193 items
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Purpose: This paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information retrieval and information extraction (IE) features, using various language resources and natural language processing. Design/methodology/approach: The system is designed to integrate textual, lexical, semantic and terminological resources, enabling advanced document search and extraction of information. These resources are integrated with a set of Web services and applications, for different user profiles and use-cases. Findings: The ...Digital libraries, Information retrieval, Data mining, Human language technologies, Project documentationAleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo Kolonja . "Managing mining project documentation using human language technology" in The Electronic Library (2018). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2017-0239
Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search
Jelena Andonovski, Branislava Šandrih, Olivera Kitanović. "Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search" in The Electronic Library, Emerald (2019). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-03-2019-0056
Terminological and lexical resources used to provide open multilingual educational resources
Open educational resources (OER) within BAEKTEL (Blending Academic and Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Technology enhanced learning) network will be available in different languages, mostly in the languages of Western Balkans, Russian and English. University of Belgrade (UB) hosts a central repository based on: BAEKTEL Metadata Portal (BMP), terminological web application for management, browse and search of terminological resources, web services for linguistic support (query expansion, information retrieval, OER indexing, etc.), annotation of selected resources and OER repository on local edX ...... pp. 4170–4176. [4] T. M. Cabré Castellví, Terminology: Theory, Methods, and Applications. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1999, pp. 115. [5] I. Obradović, R. Stanković, J. Prodanović and O. Kitanović, “A TEL platform blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge,” in Proc. 4 th Conference on e- ...
... 2015), 2015, pp. 98–103. [7] C. Krstev, Processing of Serbian. Belgrade, Serbia: Faculty of Philology, 2008, pp. 40–47. [8] R. Stanković, I. Obradović, O. Kitanović and Lj. Kolonja, “Building terminological resources in an e- learning envinronment,” in Proc. 3rd International Conference on e-Learning ...
... Automatic Terminology Extraction,” in Proc. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, 2015, pp. 473–479. [15] C. Krstev, R. Stanković, I. Obradović and B. Lazić, “Terminology Acquisition and Description Using Lexical Resources and Local Grammars,” in Proc. 11th Conference on Terminology and ...Biljana Lazić, Danica Seničić, Aleksandra Tomašević, Bojan Zlatić. "Terminological and lexical resources used to provide open multilingual educational resources" in The Seventh International Conference on eLearning (eLearning-2016), 29-30 September 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade : Belgrade Metropolitan University (2016)
Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources
Large collections of textual documents represent an example of big data that requires the solution of three basic problems: the representation of documents, the representation of information needs and the matching of the two representations. This paper outlines the introduction of document indexing as a possible solution to document representation. Documents within a large textual database developed for geological projects in the Republic of Serbia for many years were indexed using methods developed within digital humanities: bag-of-words and named ...... Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources | Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović ...
... Suffix Division Faculty of Philology Organization University of Belgrade Address Belgrade, Serbia Email cvetana@matf.bg.ac.rs Author Family Name Obradović Particle Given Name Ivan Prefix Suffix Division Faculty of Mining and Geology Organization University of Belgrade Address Belgrade, Serbia Email ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources" in Trans. Computational Collective Intelligence - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26, Springer (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59268-8_8
Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints
Emő Márton, Vesna Cvetkov, Miodrag Banješević, Gábor Imre, Aleksandar Pačevski. "Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2024.102058
Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”
SUMMARY: This study will present the preparation process of a multimedia document entitled YU ROCK SCENE in which participants were senior students of undergraduate studies of the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology during the academic year 2014/2015, as a part of the subject Multimedia Documents. This study gives an overview of the historical development of rock and roll in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, rock scene in Yugoslav republics, ...... of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene” Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene” | Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić | Infotheca ...Milena Obradović, Aleksandra Arsenijević, Mihailo Škorić. "Preparation of Multimedia Document “YU Rock Scene”" in Infotheca - Journal for Digital Humanities, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2016.16.1_2.6
An Approach to Efficient Processing of Multi-Word Units
Efficient processing of Multi-Word Units in the course of development of morphological MWU dictionaries is not easy to achieve, especially when languages with complex morphological structures are concerned, such as Serbian. Manual development of this type of dictionaries is a tedious and extremely slow process. To alleviate this problem we turned to our multipurpose software tool, dubbed LeXimir, in the production of lemmas for e-dictionaries of multi-word units. In addition to that, we developed a procedure aimed at making ...... of Multi-Word Units Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] An Approach to Efficient Processing of Multi-Word Units | Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas | Computational ...Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas. "An Approach to Efficient Processing of Multi-Word Units" in Computational Linguistics - Applications, Studies in Computational Intelligence 458 no. 458, Berlin Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag (2013): 109-129. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34399-5_6
The Nooj System as Module within an Integrated Language Processing Environment
... Vitas D., Obradović I.: Using Textual and Lexical Resources in Developing Serbian Wordnet. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, vol. 7, No. 1-2, pp. 147- 161, (2004) Krstev C., Vitas D., Stanković R., Obradović I., ...
