1003 items
Evidence of Variscan and Alpine tectonics in the structural and thermochronological record of the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (south-eastern Serbia)
... M, Rundić L, Milivojević J (2007) Neoalpine tec- tonics of Serbia. Serbian Geological Society, Belgrade Maslarević L, Krstić B (1999) Permian continental redbeds of the Serbian South-Carpathian and Balkan (Stara Planina) Moun- tains. Abstracts. Brescia, pp 9264 Matenco L, Schmid S (1999) Exhumation ...
... Proceedings of XVII congress of CBGA. VEDA, Bratislava Krstić N, Karamata S (1992) Terani u Karpato-Balkanidima istočne Srbije. Zapisnici SGD jubilarna knjiga 1801—1991:57—69 Krstić B, Maslarević L, Ercegovac M, Đajić S (2002) Devonian of the Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides. In: Proceedings of XVII ...
... ) Vl as in a Un it S e r b o - M a c e d o n i a n Ma ss if Struma Unit (undiff.) NIB Frolosh Unit }}} crnook-Osogovo-Lisets complex Ge ti cu m 'Kratovo-Zletovo / K/Ar thermochronology published data* Rb-Sr thermochronology O “oAr/ 9A tl L 360+1)| 122-137| published ...Milorad D. Antić, Alexandre Kounov, Branislav Trivić, Richard Spikings, Andreas Wetzel. "Evidence of Variscan and Alpine tectonics in the structural and thermochronological record of the central Serbo-Macedonian Massif (south-eastern Serbia)" in International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-016-1380-6
Models of Determining the Parameters of Rock Mass Oscillation Equation with Experimental and Mass Blastings
... Institute Bor: Bor, Serbia, 2000; pp. 317–319. 5. Trajković, S.; Slimak, Š.; Lutovac, S. Technique of Blasting and Shock Waves; Faculty of Mining and Geology: Belgrade, Serbia, 2005; p. 199. 6. Savić, L.; Ristović, I.; Trajković, S.; Savić, L. 2010: Experimental Research and Defining of the Optimum ...
... Location possibility: flat floors, boards, foundations, ground • Trigger level, V, L, T (trigger levels): 0.1–200 mm/s • Channel trigger level A (microphone): 2–150 Pa • Sampling: 1000, 2000 or 4000 Hz • Recording length: 1–100 s or automatic length • Data transfer: Vibraloc PC software • Data analysis: UVSZ ...
... Simeunović, D. Mathematics; Faculty of Mining and Geology, Mining Department: Belgrade, Serbia, 1985; pp. 101–103. 10. Lutovac, S.; Trajković, S.; Katona, O.; Savić, L.; Leković, B. Parameter Determination of Soil Oscillation in Limestone; Technics Technologies Education Management; DRUNPP: Sarajevo ...Suzana Lutovac, Branko Gluščević, Rade Tokalić, Jelena Majstorović, Čedomir Beljić. "Models of Determining the Parameters of Rock Mass Oscillation Equation with Experimental and Mass Blastings" in Minerals, Basel : MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/min8020070
Some models for determination of parameters of the soil oscillation law during blasting operations
... 2131.52. Ro2-4410 (31) Graphic survey of soil oscillation law is shown in Figure 6. De o J oo ! vy, = 2,131.52 -R™" Oscillation velocities, v[cm/s] nN L 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Reduced distance, R Figure 6. Graphic survey of soil oscillation law curve in the Kovilovaéa Open Pit. ...
... Table 1. Survey of blasting parameters and measurement results in the Veliki Krivelj Open Pit. No. Blasting r (m) Q (kg) R vt (cm/s) vv (cm/s) vl (cm/s) vrez (cm/s) 1 I 5.0 0.1 10.7722 0.4200 0.9300 1.1400 1.5300 2 I 6.0 0.1 12.9266 0.3000 0.6000 1.0500 1.2460 3 I 7.0 0.1 15.0810 0.2400 0.4000 0 ...
