391 items
EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School
Prva škola za obuku polaznika koju je organizovala COST akcija NexusLinguarum održana je od 8. do 12. februara 2021. godine sa ciljem da studenti, istraživači i stručnjaci nauče osnove lingvističke nauke o podacima. Tokom obuke polaznici su se upoznali sa širokim spektrom tema: od semantičkog veba, RDF -a i ontologija, do modeliranja i pretraživanja jezičkih podataka pomoću najsavremenijih ontoloških modela i alata. Škola je održana u okviru serije letnjih škola EUROLAN-a i organizovalo ju je virtuelno (onlajn) nekoliko instituta; ...nauka o lingvističkim podacima, povezani podaci u lingvistici, jezički podaci, EUROLAN, NexusLinguarum, COST akcija, škola za obuku... summer schools, which was established in 1993 and covers topics that are particularly relevant to the fields of computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). The goal of this 15th EUROLAN School was to bring together scholars, teachers and students of linguistics, NLP and information technology ...
... (Re- source Description Framework Schema, variously abbreviated as RDFS, RDF(S), RDF-S, or RDF/S), Web Ontology Language (OWL),5 etc.); – SPARQL query language- a semantic query language for databases able to retrieve and manipulate data stored in the RDF format; 2. EUROLAN 3. Deliverable D1.1 4. ...
... Vila-Suero, and Guadalupe Aguado-De-Cea. 2014. “Enabling Language Resources to Expose Trans- lations as Linked Data on the Web.” In Proceedings of the 9th LREC, edited by Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair) et al. Reykjavik, Ice- land: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), May. isbn: 978-2-9517408-8-4 ...Milan Dojchinovski, Julia Bosque Gil, Jorge Gracia, Ranka Stanković. "EUROLAN 2021: Introduction to Linked Data for Linguistics Online Training School" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.7
A WordNet Ontology in Improving Searches of Digital Dialect Dictionary
In this paper, we present a method for automatic generation of a digital resource, which connects all indirect synonyms of a dialect term to all indirect synonyms of a corresponding term in the standard language, aiming to improve the search of a digital dialect dictionary. The method uses SWRL rules defined in the Serbian WordNet ontology to identify sets of synonymous words. It also uses e-dictionaries to produce correct lemmas in standard language that users usually employ in searches. ...... user not familiar with a dialect. This problem often encountered by students of a foreign language can be solved by explaining terms not known in a foreign language by expressing the same con- cepts in a language they are familiar with. Two other ways of search (search by creating a logical query over ...
... ies от а standard language morphological transformations for lemma generation Extract definitions of verbs in a dialect џ? dictionary, given in standard language о Index inverting Table: dictionary verb @ entry related with equivalent standard language lemma of a verb Table: ...
... the standard language has the same or similar meaning as verbs of the dialect in the same record; 2 — if it is was not clear whether an infinitive of the standard language has the same or similar meaning as verbs of the dialect in the same record; 3 — if an infinitive of the standard language has not the ...Miljana Mladenović, Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev. "A WordNet Ontology in Improving Searches of Digital Dialect Dictionary" in New Trends in Databases and Information Systems: ADBIS 2017 Short Papers and Workshops - SW4CH (Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage) 767, Springer International Publishing (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67162-8_37
Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)
Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković (2020)U ovom radu predstavljamo kako se e-rečnici i kaskade transduktora konačnih stanja implementirani u alatu Unitex mogu koristiti za rešavanje tri problema transformacije teksta: ispravljanje tekstova nakon OCR-a, vraćanje dijakritičkih znakova i prebacivanje između različitih jezičkih varijanti.ispravka teksta, OCR greške, restauracija dijakritika , jezičke varijante, elektronski rečnik, transduktori konačnih stanja... correction using a noisy channel model”. In Proceedings of the second international conference on Human Language Technology Research, 257–262. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2002 Krstev, Cvetana. Processing of Serbian – Automata, Texts and Electronic dictionaries. Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade ...
... prob- lems: correction of texts after OCR, restora- tion of diacritics and switching between differ- ent language variants. KEYWORDS: text correction, OCR errors, diacritic restoration, language variants, electronic dictionary, finite-state transducers. PAPER SUBMITTED: 13 October 2019 PAPER ACCEPTED: ...
