789 items
Variation of olivine composition in the volcanic rocks in the Songliao basin, NE China: lithosphere control on the origin of the K-rich intraplate mafic lavas
Zhang, L.-Y., Prelević Dejan, Li, N., Mertz-Kraus, R., Buhre, S.. "Variation of olivine composition in the volcanic rocks in the Songliao basin, NE China: lithosphere control on the origin of the K-rich intraplate mafic lavas" in Lithos 262 (2016): 153-168. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lith
Kinetics of electric arc furnace slag leaching in alkaline solutions
Nikolić Irena, Drinčić Ana, Đurović Dijana, Karanović Ljiljana, Radmilovic V. Vuk, Radmilovic R. Velimir (2016)Nikolić Irena, Drinčić Ana, Đurović Dijana, Karanović Ljiljana, Radmilovic V. Vuk, Radmilovic R. Velimir. "Kinetics of electric arc furnace slag leaching in alkaline solutions" in Construction and Building Materials 108, Radarweg 29; Amsterdam, 1043 NX; Netherlands; Subscr. to: Elsevier BV, PO Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 A:Elsevier BV (2016): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/conbuildmat.2016.01.03
Implications of the geological characteristics and genesis of the Allchar deposit for the Lorex Project.
Boev, B., Cvetković, V., Jelenković, R., Boev, I.. "Implications of the geological characteristics and genesis of the Allchar deposit for the Lorex Project." in Geologica Macedonica 1 no. 32, Štip:Goce Delčev University in Štip, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Štip, Republic of Macedonia (2018): 5-20
Prilog poznavanju režimu rada i uslova eksploatacije neogene izdani na području Centralnog Pomoravlja – izvorište Ribare
Jemcov Igor, Polomčić Dušan, Petrović R., Ćuk Marina. "Prilog poznavanju režimu rada i uslova eksploatacije neogene izdani na području Centralnog Pomoravlja – izvorište Ribare" in Zbornik radova XIV srpskog simpozijuma o hidrogeologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Zlatibor, 17-20. maj 2012. godine, Zlatibo Beograd:Univerzitet, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2012): 33-39
Izbor rotornih bagera za proces revitalizacije: primer rotornih bagera SRs 1200 u rudarskom basenu Kolubara
Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Goran Todorović, Dragan Novaković (2020)Revitalizacija je proces ili skup tehničkih zahvata na mašini kojim se vrši zamena svih dotrajalih ili oštećenih delova metalne konstrukcije. Sastavni deo procesa revitalizacije je i modernizacija zastarele elektro-mašinske opreme. Principi revitalizacije sasvim sigurno nisu sadržani u okviru redovnog godišnjeg ili dnevnog održavanja. Oni predstavljaju održavanje onih veličina koje su značajne za mašinu kao celinu (u ovom slučaju rotorni bager). U ovom radu su analizirani rotorni bageri oznake SRs 1200. Na površinskim kopovima rudarskog basena Kolubara takvih bagera ima ...... ij j i i i i i ij j i i i i x x S w x x x x R w x x − = − − = − − = − (2) gde je wi - težina kriterijuma. 3. Računanje vrednosti za Qj (kompromisno rešenje). * * ( ) ( ) (1 ) ( ) ( ) j j s s Rj R Q v v s s R R − − − − − −= + − − − (3) gde je: * * min ...
... min ; max min ; max j j j j j j j j S S S S R R R R − − = = = = (4) 4. Rangiranje se izvodi sortiranjem alternativa prema merama Rj, Sj i Qj [10]. 14 3.2 Metoda ELECTRE Druga metoda primenjena u radu je ELECTRE metoda čija je osnova usmerena ka rešavanju problema u ...