... Ontology of Proper Names, Second Language & Technology Conference, 116-119, Poznan, Poland, 21-23 avril. Krstev C., Stanković R., Vitas D., Obradović I.: WS4LR: A Workstation for Lexical Resources. Proc. of the Fifth International Conference LREC, Genova, Italy, May 2006 Silberztein, M. NooJ ...
... house of the Romanian academy. TMX 1.4b Specifacion, OSCAR Recommendation, 26 april 2005, http://www.lisa.org/tmx/ Vitas D., Krstev C., Obradović I., Popović Lj., Pavlović-Lažetić G.: Processing Serbian Written Texts: An Overview of Resources and Basic Tools., Workshop on Balkan Language ...Ranka Stanković, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev. "The Nooj System as Module within an Integrated Language Processing Environment" in Proceedings of the 2007 International Nooj Conference, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008)
Претрага корпуса заснована на употреби екстерних лексичких ресурса путем веб-сервиса
У раду се разматра хибридни приступ претрази корпуса, илустрован на примеру алатки OCWB и NoSketch Engine, примењених на специјални корпус из области рударства (РудКор) и Корпус савременог српског језика (СрпКор). Разматрани приступ комбинује постојеће могућности алатки OCWB и NoSketch Engine, које своју претрагу заснивају на лингвистичкој анотацији корпуса, са новим могућностима претраге у виду консултовања екстерних језичких ресурса (морфолошки електронски речници српског језика и лексичка база података Српски ворднет). Хибридни приступ је реализован надоградњом вебсучеља која поменуте алатке користе ...... 2019, http://cwb.sourceforge. net/ files/ CQP_ Tutorial. pdf Крстев и др. 2004: Cvetana Krstev, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, Duško Vitas and Ivan Obradović, “Using Textual and Lexical Resources in Developing Ser- bian Wordnet”, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 7/1–2, 147–161. ...
... на докторска дисертација, Београд: Универзи- тет у Београду, Математички факултет). Станковић и др. 2017: Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Ol- ivera Kitanović, “Improving Document Retrieval in Large Domain Specific Textual Databases Using Lexical Resources”, In: N. Nguyen, R. Kowalczyk ...
... DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59268-8_8, https:/doi.org/10.1007/978- 3-319-59268-8_8. Станковић и др. 2018: Ranka Stanković, Miljana Mladenović, Ivan Obradović, Marko Vitas, Cvetana Krstev, “Resource based WordNet augmentation and enrichment”, In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference Compu- ...Милош Утвић, Ранка Станковић, Александра Томашевић, Михаило Шкорић, Биљана Лазић. "Претрага корпуса заснована на употреби екстерних лексичких ресурса путем веб-сервиса" in Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане - Vol. 48/3 Српски језик и његови ресурси, Међународни славистички центар, Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/msc.2019.48.3.ch12
Развој геолошког терминолошког речника ГеолИССТерм
... BalkaNet, among which the Ser- bian variety have been aligned with the Princeton WordNet, which allows their use in many multilin- gual applications (Obradović et al., 2008). WordNet has become a de facto standard for semantic networks based on the premise that in the human mind, words, as the fundamental ...