... true for problems of diacritic restoration, OCR errors correction and language variants transformation. In this paper we present an approach to solving three text mending problems for Serbian: OCR errors, diacritics omission and language vari- ant switching. The common characteristic of these problems is ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.3
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... Београду [ДР РГФ] Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard | Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Miloš Utvić | Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications | 2014 | | http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0000835 Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког ...
... 2008. Ref. ISO 30042:2008. ISO. Terminology and Other Language and Content Resources — Specification of Data Categories and Management of a Data Category Registry for Language Resources, 2009. Ref. ISO 12620:2009. Cvetana Krstev. Processing of Serbian — Automata, Text and Electronic Dictio- naries ...
... language processing applications and general language technology environments (e.g., TM systems) [9]. Termbases developed at FMG followed the principle that terminology, as ev- ery other theory, should have an applied side from which applications can be generated to solve problems. To that end they have to ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)
Развој геолошког терминолошког речника ГеолИССТерм
... Pavlović-lažetić, goradana. krstev, cvetana. Popović, ljuba. Obradović, Ivan. 2003: Processing Serbian Written Texts: An Overview of resources and Basic Tools, Proceedings of the Inter- national Workshop on Balkan language resources and Tools, Thessaloniki, greece, November 2003, S. Piperidis, v. karakaletsis ...
... Science language Technical Team, 56 p. Soller, r. David, ed., 2004b. Sedimentary materials: science language for their classification, description, and interpretation in digital geologic-map databases, version 1.0 (12/18/2004), North American geologic- map Data model Science language Technical ...
... p. Soller, r. David., ed., 2004c. Volcanic materials: sci- ence language for their naming and characteriza- tion in digital geologic-map databases, version 1.0 (12/18/2004), North American geologic-map Data model Science language Technical Team, 18 p. rANkA STANkOvIć eT Al. ‒ The DevelOPmeNT OF ...Ranka Stanković, Branislav Trivić, Olivera Kitanović, Branislav Blagojević, Velizar Nikolić. "Развој геолошког терминолошког речника ГеолИССТерм" in INFOteka: časopis za informatiku i bibliotekarstvo, Beograd : Zajednica biblioteka univerziteta u Srbiji (2011)
Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian
Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová (2019)Basic analyses of several properties of syllables (the rank-frequency distribution, the distribution of length, and the relation between length and frequency) in Serbian is presented. The syllabification algorithm used combines the maximum onset principle and the sonority hierarchy. Results indicate that syllables behave similarly to words as far as mathematical models are concerned, but values of parameters in models for syllables are quite different from those for words.... Syllables in Serbian 117 3. Language material Serbian is a South Slavic language. It has the official status in Serbia (exclusively) and in Bosnia and Herzegovina (as one of three languages, together with Bosnian and Croatian), and the status of a minority language in several other countries. Given ...
... above, with a general syllable definition lacking, a scientist can apply language- specific rules for syllabification (e.g. using morpheme borders as one of the criteria for syllable borders). While the application of language-specific rules is not bad per se, if one wants to compare models, parameter ...
... approach to all languages under investigation is indispensable. If a language allows only open syllables (such as Old Slavonic, cf. Rottmann, 1999), the syllabification is straightforward (provided that diphthongs – if the language under investigation contains any – can be reliably distinguished from ...Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová. "Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian" in Glottometrics (2019)
Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal
... with the use of PHP script language and AJAX. By using HTML and CSS for markup, JavaScript for the access to DOM elements, XML (Extensible Markup Language) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), data is downloaded from the server and the final results are formated. Query processing on the server side expands ...
... and GIS tech- nologies. The largest part was realized with the use of the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) script language on server side and the XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language) language on the client side. In addition to this, the part of the web portal pertaining to geological terminology and ...
... 2008-2011, funded by the Ministry, carried out by FMG, DRAGISIC. Fig. 2. Map of the Tara National park. developed with the use of PHP script language, jQuery library for text animation and generation of detailed overview of objects, as well as external Adobe flash plug-ins, FlashPageFlip and Zoomify ...Ranka Stanković, Jelena Prodanović, Olivera Kitanović, Velizar Nikolić. "Development Of The Serbian Geological Resources Portal" in Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, Belgrade, Serbia : The Serbian Geological Society (2011)
Open Educational Resources in Serbia
... programming and web design, it includes learning materials on Social Networks analysis, GIS application in geology, Lexical Analysis in Natural Language Processing, Security in IT etc. Khan Academy published mathematics and IT OERs generally for young children. Mathematics OERs are related to Early ...