... ij x r x + = = (5) 2 1 1 , 1 ij ij m i ij x r x − = = (6) 2. Potom se određuju preferencijske normalizovane matrice vij, nakon čega se definišu skupovi saglasnosti i nesaglasnosti: , 1,2, ..., 1,2, ..., ij j ijv w r i m j ...Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Stevan Đenadić, Filip Miletić, Goran Todorović, Dragan Novaković. "Izbor rotornih bagera za proces revitalizacije: primer rotornih bagera SRs 1200 u rudarskom basenu Kolubara" in XIV Međunarodna konferencija OMC 2020, Zlatibor, Srbija, 14-17. oktobar 2020., Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2020)
Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić (2024)Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining" in Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria, 28. maj 2024 , Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7546/CRABS.2024.07.10
Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining
Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić (2024)Radmila Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Tomislav Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić. "Application of the VIKOR Method for Selecting the Purpose of Recultivated Terrain after the End of Coal Mining" in Comptes rendus de l’Acad ́emie bulgare des Sciences, Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2024)
Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints
Emő Márton, Vesna Cvetkov, Miodrag Banješević, Gábor Imre, Aleksandar Pačevski. "Tectonic evolution of the Circum-Moesian orocline of the Carpatho-Balkanides: Paleomagnetic constraints" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2024.102058
Одређивање резерви нафтног лежишта „Х“ методом материјал баланса
Александра Петровић (2024)Метода материјалног баланса је кључна техника у процени резерви нафте и гаса у лежиштима која омогућава системско прорачунавање доступних резерви. Циљ ове методе је да се прецизно израчунају количине флуида у лежишту на основу доступних PVT података, података о лежишту и производњи. Резултати примене методе материјалног баланса показују да је она ефикасна у пружању кавнтитативних процена, међутим њена тачност зависи од квалитета улазних података. Метода материјалног баланса пружа основу за процену резерви, али може бити подложна грешкама због непрецизности ...... ojiHocHMa: F rnpejicraBJba yKyrIIHy IIpoH3BOJMy (bnyu/na: F = No|B, + (R, – R„)B„| + W„B, (4.5) V cnyuajy MBoQaaHor saampeMHMHcKor (pakropa B, jemHauMHa yKyIIHC TIpOH3BO/JUĐe (bnyH/la MO)Ke Ce 3armiCaTH KaO: F = N,|B, + (R, – R«)B„,| + W„,B„ (4.6) E, npeaicrapuba niipepe Ha(Te H pacrBopeHor raca: ...
... yYTOKOM 3a sacaheHa nexxumrra ca BOJIČHHM yTOKOM: F = NE, + W. (4.25) FE_ N+ We 4.26 DB B, (4.26) Ine cy: F = N,|B, + (R, – Rs)B,| + W„B„ (4.27) E, = [(B, — B..) + (R« — R„)B,| (4.28) /lujarpaum Ha cumnu 4.7. F/E, y 0yHKuaja W./E tupejicraBba N kao npeceK ca opaHaToM, a noMohy HarH0a ce no0OHJa ...
... nexunrra ca raCHOM KaHIOM IJI je: • Henoa3Hara N, no3Hara BeHuHHa racHe Kane, m F = N|E, + mE,| (4.29) Ine cy: F = N,|B, + (R, – R)B,| (4.30) E. = |(B, — B.i) + (Rsi — R„)B,| (4.31) Bg Eg = Bi - 1 (4.32) gi JUijarpaM F y QyHkKmujm E, + Eg nmaje npaBy maHujy Koja Hpona3H KpO3 THIOueTaK KaO ...Александра Петровић. Одређивање резерви нафтног лежишта „Х“ методом материјал баланса, 2024
Elektromagnetska sprega sistema litosfera-atmosfera-jonosfera
Aleksandra B. Kolarski (2016-08-25)Radio talasi vrlo niskih frekvencija VLF (eng. Very Low Frequency) frekventnog opsega od 3 do 30 kHz, koji se prostiru talasovodom Zemlja-jonosfera (50 -90 km) su, kao što je poznato, efikasni i nezamenljivi u osmatranju pojava u niskoj jonosferi, sa tla...prostiranje talasa vrlo niskih frekvencija, talasovod Zemlja-jonosfera, globalno električno kolo, atmosfersko električno pražnjenje, kratkotrajne svetlosne pojaveAleksandra B. Kolarski. "Elektromagnetska sprega sistema litosfera-atmosfera-jonosfera" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-08-25)
Sustainable environmental development after the cessation of mining activities at the cathode copper production complex Kazandol-Valandovo, R. Makedonija
Бошевски Трајче, Јовановић Бранка, Праштало Жељко, Радосављевић Милинко, Чановић Владан, Чолаковић Виолета, Димитријевић Бојан (2017)Бошевски Трајче, Јовановић Бранка, Праштало Жељко, Радосављевић Милинко, Чановић Владан, Чолаковић Виолета, Димитријевић Бојан. "Sustainable environmental development after the cessation of mining activities at the cathode copper production complex Kazandol-Valandovo, R. Makedonija" in International Symposium Mining and Geology today, Београд, Србија: Mining Institute Belgrade Ltd., Balkan Academy of Mining Science and Academy of Engineering Sciences Serbia, (2017): 261-266. https://doi.org/10.25075/Sl.2017.25
Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)
Milica Mrdak, Eva Wagerer, Milan Sudar, Nevenka Djerić, Martin Đaković, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick. "Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)" in Geologica Carpathica, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.26
Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers
This paper presents a dynamic California Bearing Ratio (CBRd) device that can be used on a prepared pavement foundation layer to obtain a certain parameter of the tested material in the laboratory and in situ in a direct and fast way. For the selected natural material (gravel), it is shown that the laboratory CBRd can be used to estimate the compaction and bearing capacity, because it correlates well with the parameters of the standard and modifed Proctor compaction tests. ...korelacija parametara, donji slojevi saobraćajnica, laboratorijska i terenska ispitivanja, dinamički kalifornijski indeks nosivosti CBRd... TABLE 1 Regression statistics – inde- Dependent variables pendent variable CBR+p, En E Ev Multiple R 0.902730052 0.882476059 0.930206737 R 0.814921546 0.778765959 0.865284574 Adjusted R 0.811065745 0.774154874 0.862478005 Standard error 5.062052668 12.52554984 3.552758725 Observations 50 ...
