174 items
Epidotizacija sanidina u kvarclatitima Grota
Propilitska alteracija je veoma česta u gornjokredno-tercijarnim vulkanitima Srbije. Kvarclatiti Grota, otkriveni na dubini od oko 550 m u jednoj od istražnih bušotina su holokristalaste porfirske strukture sa fenokristalima sanidina dimenzija i do 1,5 x 2 cm. Optičkim ispitivanjima su u kvarclatitu potvrdjeni i elementi sitaste, pojkilitske i glomeroporfirske strukture. Kao fenokristali prisutni su sanidin, plagioklas, kvarc, biotit i amfiboli. Sekundarni minerali su hlorit, epidot, coisit, Fe-hidroksidi, redak kalcit i ilit. U fenokristalima sanidina se zapažaju „lepeze“ izduženih kristala ...Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Suzana Erić, Nikola Novičić, Nikola Pašajlić, Natalija Batoćanin. "Epidotizacija sanidina u kvarclatitima Grota" in III Congress of Geologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Neum, 21. – 23.09.2023, Ilidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2023)
First paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy results from Montenegrо - the coastal area
... the Ladinian. The uppermost unit is theHigh Karst zone developed in a carbonate platform environment from the Middle Triassic till theend of the Cretaceous. In this unit flysch sedimentation started after the K/T boundary.From the above units we drilled and oriented in situ a total of 248 samples re ...Emö Márton, Vesna Cvetkov, Martin Đaković, Vesna Lesić, Slobodan Radusinović. "First paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy results from Montenegrо - the coastal area" in General Assembly 2021, Europen Geosciences Union (2021)
The Rift Sequence Stratigraphy of the Itebej Field (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
... The rift initiation system tract was confirmed by several wells which drilled coarse siliciclastic sediments of the Early Badenian age. During the Middle Miocene after the early syn-rift stage, a “wide-rift” stage (Tari et al., 1999) marked by marine transgression began. All wells at the Itebej ...
... sediments which include reef limestones, sandy limestones (rarely) and coarse carbonate sandstones deposited during the Early Badenian Age. Above these shallow marine sediments, the Early Badenian pelagic deeper-water sediments with marls, sandy marls and marly limestones were deposited. The immediate ...
... The analysis included interpretation of three 3D seismic sections and well data of 33 deep wells. Pre-rift stage is represented by deep-water Late Cretaceous turbidites and Late Jurassic ophiolites (ophiolitic mélange) of the Eastern Vardar Zone. The boundary between the syn-rift depositional sequence ...Saša Ivanišević, Jelena Radišić, Ivana Isić, Dejan Radivojević. "The Rift Sequence Stratigraphy of the Itebej Field (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in AAPG Vienna, Paratethys petroleum systems between Central Europe and the Caspian Region, Vienna, 26-27 mart, 2019, AAPG (2019)
Epidotized sanidine in quartzlatites from Grot
Propilitska alteracija je veoma česta u gornjokredno-tercijarnim vulkanitima Srbije. Kvarclatiti Grota, otkriveni na dubini od oko 550 m u jednoj od istražnih bušotina su holokristalaste porfirske strukture sa fenokristalima sanidina dimenzija i do 1,5 x 2 cm. Optičkim ispitivanjima su u kvarclatitu potvrdjeni i elementi sitaste, pojkilitske i glomeroporfirske strukture. Kao fenokristali prisutni su sanidin, plagioklas, kvarc, biotit i amfiboli. Sekundarni minerali su hlorit, epidot, coisit, Fe-hidroksidi, redak kalcit i ilit. U fenokristalima sanidina se zapažaju „lepeze“ izduženih kristala ...Danica Srećković-Batoćanin, Suzana Erić, Nikola Novičić, Nikola Pašajlić, Natalija Batoćanin. "Epidotized sanidine in quartzlatites from Grot" in Book of Abstracts, III Congress of Geologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Neum, 21. – 23.09.2023, Ilidža : Udruženje/udruga geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2023)
Mesozoic carbonate rocks in Serbia used as dimension stone
Vesna Matović, Tijana Vojnović Ćalić (2016)The building industry in Serbia uses, to a great extent, imported natural stone for architectural purposes. The significance of local deposits, particularly limestones, is not adequately perceived despite the country’s abundance of these valuable resources. Therefore, this study focuses on Serbia’s Mesozoic carbonate rocks, specifically on the deposits of four selected quarries: Klisura, Skrzut, Struganik, and Tisnica. The quality and prospects of the application of these limestones has not yet been the subject of a detailed, comprehensive investigation. Therefore, ...... limestone ore body is elongated in a NW-SE direction, with variable thickness of 6.95-34.0 m (Lazarević 1994). The rock mass is built of Upper Cretaceous limestone, which belongs to the Cenomanian age (Dimitrijević 1996). Tectonically, the rock mass is fragmented into blocks by a system of faults ...
