimal mining method deposits when applying multi: Criteria optimization, Belgrade, June 2024" in Podzemni radovi, Beograd, jun 2024, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2024). https://doi.org/10.5937/podrad2444071B
Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool
... retreat of the fallen rock mass is expectedly in the upslope direction. The SSE-facing joint set (daylighting on the rock face) and E-facing set sever medium-sized blocks, undercut by the bedding plane (dipping into the mass), causing combined free-fall (more dominant) and rock-slide (subordinate ...
... the adjacent rock blocks, assuming a similar block volume. It also enabled us to anticipate and simulate the event before it happens. This approach allows planning, prevention and protection, and there is a great deal of interest to standardize it for high-risk slopes and cuts in rock masses. 1 ...
... rockfall example will be presented, while the entire rock slope will be analyzed in greater depth in the near future. 1.1. Related research There is a substantial amount of scientific literature, papers, books, etc. related to the field of rock slope monitoring. In addition, commercial industries ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Zoran Berisavljević, Marko Pejić, Petko Vranić. "Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/833/1/012197
Komparacija metoda XRF i ICP-MS na uzorcima uglja i produkata sagorevanja
Ugljevi niskog ranga – ligniti u Republici Srbiji predstavljaju glavnu energetsku sirovinu koja se koristi za proizvodnju električne energije. Rudarstvo u Srbiji doprinosi bruto dodatoj vrednosti sa 1,8% (2020; https://publikacije.stat.gov.rs/). Sagorevanjem ugljeva niskog ranga u termoelektranama generišu se velike količine elektrofilterskog pepela i pepela, koje često predstavljaju jedan od izvora zagađenja životne sredine usled sadržaja toksičnih elemenata. Dalja upotreba produkata sagorevanja zavisi od njihovog sastava i sadržaja toksičnih mikroelemenata. Svakodnevno sagorevanje lignita u termoelektranama uslovljava konstantan monitoring potencijalno toksičnih ...Branko Kostić, Dejan Prelević, Sabina Kovač, Ksenija Eraković, Dragana Životić. "Komparacija metoda XRF i ICP-MS na uzorcima uglja i produkata sagorevanja" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Uticaj raspadanja na stabilnost kosina u mekoj stenskoj masi
Anđela Despotov (2024)U radu je opisano ponašanje mekih stenskih masa koje su izložene porecesu raspadanja tokom određenog vremenskog perioda. Meke stenske predstavljaju kritične vrste stenskih masa pošto izazivaju različite probleme tokom izvođenja građevinskih radova. Meke stene mogu biti sedimentne stene, raspadnute metamorfne i magmatske stene. Odlikuju se niskim vrednostima čvrstoće, visokom deformabilnošću, visokom plastičnošću, podložne su dezintegraciji i fizičko-hemijskom raspadanju, odnosno ubrzanom dejstvu površinskog raspadanja usled atmosferskih uticaja.Za klasifikaciju mekih stenskih masa koriste se modifikovane verzije već postojećih klasifikacionih sistema. Jedan ...... Journal, 2, 4-16 17. Hoek, E., Brown, E.T., (1997) Practical Estimates of Rock Mass Strength, International Journal Rock Mechanics Mining Science, 34, 1165-1186. 18. Hoek E., Brown E.T., (1980) Underground Excavations in Rock. London: Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 527 p, London 19. ISO ...
... Pavić, N., (2016) Testing the shear strength of soft rock at different stages of laboratory simulated weathering. Građevinar, Vol. 68 No. 12., 2016. 35 11. Vlastelica, G., Miščevć, P., (2014) Impact of weathering on slope stability in soft rock mass. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and ...
... rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 34, article id. 298.e1. 28. Sousa i dr. (2010), Rockburst process evaluation using experimental and artificial intelligence techniques. 29. Warren et al. (2018), WRMR classification of rock mass 30. Wood LE, Deo P (1975) ...Anđela Despotov. Uticaj raspadanja na stabilnost kosina u mekoj stenskoj masi, 2024
Верификација I БТО система на површинском копу Дрмно
Дијана Младеновић (2024)У савременом рударству, површински копови угља наилазе на различите проблеме које треба превазићи зарад добијања потребне количине угља. Као највећи потрошачи овог енергента јављају се термоелектране, где на основу чега можемо да закључимо колико су блиско повезани добра и континуирана производња на површинском копу и рад термоелектрана. Са циљем да се обезбеди стабилна и континуирана производња, потребно је да се направи добар одабир транспортера. У овом раду, за потребе верификације затезне чврстоће траке и снаге погона транспортера, коришћен је програмски ...... Run Tension Minimum Tension Tmin Allowable Tension Rise, Starting Allowable Belt Tension, Starting Belt Mass Wb (per linear m) Material Mass Wm Total Mass (Wb + Wm) Total Belt Mass (Wb x L) Belt Dimensions Top Cover Thickness Bottom Cover Thickness Belt Carcass Thickness Belt Total ...