... of CBR, , was successfully predicted using polynomial functions: CBR, (SP)=-0.2216w* +3.8763w" —12.611w+28.471, R* =0.9581, (5) CBR,, (MP)=-0.1547w* +2.5276w" —7.9066w+50.122, R* =0.8999, (4) where w is the water content for sample formation. The correlation between CBR,,,and the dry bulk density ...
... describe the relationship between CBR, , and the dry bulk density: CBR,» (SP) = -478050 +277599/0? -536707 , +345539, R? =0.9046, (5) CBR,» (MP) = -7066.6/* +431560? – 87562p, +59092, R =0.8903, (6) where pq is the dry bulk density of the sample in Mg/m*. 30 a % - b 200 - ii D tl/(:· AŠ |=} 180 ...Milan Bogdanović, Snežana Bogdanović, Dragoslav Rakić, Irena Basarić Ikodinović. "Correlation Between Dynamic CBR and Compaction and Bearing Capacity of Pavement Foundation Layers" in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11204-024-09939-x
The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ethoxylated alcohol boosters) on the phase behavior of a water/toluene/technical alkyl polyethoxylate microemulsion system
Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic (2016)The influence of additives (alkyl polyglucoside, Glucopon 600 CS UP and alcohol ethoxylate C18E100) on the behavior of the water/toluene/Lutensol ON 50 (technical oxoalcohol, i-C10E5) microemulsion system as a function of temperature and composition has been investigated. The phase behavior of the microemulsions was determined by vertical sections through the Gibbs phase prism (fish-like phase diagrams). Alkyl polyglucoside shifts the one phase region to lower temperatures compared with water/toluene/Lutensol ON 50 mixtures. This is contrary to the expectation, considering ...микроемулзија, толуен, алкил полиглукозид, оксоалкохол етоксилат, појачивач ефикасности, „fish“ дијаграми... Monken- busch, D. Richter, T. Sottmann, R. Strey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 102-105 B. Jakobs, T. Sottmann, R. Strey, Tenside, Surfactants, Deterg. 37 (2000) 357-364 G. Gompper, D. Richter, R. Strey, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 (2001) 9055-9074 R. Strey, M. Brandt, B. Jakobs, T. Sottmann ...
... Allgaier, G. Gompper, D. Richter, B. Jakobs, T. Sottmann, R. Strey, l. Grillo, J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 580-600 B. Jakobs, T. Sottmann, R. Strey, J. Allgaier, L. Willner, D. Richter, Langmuir 15 (1999) 6707-6711 T. Sottmann, R. Strey, in Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science, J ...
... W.C. Griffin, J. Soc. Cosmet. Chem. 1(5) (1949) 311-326 M. Kahlweit, R. Strey, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 24 (1985) 654-668 M. Kahlweit, R. Strey, P. Firman, D. Haase, Langmuir 1 (1985) 281-288 S. Burauer, T. Sottmann, R. Strey, Tenside, Surfactants Deterg. 37 (2000) 8-16. UTICAJ ALKIL ...Marija Ilic, Franz-Hubert Haegel, Vesna Pavelkic, Dragan Zlatanovic, Snezana Nikolic-Mandic, Aleksandar Lolic, Zoran Nedic. "The influence of alkyl polyglucosides (and highly ethoxylated alcohol boosters) on the phase behavior of a water/toluene/technical alkyl polyethoxylate microemulsion system" in Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, National Library of Serbia (2016). https://doi.org/ 10.2298/CICEQ141105015I
Концепт расположивости при дефинисању ефикасног одржавања помоћне механизације на површинским коповима
Radiša D. Đurić (2016-05-30)Оцена расположивости представља основну компоненту уинжењерском управљању опремом. Расположивост је свеобухватни концепткоји представља меру употребног квалитета техничких система, који садржичитаву серију парцијалних индикатора који се односе на време у раду ивреме у отказу система као и на његову функционалну погодност. Овадисертација даје структурну анализу парцијалних индикатора као и развојмодела њихове синтезе на ниво расположивости. Поменути подаци имајухибридни карактер (измерени и експертски добијени) и њихова интеграцијаи синтеза је остварена коришћењем фази пропозиције и фази закључивања.Овакав приступ омогућава оцену техничког система ...управљање опремом, инжењерство одржавања,расположивост, фази закључивање, прикупљање података, булдозерRadiša D. Đurić. "Концепт расположивости при дефинисању ефикасног одржавања помоћне механизације на површинским коповима" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-05-30)
The Karavansalija Mineralized Center at the Rogozna Mountains in SW Serbia: Magma Evolution and Time Relationship of Intrusive Events and Skarn Au ± Cu–Pb–Zn Mineralization
rudna ležišta, egzo-endoskarn, CA-U/Pb TIMS datiranje, Balkansko poluostrvo, magmatizam, kraktorajni magmatizamJ. Hoerler, Albrecht von Quadt, R. Burkhard, Irena Peytcheva, Vladica Cvetković, T. Baker . "The Karavansalija Mineralized Center at the Rogozna Mountains in SW Serbia: Magma Evolution and Time Relationship of Intrusive Events and Skarn Au ± Cu–Pb–Zn Mineralization" in Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Frontiers (2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2021.798701
The external aggregation Newton's method for solving nonlinear equations and applications
... Axxx(x, y) = Ayyy(y, x). DEFINITION OF THE METHOD AND ANALYSIS OF ITS CONVERGENCE Calculating the real root α of nonlinear equation f (x) = 0, f : I ⊆ R→ R . (1) is a common problem in the field of applied mathematics. The root α is said to be simple if f (α) = 0 and f ′(α) , 0. If f (α) = f ′(α) = ...