... belongs to the northern edge of Beljanica Mountain (Fig. 1). The Tisnica quarry is composed of layered and banked limestone of the Lower Cretaceous age corre- sponding to Urgonian facies. Flowing in a N-S direction, the river Tisnica splits the deposit in two (Fig. 1d). The exploitation ...
... According to the arithmetic mean, the Klisura nodular limestone has the highest value of compressive strength (171 N/mm? in a dry state), whereas Cretaceous allo- chemical limestones are generally of moderately high compressive strength according to their arithmetic mean (Tisnica 144 N/mmz, Struganik ...Vesna Matović, Tijana Vojnović Ćalić. "Mesozoic carbonate rocks in Serbia used as dimension stone" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-015-0722-0
Strain partitioning around an indenter during oroclinal bending: kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga (2021)... north and east and a backarc-convexorocline situated in the south and west. The southern orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides orogenformed during the Cretaceous closure of the Alpine Tethys Ocean and collision of the Dacia mega-unit with the Moesian Platform. Following the main orogen-building processes, ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Liviu Matenco, Uroš Stojadinović, Ernst Willingshofer, Marinko Toljić, Daan Tamminga. "Strain partitioning around an indenter during oroclinal bending: kinematics of the Circum-Moesian fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna, Austria, 19.-30.4.2021., EGU (2021)
Back-arc underplating provided crustal accretion affecting topography and sedimentation in the Adria microplate
Paolo Mancinelli, Vittorio Scisciani, Cristina Pauselli, Gérard M. Stampfli, Fabio Speranza, Ivana Vasiljević (2021)Supported by evidence of deep crustal sources for the observed magnetic anomalies in Central Italy and by outcropping gabbros in the Croatian archipelago, we model the observed gravity and magnetic anomalies in the Central Adriatic Sea and surroundings. We suggest that the major magnetic anomalies in the area are related to a wide underplating and propose that this volume represents the first stage of the back-arc Adria continental breakup in Early Permian times. During the Palaeotethys-Adria collision, underplating has ...Paolo Mancinelli, Vittorio Scisciani, Cristina Pauselli, Gérard M. Stampfli, Fabio Speranza, Ivana Vasiljević. "Back-arc underplating provided crustal accretion affecting topography and sedimentation in the Adria microplate" in Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier Ltd. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105470
Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance
Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović (2017)Neo-Tethys, trench-like basins, synorogenic deposition, evolving thrust belt, Triassic palaeogeography... nappes including their under- lying: mćlange were emplaced in the area of the Dinaridic Ophiolite Belt around the Jurassic/Cretaceous-boundary or the Early Cretaceous (Djerić et al. 2007; Schmid et al. 2008). However, Gawlick et al. (2009b, 2016b) proved that the onset of obduction onto the ...
... affecting at that time the most distal parts ofthe Adria margin, and continued until the early Late Jurassic reaching at that time the area of the Drina-Ivanjica unit. Later, in the Latest Jurassic to carliest Cretaceous, new tectonic motions probably related to mountain uplift (Missoni & Gawlick 2011a ...