... york.; geološko kartiranje. Dimitrijević, D. m. 1978 Izdavačko-informativni centar stude- nata, 486 str., Beograd.; Sedimentologija grubić, A., Obradović, J., vasić, N. 1996 Univerzitet u Beogradu, 436 str., Beograd.; International Stratigraphic guide. hedberg, h. D. (ed.) 1976 J. Wiley & Sons. - ...
... classification scheme: Classification of artificial (man made) and natural superficial deposits, British geo- logical Survey research report rr 99–04. Obradović, Ivan i Stanković, ranka, 2008,“Softverski alati za korišćenje jezičkih resursa za srpski jezik”, INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo ...Ranka Stanković, Branislav Trivić, Olivera Kitanović, Branislav Blagojević, Velizar Nikolić. "Развој геолошког терминолошког речника ГеолИССТерм" in INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo, Beograd : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji (2011)
An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus
This article presents the construction and relevance of an Italian-Serbian sentence-aligned parallel corpus, delving into the aligned sentences in order to facilitate effective translation between the two languages. The parallel corpus serves as a valuable resource for language experts, researchers, and language enthusiasts, fostering a deeper understanding of linguistic nuances and cultural expressions. By bridging the gap between Serbian and Italian, this corpus opens new avenues for cross-cultural communication and collaboration, and ultimately contributes to the improvement of language-related ...Saša Moderc, Ranka Stanković, Aleksandra Tomašević, Mihailo Škorić. "An Italian-Serbian Sentence Aligned Parallel Literary Corpus" in Review of the National Center for Digitization, Belgrade : Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11203388
Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду
... Рударско-геолошки фа- култет. Област научноистраживачког рада су електрометрија, геофизички ин- струменти. Преминуо 1993. године. Др ЗОРКА ОБРАДОВИЋ-ПЕЈАТО- ВИЋ, рођена је 1929. године у Ло- зници. Дипломирала је 1957. године на Универзитету у Београду – Рудар- ско-геолошком факултету. Маги- ...
... прорачуни, 2008. 275. Гојковић Н., Обрадовић Р., Чебашек В.: Геомеханичка својства мате- ријала одлагалишта површинских копова, 2008. 276. Гојковић Н., Обрадовић Р., Чебашек В.: Стабилност косина одлага- лишта површинских копова, 2008. 277. Гојковић Н., Обрадовић Р., Чебашек В.: Стабилност косина ...
... рад му је из области петрофизичко-металогенет- ског испитивања лежишта минерал- них сировина. Пензионисан је 1999. године. Асистенти Мр ЗОРКА КУЈУНЏИЋ-БУЛАТО- ВИЋ, рођена је 1945. године у Молу. 3. НАСТАВНИЦИ И САРАДНИЦИ ФАКУЛТЕТА У ПЕРИОДУ 1991. – 2015. ГОДИНА 289 Основне студије ...главни и одговорни уредник Душан Поломчић. Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2016
Model of the Geomagnetic reference field of the Republic of Serbia
Spomenko J. Mihajlović, Vesna Cvetkov (2024)Spomenko J. Mihajlović, Vesna Cvetkov. "Model of the Geomagnetic reference field of the Republic of Serbia" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024)
Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu
Olivera Kitanović (2021)Rudarska proizvodnja obuhvata kompleksne tehnološke sisteme, što nameće potrebu za uspostavljanjem i unapređivanjem sistema upravljanja rizikom. Heterogenost i obim podataka neophodnih za upravljanje rizikom zahtevaju sistem koji ih na fleksibilan način integriše i omogućava njihovo optimalno korišćenje. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije je razvoj ontologije za domen rudarstva i na njoj zasnovanog modela za upravljanje rizikom. Njegova realizacija podrazumeva i implementaciju algoritama ekstrakcije informacija za popunjavanje ontologije, kao i odgovarajuće softversko rešenje. Razvoj modela obuhvata i značajno proširenje rudarskog korpusa, kao ...rudarstvo, rizik, upravljanje rizikom, procena rizika, ontologija, semantička mreža, ekstrakcija informacija, upravljanje znanjem, računarska lingvistika... razvoj dvojezičnih leksičkih izvora (Obradović et al. 2013). Zatim je fokus bio usmeren na razvoj terminološke baze za domen opšteg rudarskog inženjerstva i njenu transformaciju iz početne prilagođene šeme u TermBase eXchange (TBX) Standard (Stanković, Obradović, and Utvić 2014). Drugi terminološki resurs ...