... 1151 % BeltLoad Capacity Used O 10 20 53 d4 s s 7 _8 ı Z–»—D —— Belt Tensions & Takeup Mass Effective Tension 3005 ·kN Maximum Tension (Run) 19461 kN Minimum Tension (Run) 15752 kN Takeup Mass 32270 kg Calculated & instaled Power Instaled Power 1.260.00 kW Absorbed Power 15531 kW % Installed ...
... Run Safety Factor ST1600 11.51 Top CoverThickness 16 mm Belt Rated Tension 240 kNim Bottom Cover Thickness 8 mm Belt Total Length 874.9 m Belt Mass 50.80 kg/m Belt Tensions and Power Calculations ISO Effective Tens. Fully Loaded 30.05 kN Belt Power - Empty Belt 76.62 kW Maximum Tension Tmax ...Дијана Младеновић. Верификација I БТО система на површинском копу Дрмно, 2024
Hydrochemical changes and groundwater grouping data by multivariate statistical methods within one karst system: recharge–discharge zone (Eastern Serbia case study)
Ljiljana Vasić, Dragana Živojinović, Vladana Rajaković-Ognjanović. "Hydrochemical changes and groundwater grouping data by multivariate statistical methods within one karst system: recharge–discharge zone (Eastern Serbia case study)" in Carbonates and Evaporites, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13146-019-00548-6
Korelacija magnetnog susceptibiliteta i sadržaja metala u flotacijskom jalovištu
Procena metala u rudama, jalovištu i zemljištu se tradicionalno određuje hemijskim metodama kao što su Rengen fluorescentna analiza (XRF), Instrumentalna neutronska aktivaciona analiza (INAA) i Masena spektrometrija induktivno spregnute plazme (ICP-MS). Neke od pomenutih metoda su veoma zahtevne i skupe, te se nametnula potreba ka traženju jeftinijeg alata za brzu procenu prisustva pojedinih metala. Tokom poslednjih nekoliko decenija, mnoge studije su pokazale da su magnetna merenja dovoljno osetljiva da detektuju magnetni signal feromagnetnih materijala, a samim tim i metala ...Filip Abramović, Vesna Cvetkov, Aco Ilić, Dragana Životić. "Korelacija magnetnog susceptibiliteta i sadržaja metala u flotacijskom jalovištu" in 18. Kongres geologa Srbije "Geologija rešava probleme", Divčibare, 01-04 jun 2022., Srpsko geološko društvo (2022)
Cultural Heritage and Protection of Hand-Wheeled Pottery Manufacture in Western Serbia: Characteristics of Zlakusa Pottery Based on Sem-Eds and Optical Microscopy
... surface area. When samples are compared slight difference can be observed. Larger, randomly oriented calcite grains are noted in sample 1. Ground mass is a clay mixture uniformly distributed with larger, mostly rounded pores, consistent with microscopical observations. Sample 2 has a fluid- like ...Milošević Maja, Zdravković Alena, Đordjević Biljana, Jelić Ivana. "Cultural Heritage and Protection of Hand-Wheeled Pottery Manufacture in Western Serbia: Characteristics of Zlakusa Pottery Based on Sem-Eds and Optical Microscopy" in 8th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Miskolc, Hungary, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary (2021)
Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)
Proučavan je efekat „zatrpanog kamena“ na intenzitet procesa degradacije prisutnih na kersantitu koji je ugrađen u spomenik Malo stepenište. Istraživanja su vršena na uzorcima stene iz kamenoloma i na oštećenim kamenim blokovima ugrađenim u spomenik. Dok su neki delovi stepeništa bili pod zemljom 90 godina, većina kamenih elemenata je bila izložena različitim uslovima sredine i antropogenim uticajima. Urađeno je detaljno mapiranje trenutnog stanja spomenika kako bi se istražio uticaj “zatrpavanja” i kompleksne geometrije spomenika na tip propadanja i variranje ...Nevenka Novaković, Predrag Dabić, Vesna Matović. "Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10794-6
Characterization and Environmental Evaluation of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Belgrade City Area (Serbia)
Filip Abramović, Miroslav Popović, Vladimir Simić, Vesna Matović, Radmila Šerović. "Characterization and Environmental Evaluation of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Belgrade City Area (Serbia)" in Materials, MDPI AG (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17040820
Mine surveying works for the purpose of excavating the remaining reserves of bauxite in the deposit of “Podbracan”
... litic bauxites of dark red colour, where the basic baux- ite mass dominates over oolites and pisolites. The oolites and pisolites are mainly evenly distributed within the basic mass, making on average 30% of the overall bauxite mass. The highest areas of the ore body are made of the light red ...