... stakeholders. OERs are developed in Serbian language and their content covers different fields. The main goal is to allow teachers to offer their teaching materials at all levels of education to their colleagues, students and students for free use, reuse, processing, combination and further distribution ...
... components that incorporate knowledge from various language and lexical resources. She is head of Computer Centre for the Mining department, Chairman of Technical comity A037 Terminology in Institute for Standardisation of Serbia and vice president of Language Resources and Technologies Society (JERTEH) ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković, Marija Blagojević, Danijela Milošević. "Open Educational Resources in Serbia" in Current State of Open Educational Resources in the “Belt and Road” Countries, Springer Singapore (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3040-1_10
OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja novi jezički resurs za pretraživanje i istraživanje verbalnih aspektnih parova u BCS (bosanskom, hrvatskom i srpskom), kreiran korišćenjem principa Lingvističkih Povezanih Otvorenih Podataka (LLOD). Pošto ne postoji resurs koji bi pomogao učenicima bosanskog, hrvatskog i srpskog kao stranih jezika da prepoznaju aspekt glagola ili njegove parove, kreirali smo novi resurs koji će korisnicima pružiti informacije o aspektu, kao i link ka aspektnim parovima glagola. Ovaj resurs takođe sadrži spoljne linkove ka monolingvalnim rečnicima, Wordnetu i BabelNetu. ...Ranka Stanković, Maxim Ionov, Medina Bajtarević, Lorena Ninčević. "OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian" in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, 20-25 May 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines
In this paper we present how resources and tools developed within the Human Language Technology Group at the University of Belgrade can be used for tuning queries before submitting them to a web search engine. We argue that the selection of words chosen for a query, which are of paramount importance for the quality of results obtained by the query, can be substantially improved by using various lexical resources, such as morphological dictionaries and wordnets. These dictionaries enable semantic ...LR web services, MultiWord Expressions & Collocations, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval... Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genoa, Italy, May 2006, pp. 1692-1697 Krstev, C., Vitas, D., Maurel, D., Tran, M. (2005). Multilingual Ontology of Proper Names. In Proc. of Second Language & Technology Conference, Poznań, Poland, April ...
... and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines | Krstev Cvetana, Stanković Ranka, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan | LREC 2008: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2008 | 2008 | | http://dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs/s/repo/item/0004838 Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког ...
... ranka@rgf.bg.ac.yu, vitas@matf.bg.ac.yu, ivano@rgf.bg.ac.yu Abstract In this paper we present how resources and tools developed within the Human Language Technology Group at the University of Belgrade can be used for tuning queries before submitting them to a web search engine. We argue that the selection ...Krstev Cvetana, Stanković Ranka, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan. "The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines" in LREC 2008: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2008, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2008)
Увођење доменских и семантичких маркера за област рударства у српске електронске речнике
... International Confer- ence on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2016, Portorož, Slov- enia, pp. 23–28. Крстев и др. 2016: Cvetana Krstev, Anđelka Zečević, Duško Vitas, and Tita Kyriacopoulou, “NERosettafor the Named Entity Multi-lingual Space”, In: Human Language Technology Challenges for Computer ...
... доменских корпуса. ЛИТЕРАТУРА Јурафски/Мартин, 2016: Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin, Speech and Lan- guage Processing, Draft of November 7, 2016. Крстев 2008: Cvetana Krstev, Processing of Serbian – Automata, Texts and Elec- tronic dictionaries Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade ...