... ulica...), za uspostavljanje relacija među rečima je uspešno rađena u brojnim istraživanjima (Krstev et al. 2013; Obradović et al. 2017; Krstev et al. 2015; Stanković, Krstev, Obradović, et al. 2016; Pajić et al. 2018; Andonovski, Šandrih, and Kitanović 2019; Šandrih, Krstev, and Stanković 2020). Rudarstvo ...
... Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, and Duško Vitas. 2011. “Production of Morphological Dictionaries of Multi-Word Units Using a Multipurpose Tool.” In Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics-Applications Conference, October 2011, Jachranka, Poland, 77–84. Stanković, Ranka, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš ...Olivera Kitanović. Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu, Beograd : [O. Kitanović], 2021
Речник САНУ као база терминолошких речника (на примеру речника кулинарства)
... Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić and Aleksandra Trtovac. „Rule based automatic multi-word term extraction and lemmatization.” In: 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 23-28 May 2016, Portorož. 7. Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško ...
... Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Leipzig 2003, pp. 3-17. Frankfurt am Main. 2. Vitas, D., Popović, Lj., Krstev, C., Obradović, I., Pavlović-Lažetić, G. and Stanojević, M. (2012). The Serbian Language in the Digital Age. Berlin; Springer-Verlag. 3. Kilgarriff, A., Baisa ...Рада Стијовић, Олга Сабо, Ранка Станковић. "Речник САНУ као база терминолошких речника (на примеру речника кулинарства)" in Словенска терминологија данас, Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности (2017)
Петролошке карактеристике тријаских карбоната у околини Толића (Мионица)
Михаило Вујашевић (2024)У тријаским теренима у околини Толића код Мионице извршено је узорковање карбонатних стена које су предмет овог рада. На одабраним узорцима утврђене су петролошке карактеристике. Главни задатак овог завршног рада представља испитивање минералошких и петрографских карактеристика карбонатних стена, применом оптичке анализе, рендгенске дифракције и калциметрије. Макроскопском детерминацијом и применом Данхамове класификације испитивани узорци су сврстани у кречњаке калкаренитског до калклутитског склопа, односно mudstone, packestone и grainstone типа. Микроскопским прегледом кречњака и применом Фолкове класификације утврђен је њихов састав и ...... 71, Beograd. . Obradović-Nedoeljković, J. 1957: Petrografska ispitivanja flišnih sedimenata i peščara iz oblasti Ljig-Gornji Milanovac. Zbornik radova Geološkog instituta „Jovan Žujović“, 9, 251-268, Beograd. (IIpeys3ero 3 mareparType HaBeJicHe moji p. Op. 15) 2. Obradović, J. 1962: Petrološke ...
... ke krednog fliša Šumadije. Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, 29, 143-151, Beograd. (IIpeyaero 3 mareparype HaBcJicHe Imoji p. Op. 15) 3. Obradović J. 1967: Sedimentno-petrološka studija flišnih sedimenata Šumadije. Geološki anali Balkanskog poluostrva, 33, 333-414, Beograd. (IIpeyaero 3 mireparType ...Михаило Вујашевић. Петролошке карактеристике тријаских карбоната у околини Толића (Мионица), 2024
Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources
In this paper, we present two approaches and the implemented system for bilingual terminology extraction that rely on an aligned bilingual domain corpus, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a tool for chunk alignment. The two approaches differ in the way terminology for the source language is obtained: the first relies on an existing domain terminology lexicon, while the second one uses a term extraction tool. For both approaches, four experiments were performed with two parameters being ...Branislava Šandrih, Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources" in Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press (CUP) (2020). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1351324919000615
A bilingual digital library for academic and entrepreneurial knowledge management
A generic knowledge management process of organization, storage and retrieval of knowledge can suitably be fitted in a digital library. In the digital and knowledge age digital libraries can be used in knowledge management to handle intellectual assets and support knowledge creation. A multilingual digital library either stores content in more than one language or provides multilingual query access to monolingual content. In Serbia 18 of 308 scientific journals regularly published are bi-lingual, with papers simultaneously being in English ...... – Automata, Texts and Electronic dictionaries. Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade. Krstev, C., Stanković, R., Vitas, D., Obradović, I. (2008). The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines, in Proceedings of the 6th International ...