... ocean crust (for review see Gawlick & Missoni 2015). In con- trast, Late Anisian to early Late Ladinian radiolarites were deposited on ocean floor or on subsided continental margins, where these Late Anisian to early Late Ladinian radiolarites were widespread and also formed in relatively shallow ...Hans-Juergen Gawlick, Nevenka Đerić, Sigrid Missoni, Nikita Bragin, Milan Sudar, Divna Jovanović. "Age and microfacies of oceanic Upper Triassic radiolarite components from the Middle Jurassic ophiolitic mélange in the Zlatibor Mountains (Inner Dinarides, Serbia) and their provenance" in Geologica Carpathica (2017)
Sedimentologija gornje krede centralnog dela vardarske zone
Violeta M. Gajić (2014-09-04)Područje istraţivanja obuhvaćeno doktorskom disertacijom nalazi se ucentralnim delovima Vardarske zone. Karakteriše se sloţenom geološkomgrađom koju grade mezozojske tvorevine trijaske, jurske i kredne starosti, kao ikvartarni sedimenti. U trijasu je istraţivano područje pokrivalo more, sve dogranice sa Šumadijom. Tokom jure sloţenim geotektonskim procesima stvarajuse ofiolitske stene rasprostranjene u juţnim i delom u centralnim delovimaistraţivanog područja. U donjoj kredi se pokretima dinarske faze izdiglo kopno,koje je egzistiralo skoro u celoj donjoj kredi područja istraţivanja.U alb-cenomanu pojedini delovi istraţivanog područja se ...... vardarske zone;Sedimentology upper cretaceous central part of Vardar zone Violeta M. Gajić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Sedimentologija gornje krede centralnog dela vardarske zone;Sedimentology upper cretaceous central part of Vardar zone | Violeta ...
... Sedimentology Upper Cretaceous central part of Vardar Zone ABSTRACT The research area covered by doctoral thesis is situated in the central part of the Vardar zone. It is characterized by a complex geological structure built by Mesozoic (Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous) and Quaternary sediments ...
... the southern and partly in the central parts of the study area. In the Lower Cretaceous, tectonic movements of Dinar phase uplift the mainland, and these conditions existed almost throughout the whole Lower Cretaceous. In the Alb-Cenomanian, some parts of the study area were lowered and they ...Violeta M. Gajić. Sedimentologija gornje krede centralnog dela vardarske zone, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2014-09-04
Tektonske i litostratigrafske karakteristike šireg područja Grivske (Zapadna Srbija)
Nikola Otašević (2024)U ovom radu predstavljene su osnovne geološke karakteristike šireg područja Grivske. U litostratigrafskom pogledu na ovom prostoru prisutne su paleozojske, mezozojske i kenozojske sedimentne, magmatske i metamorfne stene. Tvorevine karbona su predstavljene semimeta-morfisanim tvorevinama.Tvorevine trijaske starosti su predstavljene slojevitim i masivnim krečnjacima, dok su tvorevine jure predstavljeni produktima ofiolitskog melanža. Takođe, prisutne su i tvorevine senona koje su predstavljene masivnim krečnjacima. U neogenoj sukcesiji dominiraju klastiti miocena, dok su u kvartaru zastupljeni različiti tipovi fluvijalnih, deluvijalnih i deluvijalno-proluvijalnih tvorevina. ...Nikola Otašević. Tektonske i litostratigrafske karakteristike šireg područja Grivske (Zapadna Srbija), 2024
XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit
Dragana Bosić, Vladica Cvetković, Miodrag Banješević, Kristina Šarić. "XRD dertermination od hydrothermal phases related to epithermal mineralization in the Čukaru Peki deposit" in V Congress of Geologists of Republic of Macedonia ": “Geology in a changing world”, Makedonsko geološko društvo (2024)
Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides
Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović (2021)... also Supplementary Ap- pendix A and B that show the incremental 2D strain with time and the evolution of average strain type). 4.1.1. Early stages In the early stages of the experiment, deformation is localized along the western and southern margins of the indenter (Fig. 3a and b). In particular ...
... western margin of the rigid block, the deformation after 1 cm of displacement is mostly accommodated by the two early formed N–S oriented strike-slip faults (1 and 2 in Fig. 3a). In the early stages of deformation, these two faults are connected around the SW corner of the indenter to the E-W oriented ...