... are presented in Table 2. Table 2. Survey of recorded and calculated soil oscillation velocities for models 1, 2, and 3. No. R vr (cm/s) vi1 (cm/s) vi2 (cm/s) vi3 (cm/s) vr ´ vi1 vr ´ vi2 vr ´ vi3 1 10.7722 1.5300 1.4737 1.5300 1.4990 0.0563 0.0000 0.0310 2 12.9266 1.2460 1.1256 1.1551 1.1404 0.1204 ...Suzana Lutovac, Dragan Medenica, Branko Gluščević, Rade Tokalić, Čedomir Beljić. "Some models for determination of parameters of the soil oscillation law during blasting operations" in Energies, Basel, Switzerland : MDPI (2018). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9080617
Hidrološki i hidraulički mehanizam isticanja vrela Rijeka Crnojevića
Rijeka Crnojevića predstavlja karstno (kraško) vrelo, koje u teritоrijalnom pogledu pripada Opštini Cetinje, u gеоlоškо-tеktоnskоm pоglеdu pripаdа zоni Visоkоg kršа (оblаst stаrе Crnе Gоrе), dоk prema hidrogeološkoj rejonizaciji spаdа u prоstоr Spoljašnjih Dinarida. Izvire iz Obodske (ili Crnojevića) pećine u selu Obod (81 m.n.m.). Voda koja ističe iz Obodske pećine vodi porijeklo od atmosferskih voda, koje se formiraju na prostoru Cetinjskog polja i Dobrskog sela. Vоdе nа оbоdu pоljа pоniru i kreću se uglаvnоm podzemnim kаvеrnаmа i kаnаlimа, nаstаlim ...Golub Ćulafić, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović, Jelena Krstajić. "Hidrološki i hidraulički mehanizam isticanja vrela Rijeka Crnojevića" in KRAS - VEKOVNA NAUČNA INSPIRACIJA, naučni skup posvećen dr Dušanu Gavriloviću profesoru Geografskog fakulteta, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Geografski fakultet (2022)
Hidrogeohemijska valorizacija esencijalnih mikroelemenata mineralnih voda Srbije
Jana S. Stojković (2013-09-25)Mineralne vode još od davnina privlače pažnju ljudi i to kako u pogledu istraživanja iproučavanja, tako i u pogledu njihovog iskorišćavanja. Naročito je važno poznavanjesadržaja mikroelemenata u njima, jer su to komponente njihovog hemijskog sastavakoje ih odvajaju od tzv. „običnih“ malomineralizovanih voda.U ovom radu proučavani su odabrani esencijalni mikroelementi (fluor, bor, litijum,kalijum, stroncijum i silicijum), u mineralnim vodama Srbije, pri čemu je analiziranopreko 130 uzoraka mineralnih voda iz različitih geoloških sredina, to jest hidrogeološkihrejona. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ...esencijalni mikroelementi, faktori migracije, zakonomernosti rasprostranjenja, hidrogeohemijski procesi, multivarijantna statistička analiza, mineralne vode Srbije... Jana S. Stojković Doktorska disertacija 98 T a b el a 3 .2 . K o ef ic ij en ti k o re la ci je 1 4 p ar am et ar a h em ij sk o g s as ta v a is p it iv an ih m in er al n ih v o d a. T p H C a M g N a K C l H C O 3 S O 4 S i F B L i S r T ...
... povišene koncentracije bora (redom: 11,9 mg/l i 7,2 mg/l) i kalijuma (redom: 47,4 mg/l i 25,6 mg/l). Jana S. Stojković Doktorska disertacija 148 Slika 3.25. Karta distribucije koncentracija stroncijuma u mineralnim vodama Srbije. Jana S. Stojković Doktorska disertacija 149 ...
... od hiljaditih delova mg/l pa do čak nekoliko stotina mg/l (Tabela 2.8). Jana S. Stojković Doktorska disertacija 52 Tabela 2.8. Koncentracije litijuma (mg/l) u različitim prirodnim vodama (modifikovano prema: Солодов, Балашов и Кременецкий 1980). Vode Li (mg/l) Okeani 0,17‒0,20 Reke ...Jana S. Stojković. "Hidrogeohemijska valorizacija esencijalnih mikroelemenata mineralnih voda Srbije" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-09-25)
Mapping and classifying large deformation from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation
kontinentalna tektonika: kompresija, kontinentalna tektonika: ekstenzija, kontinentalna tektonika: transkurentni i transformni rasedi, pukotine, rasedi, zone snažnih deformacija, kinematika deformacija kore i omotača, teorijska mehanika, modelovanje... o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp s ://a c a d e m ic .o u p .c o m /g ji/a rtic le /2 2 6 /2 /9 8 4 /6 1 9 5 5 2 9 b y g u e s t o n 1 9 J u ly 2 0 2 1 1016 T. Broerse et al. s—l —1 ON l}s-1 aN 1} -1 nr —|n = Al0 a 4fits| a= a4] 4 (Al0) l-s 1 such that: a 1} — - —u,— Noo = Uy ...
... discriminated from two orthogonal stretches with different magnitude, but the same sign. 3 A P P L I C AT I O N : S T R A I N T Y P E F O R RO TAT I N G E L E M E N T S U N D E R D I F F E R E N T T Y P E S O F D E F O R M AT I O N As a first test, we apply our strain type classification to individual ...