... Belgrade. Крстев и др., 2008: Cvetana Krstev, DuškoVitas, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, “Re- sources and Methods in the Morphosyntactic Processing of Serbo-Croatian”, Formal Description of Slavic Languages: The Fifth Conference, Leipzig 2003, Zybatow, Gerhildetal. (eds.), Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main ...Иван Обрадовић, Александра Томашевић, Ранка Станковић, Биљана Лазић. "Увођење доменских и семантичких маркера за област рударства у српске електронске речнике" in Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане - Српски језик и његови ресурси: теорија, опис и примене, Београд : Међународни славистички центар на Филолошком факултету, Филолошки факултет (2017). https://doi.org/10.18485/msc.2017.46.3.ch10
Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology
Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni (2019)This paper is a result of a task that was presented to attendants of Keyword Search in Big Linked Data summer school, that was organized by Vienna University of Technology, under the Keystone COST action in the summer of 2017. It presents a specific approach to the classification via creation of minimal document surrogates based on the US National medical library’s MeSH ontology, which is derived from the Medical Subject Headings thesaurus. In a series of previously classified medically ...... 690 Figure 6. Examples of lines from CSV document containing the names and iden- tifiers of concept nodes. system, but for a morphologically rich language, such as Serbian, previous lemmatization or other kind of normalization of both resources is necessary. Finding and replacing ontology concepts in ...
... et al., 2001).Once established, the system may find wider application. When it comes to the classification of (medical) documents for the Serbian language, it is necessary to prepare resources first. In this regard the International Classification of Diseases in Serbian - MKB 10 (Medunarodna klasifikacija ...
... English and Latin equivalents, allowing for the extension of the search for concept names and their retrieval in documents. However, rich Serbian language morphology should be taken into account 68 Infotheca Vol. 19, No. 1, September 2019 Scientific paper and preparation of additional lexical resources ...Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni. "Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.1.3
Quantitative analysis of syllable properties in Croatian, Serbian, Russian, and Ukrainian
Biljana Rujević, Marija Kaplar, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Jan Mačutek (2021)Biljana Rujević, Marija Kaplar, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Jan Mačutek. "Quantitative analysis of syllable properties in Croatian, Serbian, Russian, and Ukrainian" in Language and Text: Data, models, information and applications, John Benjamins Publishing Company (2021). https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.356.04ruj
WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2015)... Microsoft Visio featuring an interface with ArcGIS. The WebGIS application was developed using GeoServer, an open source tool in the Java programming language, with integrated PostgreSQL DB and the possibility of generating and publishing WMS, WFS and KML services. The WebGIS application is publicly ...
... export, as well as web search and visualization [9]. 2.3 Geodatabase model The geodatabase model was developed using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and CASE (Computer- Aided Software Engineering) tool Microsoft Visio, which has a developed integration feature with ArcGIS. Figure 1 shows part ...
... support spatial data. GeoServer was used for generating and publishing WMS (Web Map Service) and WFS (Web Feature Service), KML (Keyhole Markup Language) and everything else needed to create a web GIS application. GeoServer is an open source tool designed in Java which enables users to serve spatial ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "WebGIS Cadastre of Abandoned Mines in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina" in Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium Mining And Environmental Protection,June 10-13,2015, Vrdnik, Serbia, Belgrade : Faculty of Mining and Geology (2015)
A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines
Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis (2016)... management of natural resources), environmental management and management within state bodies. The modern concept of management of mineral resources in Serbia includes comprehensive registration and monitoring of mineral resources at various stages of their exploitation and processing. From the viewpoint ...
... Systems AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process GIS Geographical Information Systems KML Keyhole Markup Language WMS Web Map Service WFS Web Feature Service CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering UML Unified Modeling Language References 1. Hall, A.; Scott, J.A.; Shang, H. Geothermal energy recovery from underground ...
... Microsoft Visio featuring an interface with ArcGIS. The WebGIS application was developed using GeoServer, an open source tool in the Java programming language, with integrated PostgreSQL DB and the possibility of generating and publishing WMS, WFS and KML services. The WebGIS application is publicly available ...Ranka Stanković, Nikola Vulović, Nikola Lilić, Ivan Obradović, Radule Tošović, Milica Pešić-Georgiadis. "A WebGIS Decision Support System for Management of Abandoned Mines" in Energies 7 no. 9 (2016): 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/en9070567
Претрага корпуса заснована на употреби екстерних лексичких ресурса путем веб-сервиса
У раду се разматра хибридни приступ претрази корпуса, илустрован на примеру алатки OCWB и NoSketch Engine, примењених на специјални корпус из области рударства (РудКор) и Корпус савременог српског језика (СрпКор). Разматрани приступ комбинује постојеће могућности алатки OCWB и NoSketch Engine, које своју претрагу заснивају на лингвистичкој анотацији корпуса, са новим могућностима претраге у виду консултовања екстерних језичких ресурса (морфолошки електронски речници српског језика и лексичка база података Српски ворднет). Хибридни приступ је реализован надоградњом вебсучеља која поменуте алатке користе ...... Trees”, In Jones, D. B. et al. (еds.) New Methods in Language Process- ing, Routledge, 154–164. Шмид 1999: Helmut Schmid, „Improvements in Part-of-Speech Tagging with an Application to German”, In: Armstrong, S. et al. (eds.) Natural Language Processing Using Very Large Corpora, Dordrecht: Springer, 13–25 ...