... connecting the Carpathians and Balkanides orogenic system (Fig. 1a and b) shows a thick-skinned nappe-stack that was formed during two phases of Cretaceous shortening related to the closure of the Ceahlău-Severin branch of the Alpine Tethys Ocean and the subsequent collision between the Dacia mega-unit ...Nemanja Krstekanić, Ernst Willingshofer, Taco Broerse, Liviu Matenco, Marinko Toljić, Uroš Stojadinović. "Analogue modelling of strain partitioning along a curved strike-slip fault system during backarc-convex orocline formation: Implications for the Cerna-Timok fault system of the Carpatho-Balkanides" in Journal of Structural Geology, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104386
Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) from the Jordan Valley (Middle East)
Howard R. Feldman, Barbara V. Radulović, Fayez Ahmad. "Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Sphriganaria (Brachiopoda) from the Jordan Valley (Middle East)" in Historical Biology (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2022.2122823
Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)
Proučavan je efekat „zatrpanog kamena“ na intenzitet procesa degradacije prisutnih na kersantitu koji je ugrađen u spomenik Malo stepenište. Istraživanja su vršena na uzorcima stene iz kamenoloma i na oštećenim kamenim blokovima ugrađenim u spomenik. Dok su neki delovi stepeništa bili pod zemljom 90 godina, većina kamenih elemenata je bila izložena različitim uslovima sredine i antropogenim uticajima. Urađeno je detaljno mapiranje trenutnog stanja spomenika kako bi se istražio uticaj “zatrpavanja” i kompleksne geometrije spomenika na tip propadanja i variranje ...Nevenka Novaković, Predrag Dabić, Vesna Matović. "Atmospheric exposure vs burying: influences on damage intensity of built-in kersantite in the monument of the Small Staircase (Belgrade, Serbia)" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-023-10794-6
3D modeling and monitoring of karst system as a base for its evaluation and utilization: a case study from eastern Serbia
Earth-Surface Processes, Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry, Global and Planetary ChangeSaša Milanović, Zoran Stevanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Vesna Ristić-Vakanjac. "3D modeling and monitoring of karst system as a base for its evaluation and utilization: a case study from eastern Serbia" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-013-2591-9
Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7
Part of E-80 highway that passes through Serbia (from the city of Nis to the administrative border Merdare) is 77 km long. The highway is divided into two sections: the first from Nis to Plocnik (39.4 km long) and the second from Plocnik to the administrative border with Kosovo. The route is designed through a typical plain and hilly terrain in which different geological units are dominant: crystalline schists, neogene sediments of foothills and quaternary sediments in the valley ...... Alluvial, proluvial and river- terraced plateaus (al, al-pr, pr, t1, t2) Quaternary and Neogene hilly terrains (dl-pr, dl, Pl, M-Pl, M) Cretaceous flysch complex (pr, K) Neogene hilly terrains (Pl, M-Pl, M) are usually covered with Quaternary sediments (dl- pr, el-dl, pr). They are ...
... 4) The second subsection is built of Miocene creation, while at the very end of the highway base is built of flysch sediment complex of Cretaceous age (K3 2- marlstone, marl, sandstone with alevrolite layers, claystone and limestone). Proluvial (pr) or alluvial (al) sediments of the Toplica ...
... gravel with smaller content of sandy clays and clayey sands, but with occasional local occurrences of muddy zones. These muddy zones indicate early stage of alluvial environment formation, and they are unfavourable from engineering geological aspect. Potential instabilities are only present ...Dragoslav Rakić, Zoran Berisavljević, Irena Basarić, Snežana Bogdanović, Jovana Janković. "Geotechnical zoning of the terrain along the first section of E-80 highway in Serbia – SEETO route 7" in Proceedings of the XVII European Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ECSMGE-2019, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1-6. 09. 2019., ISSMGE, ECSMGE-2019 (2019). https://doi.org/10.32075/17ECSMGE-2019-0393
Sastav i teksture minerala FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 sistema u vulkanskim stenama i porfirskim ležištima bakra Borske metalogenetske zone
Aleksandar Luković (2021)Proces obrazovanja minerala iz sistema FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 u uzorcima vulkanskih stena i porfirskih orudnjenja borske zone prikazan kroz pojavu magnetita/hematita i njihovih alteracija. Minerali ove zone su ispitivani optičkim metodama (odbijena i propuštena svetlost), SEM-EDS/BSD, XRPD, LA-ICP-MS metodama. Rezultati ispitivanja su, pored glavnih Fe – Ti oksida, otkrili prisustvo ferijskog ilmenita u hornblenda andezitima I vulkanske faze kao i magnetita sa većim koncetracija Cr u zoni zlotske magnetne anomalije. Ispitivanje uzoraka iz bušotina porfirskih sistema borske zone otkriva postojanje nekoliko ...... Timočkog magmatskog kompleksa. Doktorska disertacija, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 184 pp. Banješević, M., (2010): Upper Cretaceous magmatic suites of the Timok Magmatic Complex. Annales Geologiques de la Peninsule Bankanique, 71, 13-22. Banješević, M., Cvetković, V. von Quadt ...