... 5m and the pillar next to the excavation drift, 4.0m wide. The mining of bauxite is performed backwards, in retreat towards the level gallery, by rock drilling of mining holes in the shape of semi-fan and blasting ("semi-fan"). Angle of blasting surface is 60°, while the internal distance between ...Aleksandar Milutinović, Aleksandar Ganić, Thamer Rayes Diyab, Rade Tokalić, Meri Ganić. "Mine surveying works for the purpose of excavating the remaining reserves of bauxite in the deposit of “Podbracan”" in Revista Escola de Minas, School of Mines Magazine, Sao paulo, Brasil : SciELO (2015)
Why classical sequence stratigraphy doesn't work in Pannonian basin?
Dejan Radivojević (2018)... dok je na oko 120 km prisutna grupa haotičnih refleksija. Ove refleksije, koju su formirane uz normalni rased, verovatno vode poreklo od masivnih tokova (mass flow). Refleksije progradacionih serija u pravcu severozapada slabije su definisane i više haotične usled smetnji u seizmičkom zapisu. Sekvenca ...
... 0 km the chaotic group of reflections are present. These reflections were formed along the normal fault and probably originate from mass flow. The series of progradational reflections toward northwest are not that well defined because of interference in seismic record. The sequ ...Dejan Radivojević. "Why classical sequence stratigraphy doesn't work in Pannonian basin?" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia
... source are characteristic for Zlakusa (western Serbia), which is on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Mass production of utilitarian ceramics and pottery items occurred in the Neolithic, mid 7th millennium BC, in the area of current territory of Serbia ...Maja Milošević, Mihovil Logar, Biljana Đorđević. "Mineralogical Discrimination between Authentic and Recent Imitations of Pottery Manufacture in Zlakusa, Serbia" in Nordic Clay Meeting/3rd Symposium Clays & Ceramics 2021, The Latvian Clay Science Society (2021)
Mineralogical and physicochemical characterization of bentonite clay from Svrljig, Serbia
Maja Milošević, Bojan Kostić (2022)... 92% FeO, 6.34% CaO and 1.17% MgO, with a lower content of MnO (0.70%), Na2O (0.08%), TiO2 (0.35%) and BaO (0.03%). Higher values of the SiO2/Al2O3 mass ratios (2.97) together with LOI of 16%, CEC (84.5 mmol/100g) and SSA (661.8 m2*g–1) indicate a higher content of montmorillonite. Infrared spectr ...Maja Milošević, Bojan Kostić. "Mineralogical and physicochemical characterization of bentonite clay from Svrljig, Serbia" in Abstracts XXII International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), September 7–11, 2022 Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Софиа : Геологически институт „Акад. Страшимир Димитров“ (2022)
Reconstruction of the Tethys' waning in the Balkans: New insights from Upper Cretaceous igneous formations and zircon provenance data
... Cretaceous igncous formations are found on both sides of the Sava-Vardar suture zone, in the Dinarides (Gondwana) and thc Serbian- Macedonian Mass (Europc). These formations consist of basalts, lamprophyres, trachybasalts, and andesites, none of which exhibit ophiolitic geochemical characteristics ...Dejan Prelević, Kristijan Sokol, Ana Mladenović, Violeta Gajić, Vladica Cvetković. "Reconstruction of the Tethys' waning in the Balkans: New insights from Upper Cretaceous igneous formations and zircon provenance data" in Fifth Congress of Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Macedonian Geological Society (2024)
Mineral and Thermal Waters of Serbia: Multivariate Statistical Approach to Hydrochemical Characterization
Maja Todorović, Jana Štrbački, Marina Ćuk, Jakov Andrijašević, Jovana Šišović, Petar Papić . "Mineral and Thermal Waters of Serbia: Multivariate Statistical Approach to Hydrochemical Characterization" in Mineral and Thermal Waters of Southeastern Europe, Springer International Publishing (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-25379-4
Simulation of Hydrogeological Environmental Discharge in Case of Interruption Constant Observations
Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Dragoljub Bajić, Miroslav Popović. "Simulation of Hydrogeological Environmental Discharge in Case of Interruption Constant Observations" in International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2024, Belgrade, 16. maj 2024, Singidunum University (2024). https://doi.org/10.15308/Sinteza-2024-288-294