... coordinates s, where the element, even in deformed state, retains its rectangular shape. Right panel: the same element in global coordinates x. Nodal coordinates relate to global coordinates as x = x, M(s, ft). with bilinear shape functions N (Hughes 2012): (l—s)d —1) _1fd+sa—4) N= aladsa+y (A2) (1 —s)(1 +2) ...Taco Broerse, Nemanja Krstekanić, Cor Kasbergen, Ernst Willingshofer. "Mapping and classifying large deformation from digital imagery: application to analogue models of lithosphere deformation" in Geophysical Journal International, Oxford University Press (OUP) (2021). https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab120
Dating intrusion and cooling of Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of Southern Serbia and discussion of the geodynamic setting of Paleocene-Miocene magmatism in the Balkan Peninsula.
Schefer S., Cvetković Vladica, Fügenschuh Bernhard, Kounov A., Ovtcharova M., Schaltegger U., Schmid S. (2010)Schefer S., Cvetković Vladica, Fügenschuh Bernhard, Kounov A., Ovtcharova M., Schaltegger U., Schmid S.. "Dating intrusion and cooling of Cenozoic granitoids in the Dinarides of Southern Serbia and discussion of the geodynamic setting of Paleocene-Miocene magmatism in the Balkan Peninsula." in Geophysical Research Abstracts 12, Vienna, Austria:EGU (2010): 2530-2530
A Model for Determining the Dependability of Continuous Subsystems in Coal Mines Using the Fuzzy Logic Approach
Nikola Stanić, Miljan Gomilanović, Petar Marković, Daniel Krzanović, Aleksandar Doderović, Saša Stepanović (2024)This study presents a unique model for assessing the dependability of continuous parts of combined systems in open-pit mining through the application of fuzzy logic. Continuous sub-systems as part of the combined system of coal exploitation in surface mines have the basic function of ensuring safe operation, high capacity with high reliability, and low costs. These subsystems are usually part of the thermal power plant’s coal supply system and ensure stable fuel supply. The model integrates various independent partial ...fuzzy logic, max-min composition, continuous part of combined system (CCS), open pit, mining, dependabilityNikola Stanić, Miljan Gomilanović, Petar Marković, Daniel Krzanović, Aleksandar Doderović, Saša Stepanović. "A Model for Determining the Dependability of Continuous Subsystems in Coal Mines Using the Fuzzy Logic Approach" in Applied Sciences, Basel, August 2024, MDPI (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/app14177947
Д.Я. Крунич, Вујић Слободан, Танасијевић Милош, Димитријевић Бојан, Шубарановић Томислав, С. Илич, С. Максимович (2018)Д.Я. Крунич, Вујић Слободан, Танасијевић Милош, Димитријевић Бојан, Шубарановић Томислав, С. Илич, С. Максимович. "МОДЕЛЬНЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К ОЦЕНКЕ ЖИЗНЕННОГО ЦИКЛА ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫХ МАШИН НА ПРИМЕРЕ УГОЛЬНОГО КАРЬЕРА В СЕРБИИ, Физико - технические проблемы разработки полезных ископаемых" in Институт горного дела Сибирского отделения Российской Академии Наук 3, Новосибирск, Россия:Институт горного дела Сибирского отделения Российской Академии Наук (2018): 51-61. https://doi.org/10.15372/FTPRPI20180306
Održivo korišćenje mađarsko-srpskih međugraničnih vodnih tela
Dušan Polomčić, Zoran Stevanović, Saša Milanović, Stanko Sorajić, Bojan Hajdin, Željko Kljajić (2010)... varijantama Infiltracija padavina Evapotrans- piracija Vešt. prihr. GHB Bunari Tisa Dunav Kanali Varijanta (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) A Trenutna eksploatacija, infiltracija padavina 80% realne 22528 -18368 0 4884 -4977 127 -556 -660 B Trenutna e ...
... 223-235 231 S J Z I Slika 9: Raspored pijezometarskih nivoa u profilma sever - jug i zapad - istok Tabela 3: Bilans podzemnih voda na istražnom podru ju Infiltracija padavina Evapotrans- piracija GHB Bunari Tisa Dunav Kanali (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) 28160 -22523 ...