... Auflichtmikroskopie. Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig (408pp). Berza T., Constantinescu E., Serban-Nicolae V., (1998): Upper Cretaceous Magmatic Series and Associated Mineralisation in the Carpathian-Balkan Orogen. Resource Geology, 48, 4, 291-306. Bilibajkić, D., Veljović, D. ...
... geomagnetna anomalija. Nafta-gas- Geofizički institut, Vesnik, Knjiga XXVI/XXVII, ser.C: 13-30. Bojar, A. V., Neubauer, F., Fritz, H., (1998): Cretaceous to Cenozoic thermal evolution of the southwestern South Carpathians: evidence from fission-track thermochronology. Tectonophysics, 297, 229-249 ...Aleksandar Luković. Sastav i teksture minerala FeO-Fe2O3-TiO2 sistema u vulkanskim stenama i porfirskim ležištima bakra Borske metalogenetske zone, Beograd : [A. Luković], 2021
The Importance of Detailed Groundwater Monitoring for Underground Structure in Karst (Case Study: HPP Pirot, Southeastern Serbia)
... Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous ages. The Triassic deposits are represented by limestones, dolomites, conglomerates and sandstones, whilst the Jurassic deposits are represented by sandstones, clays, conglomerates and marble limestones. The most frequent deposits of the Cretaceous age are limestones, marls ...Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Ana Mladenović, Marina Ćuk, Igor Jemcov. "The Importance of Detailed Groundwater Monitoring for Underground Structure in Karst (Case Study: HPP Pirot, Southeastern Serbia)" in Water, MDPI AG (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/w11030603
Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca
Dalibor Erak (2019)Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije je tektonska evolucija područja planine Jastrebac u centralnoj Srbiji, gde višefazna tektonska aktivnost od mezozoika do danas komplikuje rekonstrukciju strukturnih odnosa i geološke evolucije ovog prostora. Kompleksna višefazna evolucija planine Jastrebac u Srbiji je demonstrirana kombinovanjem kinematskih podataka prikupljenih na terenu i mikrostrukturnih opservacija sa dodatnim termohronološkim podacima “fission track” i podacima odredbe starosti metodom U-Pb na cirkonima. Gornjokredna ekshumacija bila je praćena gornjokredno-eocenskim navlačenjem i magmatizmom vezanim za kontinentalnu koliziju, pri čemu je akreciona ...... and micro-structural observations assisted with fission track thermochronological analysis and U-Pb zircon dating. A Late Cretaceous exhumation was followed by latest Cretaceous – Eocene thrusting and magmatism related to a continental collision that sutured the accretionary wedge containing contractional ...
... Quadt, A., 2013. An anorogenic pulse in a typical orogenic setting: The geochemical and geochronological record in the East Serbian latest Cretaceous to Palaeocene alkaline rocks. Lithos 180–181, 181-199. Dercourt, J., Gaetani, M., Vrielynck, B., Barrier, E., BijuDural, B., Brunet, M. F., Cadet ...
... Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-balkanida u području Jastrepca 143 Dimitrijević, M.N., Dimitrijević, M.D., 2009. The Lower Cretaceous paraflysch of the Vardar zone: composition and fabric. Geoloski anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (70), 9–21. Doglioni, C., Carminati, E., Cuffaro ...Dalibor Erak. Tektono-termalna evolucija kontakta Dinarida i Karpato-Balkanida u području Jastrepca, Beograd : Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, 2019
A contribution to the knowledge of facial diversity of Badenian sediments in the Belgrade area
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2018)... ere deposited within the Central Paratethys Sea. The underlying bedrock is composed of Mesozoic sediments, ophiolites and ophiolitic mélange, Cretaceous to Paleogene flysch sediments and Lower Miocene continental sediments. The diversified basin basement and tectonic processes durin ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "A contribution to the knowledge of facial diversity of Badenian sediments in the Belgrade area" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)