... ceedings_v1_final.pdf Рихли 2007: Pavel Rychlý, “Manatee/Bonito — A Modular Corpus Manager”, In: 1st Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Process- ing, Brno : Masaryk University, 65–70. Станковић 2009: Ранка Станковић, модели експанзије упита над текстуел- ним ресурсима (необјављена ...
... & tag=»N»] Сваки токен bacili коме је као вредност атрибута tag придру- жена вредност N. 7 У енгл. оригиналу CQP Query Language. 8 У енгл. оригиналу Corpus Query Language, скр. CQL. Милош М. Утвић, Ранка М. Станковић, Александра Ђ. Шкорић, Биљана Ђ. Лазић286 Веб-сервиси за експанзију упита над ...Милош Утвић, Ранка Станковић, Александра Томашевић, Михаило Шкорић, Биљана Лазић. "Претрага корпуса заснована на употреби екстерних лексичких ресурса путем веб-сервиса" in Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дане - Vol. 48/3 Српски језик и његови ресурси, Међународни славистички центар, Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/msc.2019.48.3.ch12
Proširivanje upita zasnovano na leksičkim resursima
U radu je opisano kako se leksički resursi za srpski jezik i softverski alati, razvijeni u okviru Grupe za jezičke tehnologije Univerziteta u Beogradu, mogu koristiti za unapređenje postavljanja upita. Rezultati pretrage mogu biti značajno unapređeni korišćenjem različitih leksičkih resursa, kakvi su morfološki rečnici i semantičke mreže. Izloženi pristup može se iskoristiti i u Sistemu naučnih, tehnoloških i poslovnih informacija, jer je efikasno pretraživanje ovog dragocenog resursa, imajući u vidu njegovu heterogenost i obim, kao i preovladavajući tekstualni sadržaj, ...... [1] Vitas D., Pavlović-Lažetić G., Krstev C., Popović Lj., Obradović I. (2003): „Processing Serbian Written Texts: An Overview of Resources and Basic Tools“, Proc. of the International Workshop on Balkan Language Resources and Tools, Thessaloniki, Greece, S. Piperidis, V. Karakaletsis (eds.) ...
... korišćenje tih proširenih upita, koje pruža web aplikacija WS4QE. Abstract - This paper presents how resources and tools developed within the Human Language Technology Group at the University of Belgrade can be used for improvement of queries. Search results can be substantially improved by using various ...
... [6] Krstev C., Stanković R., Vitas D., Obradović I., “WS4LR: A Workstation for Lexical Resources”, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2006, Genoa, Italy, May 2006, pp. 1692- 1697. [7] Stanković R. (2008) „Improvement of geodatabase queries within ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev. "Proširivanje upita zasnovano na leksičkim resursima" in SNTPI 09 - Naučno-stručni skup Sistem naučnih, tehnoloških i poslovnih informacija, Beograd 19. i 20. jun 2009, Beograd : Fakultet informacionih tehnologija (2009)
Integrisanje heterogenih leksičkih resursa
Osnovna aktivnost Grupe za obradu prirodnih jezika na Matematičkom fakulteta Univeziteta u Beogradu je usmerena na razvoj različitih resursa za obradu srpskog jezika. Među njima su posebno značajni sistem morfoloških rečnika srpskog jezika razvijenih u okviru mreže RELEX [1] i semantička mreža (tipa wordnet) za srpski jezik razvijena u okviru međunarodnog projekta Balkanet. Radi se o dva heterogena leksička resursa, razvijena na osnovu sasvim različitih modela, koji samim tim sadrže i različite vrste leksičkih informacija. Integracijom ovih resursa, informacije ...... International Wordnet Conference, Mysore, India. [4] Vitas, D. et al. (2003). Resources and Basic Tools for the Processing of Serbian Written Texts. Proc. of the Workshop on Balkan Language Resources, 1st Balkan Conference in Informatics. [5] Vossen, P. (ed.) (1998). EuroWordNet: A Multilingual Database ...