... (5) we call external aggregation Newton’s method, shortly EANM. The next theorem (see Ralević & Ćebić (2019)) hold. Theorem 5. Let f : I ⊆ R → R where I is an open interval. Assume that f is sufficiently differentiable function in the interval I and f has a simple root α ∈ I. If x0 is sufficiently ...
... o(e3 n). In the following Theorem we give the error equation of EANM method in a case when we approximate multiple roots. Theorem 7. Let f : I ⊆ R → R, where I is an open interval. Assume that f is sufficiently differentiable function on the interval I and f has a multiple root of multiplicity k ...Marija Paunović, Dejan Ćebić, Nebojša Ralević. "The external aggregation Newton's method for solving nonlinear equations and applications" in The University Thought - Publication in Natural Sciences, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2020). https://doi.org/10.5937/univtho10-24982
Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources
In this paper, we present two approaches and the implemented system for bilingual terminology extraction that rely on an aligned bilingual domain corpus, a terminology extractor for a target language, and a tool for chunk alignment. The two approaches differ in the way terminology for the source language is obtained: the first relies on an existing domain terminology lexicon, while the second one uses a term extraction tool. For both approaches, four experiments were performed with two parameters being ...... consider R and F1 scores as relative since 16 B. Šandrih, C. Krstev and R. Stanković they depend on the source language (English) extraction – the comprehensiveness of LIS-dict and successfulness of Eng-TE. Table 3. The calculation of the set of equivalent pairs, precision P , recall R and F1 score ...
... especially † This research was supported by Serbian Ministry of Education and Science under the grants #III 47003 and 178006. 2 B. Šandrih, C. Krstev and R. Stanković for languages that are in need of many Natural Language Processing (NLP) re- sources and tools. Such is the case for Serbian, for which t ...
... extraction and alignment, or approached these tasks as optimization problems, or even treated them as classifi- cation tasks. 4 B. Šandrih, C. Krstev and R. Stanković In the final step, we apply a binary classifier on the obtained translation candi- dates, with an aim to determine good and bad translation ...Branislava Šandrih, Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Two approaches to compilation of bilingual multi-word terminology lists from lexical resources" in Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press (CUP) (2020). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1351324919000615
Application of stochastic models for mine planning and coal quality control
Dejan Stevanović, Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Dinko Knežević, Mirjana Banković. "Application of stochastic models for mine planning and coal quality control" in Thermal Science, Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2014). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI130201031S
Geochemical evaluation of dolostone deposits in Montenegro: Implications for potential industrial applications
Darko Bozovic, Vladimir Simic, Dragan Radulovic, Slobodan Radusinovic, Vesna Matovic, Anja Terzic (2024)This study presents a unique model for assessing the dependability of continuous parts of combined systems in open-pit mining through the application of fuzzy logic. Continuous sub-systems as part of the combined system of coal exploitation in surface mines have the basic function of ensuring safe operation, high capacity with high reliability, and low costs. These subsystems are usually part of the thermal power plant’s coal supply system and ensure stable fuel supply. The model integrates various independent partial ...примарне сировине, минералогија, физичко-механичка својства, технолошка својства, наука о материјалимаDarko Bozovic, Vladimir Simic, Dragan Radulovic, Slobodan Radusinovic, Vesna Matovic, Anja Terzic. "Geochemical evaluation of dolostone deposits in Montenegro: Implications for potential industrial applications" in Science of Sintering, Bor, August 2024, National Library of Serbia (2024). https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS240701029B