... management process into digital library system: A theoretical perspective", Library Review, Vol. 58 Iss: 5, pp. 372 – 386. Stanković, R., Krstev, C., Obradović, I., Trtovac, A., Utvić, M. (2012a), A Tool for Enhanced Search of Multilingual Digital Libraries of E-journals, in Proceedings of the 8th International ...
... 1710-1717, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, http://www.lrec- conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/pdf/375_Paper.pdf. Stanković, R., Obradović, I., Kitanović, O., & Kolonja Lj. (2012b) Building Terminological Resources in an e-Learning Environment, in Proceedings of the Third International ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, Dalibor Vorkapić. "A bilingual digital library for academic and entrepreneurial knowledge management" in Proceeding of 10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics — IFKAD 2015: Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: connecting the knowledge dots, Bari, Italy, 10-12 June 2015, Bari : IFKAD (2015)
Age of the Jurassic hemipelagic sediments from the Ljubiš area (Zlatibor Mt., SW Serbia)
Nikita Bragin, Nevenka Đerić (2020)... the Eastern Alps.– Journal of Paleon tology, 91/1, 25–72. doi: 10.1017/jpa.2016.96 OBRADOVIĆ, J. & GORIČAN, Š. (1988): Siliceous Deposits in Yugoslavia: Occur rences, Types, and Ages.– In: HEIN, J.R. & OBRADOVIĆ, J. (eds.): Siliceous Deposits of the Tethys and Pacific Regions. Springer, 51–64. doi: ...
... Dina rides, Albanides and Hellenides which are often Middle to Late Triassic, Middle Jurassic, or late Middle Jurassic to Late Jurassic in age (OBRADOVIĆ & GORIČAN, 1988; DJERIĆ et al., 2007; CHIARI et al., 2011; FERRIÈRE et al., 2015; GAWLICK et al., 2017; BRAGIN et al., 2019b). It is very rarely ...Nikita Bragin, Nevenka Đerić. "Age of the Jurassic hemipelagic sediments from the Ljubiš area (Zlatibor Mt., SW Serbia)" in Geologia Croatica, Croatian Geological Survey (2020). https://doi.org/10.4154/gc.2020.11
Povezivanje i detaljno snimanje donjeg potkopa rudnika ,,Crveni Breg“ na Avali
Jovan Obradović (2024)Cilj ovog Završnog rada na temu „Povezivanje i detaljno snimanje donjeg potkopa rudnika ,,Crveni Breg“ na Avali” jeste dobijanje koordinata tačaka jamskog poligonskog vlaka, kao i prikaz samog rudnika na osnovu detaljnog snimanja jame, kao poprečnih profila podzemne rudničke prostorije. U datom radu biće predstavljene metode koje su primenjene prilikom snimanja, kao i rezultati samih merenja i sva potrebna računanja da bi se došlo do potrebnih koordinata.Merenja za završni rad obavljena su tokom terenske nastave održane u junu 2024. godine ...... donjeg potkopa rudnika ,,Crveni Breg“ na Avali Jovan Obradović Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Povezivanje i detaljno snimanje donjeg potkopa rudnika ,,Crveni Breg“ na Avali | Jovan Obradović | | 2024 | | http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0008885 ...
... Završni rad Master akademske studije Povezivanje i detaljno snimanje donjeg potkopa rudnika „Crveni Breg“ na Avali Kandidat: Mentor: Jovan Obradović, R544/23 Prof. dr. Aleksandar Ganić Beograd, 2024. godine Komisija: 1. Ime i prezime i nastavno zvanje, mentor: Profesor, dr. Aleksandar ...Jovan Obradović. Povezivanje i detaljno snimanje donjeg potkopa rudnika ,,Crveni Breg“ na Avali, 2024