... .NET Framework-a, činjenica da su srpski i ostali balkanski WN u XML formatu olakšava je korišćenje ovih alata. Pri tome, XML Schema definition language (XSD) omogućava definisanje strukture i tipova podataka XML dokumenata. Slika 3 prikazuje grafičku reprezentaciju XSD šeme srpskog WN. Slika ...
... sve imenice koje nemaju hiperonim, tj. koje su prve u hijerarhiji. U ovakvom okruženju je razvijeno programsko rešenje ILReMaT (Integrated Language Resource Management Tool). Ovim alatom se olakšava razvoj srpskog WN u skladu sa engleskim WN, i omogućava njegovo integrisanje sa drugim leksičkim ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, Ivan Obradović, Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić. "Integrisanje heterogenih leksičkih resursa" in Festivalski katalog 11. Festivala informatičkih dostignuća INFOFEST 2004, 26th September - 2nd October, 2004, Budva, Montenegro, INFOFEST (2004)
Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu
Olivera Kitanović (2021)Rudarska proizvodnja obuhvata kompleksne tehnološke sisteme, što nameće potrebu za uspostavljanjem i unapređivanjem sistema upravljanja rizikom. Heterogenost i obim podataka neophodnih za upravljanje rizikom zahtevaju sistem koji ih na fleksibilan način integriše i omogućava njihovo optimalno korišćenje. Osnovni cilj ove disertacije je razvoj ontologije za domen rudarstva i na njoj zasnovanog modela za upravljanje rizikom. Njegova realizacija podrazumeva i implementaciju algoritama ekstrakcije informacija za popunjavanje ontologije, kao i odgovarajuće softversko rešenje. Razvoj modela obuhvata i značajno proširenje rudarskog korpusa, kao ...rudarstvo, rizik, upravljanje rizikom, procena rizika, ontologija, semantička mreža, ekstrakcija informacija, upravljanje znanjem, računarska lingvistika... Terminology Lists from Lexical Resources.” Natural Language Engineering 26 (4 July): 455–79. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1351324919000615. Schmid, Helmut. 1999. “Improvements in Part-of-Speech Tagging with an Application to German.” In Natural Language Processing Using Very Large Corpora, edited by Susan ...
... ontology learning environment) oslanjajući se na obradu narativnog, nestruktuiranog teksta tehnikama obrade prirodnih jezika (eng. NLP, natural language processing), uglavnom ekstrakcijom informacija (koncepata, primeraka i relacija) koje se koriste i u ovom istraživanju. 3.4.1. Principi razvoja ...
... 77–84. Stanković, Ranka, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. 2014. “Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard.” In Natural Language Processing for Serbian- Resources and Applications. In Proceedings of the Conference “35\textsuperscriptth Anniversary of Computational Linguistics ...Olivera Kitanović. Ontološki model upravljanja rizikom u rudarstvu, Beograd : [O. Kitanović], 2021
Речник САНУ као база терминолошких речника (на примеру речника кулинарства)
... Frankfurt am Main. 2. Vitas, D., Popović, Lj., Krstev, C., Obradović, I., Pavlović-Lažetić, G. and Stanojević, M. (2012). The Serbian Language in the Digital Age. Berlin; Springer-Verlag. 3. Kilgarriff, A., Baisa, V., Bušta, J., Jakubíček, M., Kovář, V., Michelfeit, J., Rychlý, P., Suchomel, V. (2014) ...
... Ivan Obradović, Biljana Lazić and Aleksandra Trtovac. „Rule based automatic multi-word term extraction and lemmatization.” In: 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 23-28 May 2016, Portorož. 7. Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas, “Production ...
... Dictionaries with Terms from the Culinary Domain”, In The Proceedings of Seventh Global WordNet Conference 2014. 10. Jurafsky, D. (2014). The Language of Food: A Linguist Reads the Menu. New York City, NY, USA: W.W. Norton & Company 11. Cvetana Krstev, Biljana Lazić, “Glagoli u kuhinji i za stolom” ...Рада Стијовић, Олга Сабо, Ранка Станковић. "Речник САНУ као база терминолошких речника (на примеру речника кулинарства)" in Словенска терминологија данас, Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности (2017)