... Prikaz karakteristika grani nog uslova zadatog proticaja (na podru ju Severne Ba ke) Vodovod Izvorište Kaptirani sloj Q naselja (l/s) Q industr (l/s) Ada I Mol I Ada Izme u Ade i Mola I 78 100 Apatin Apatin I 100 200 Ba ka Topola Ba ka Topola I ...Dušan Polomčić, Zoran Stevanović, Saša Milanović, Stanko Sorajić, Bojan Hajdin, Željko Kljajić. "Održivo korišćenje mađarsko-srpskih međugraničnih vodnih tela" in Vodoprivreda 42 no. 04-Jun, Beograd : Jugoslovensko društvo za odvodnjavanje i navodnjavanje (2010): 223-235
Groundwaters of the "Valjevo karst" area (Western Serbia)
Petar Dokmanović, Veljko Marinović (2021)“Ваљевски карст” је подручје кoje заузима површину од око 780 km2, док откривени кречњак чини око 330 km2. Припада Унутрашњим Динаридима западне Србије. У литостратиграфском погледу доминирају карстификовани кречњаци средњег и горњег тријаса у којима су формиране карстне издани. Анализирани су и систематизовани доступни подаци хидрогеолошких и других релевантних истраживања. Приказана је разграната мрежа траса подземних вода између понора и дренажних пунктова, као и главне карактеристике шеснаест карстних врела (или „разбијених“ дренажних зона) и девет (група) бунара, подељених ...Petar Dokmanović, Veljko Marinović. "Groundwaters of the "Valjevo karst" area (Western Serbia)" in Geoloski anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP210311002D
Analiza primene višekriterijumskih metoda u optimizaciji izbora hidruličnih bagera na površinskim kopovima uglja
Hidraulični bageri primenjuju se u različitim oblastima privrede a najzastupljeniji su u građevinarstvu i rudarstvu. Na površinskim kopovima sa kontinualnim sistemima, klasifikuju kao pomoćna mehanizacija a na površinskim kopovima sa diskontinualnim sistemima, kao osnovna mehanizacija. Kako je u oba slučaja njihova primena neizostavna, važno je izvršiti adekvatnu analizu postojećih podataka, u cilju optimizacije izbora tipa hidrauličnog bagera u odnosu na uslove rada datog površinskog kopa. U radu su opisane različite višekriterijumske metode koje su korišćene za analizu hidrauličnih bagera. ...... je primenjena. Tabela 11. Rang alternativa Alterna- tiva proizvo đač Tip Rang A H P P R O M E T H E E V IK O R T O P S IS E L E C T R E E U K U P N O 14 Oktobar BGH 1000G 3 3 3 3 3 3,0 Caterpi- llar 323 DLH 1 1 2 1 1 1,2 New Holland E215 B ...
... org/10.1016/j.energy.2008.09.004 S. ĐENADIĆ i dr. ANALIZA PRIMENE VIŠEKRITERIJUMSKIH METODA... TEHNIKA – RUDARSTVO, GEOLOGIJA I METALURGIJA 70 (2019) 3 377 data in mineral prospectivity mapping, Journal od Applied Geophysics, 87, pp. 9-18, 2012. [13] Saaty L T, Decision Making: The Analytical ...
... kriterijuma. Računanje vrednosti za Qj (kompromisno rešenje). * * ( ) ( )(1 ) ( ) ( ) j j s s Rj R Q v v s s R R (14) gde je: * * min ; max min ; max j j j j j j j j S S S S R R R R (15) Rangiranje se izvodi sortiranjem alternativa prema merama ...Stevan Đenadić, Predrag Jovančić, Dragan Ignjatović, Filip Miletić, Ivan Janković. "Analiza primene višekriterijumskih metoda u optimizaciji izbora hidruličnih bagera na površinskim kopovima uglja" in Tehnika, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/tehnika1903369D
A tool for identifying the criticality in the disordered systems with metastable dynamics
Svetislav Mijatović, Dragutin Jovković, Sanja Janićević, Stefan Graovac, Đorđe Spasojević. "A tool for identifying the criticality in the disordered systems with metastable dynamics" in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2021.125883
Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks
Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodriguez S., Singh A.K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana (2013)Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Balanescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodriguez S., Singh A.K., Varma A., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana. "Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena on making steel electrodes, anodes and cathodes blocks" in 64rd Annual Meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) Book of Abstracts, Sosnowiec, Poland:University of Silesia, Sosnowiec (2013): 108-109
Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla primenom statističke metode
Božidar Rudnjanin (2024)Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla je od ključne važnosti u geotehničkom inženjerstvu jer utiče na stabilnost i nosivost raznih građevinskih konstrukcija. Ovaj master rad obrađuje temu primene deskriptivne statistike za analizu parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla,čime se obezbeđuje osnov za donošenje odluka o planiranju i izvođenju građevinskih projekata.U prvom delu rada, prikupljaju se relevantni podaci o smičućoj čvrstoći tla iz prethodnih laboratorijskih ispitivanja za trasu buduće brze saobraćajnice Novi Sad - Ruma.Ti podaci uključuju vrednosti smičuće čvrstoće i različite faktore ...... fihracije s|ls|e čvrstoće ii : s š|r|3 F| i & b| Hi ~ F š#|5 | 3 |i HIFSEE i <| ' | F -- t Š #* | & s |s ljE -l i Š E E s| š |1 || 5 \ s\ . š |ž ii š IBI FRIK:BoOFIEHIFa P E :||č|š|s|S |sihsši}ss} } |-.,|Š|2|, H| ” I šl 5 | 8 | 4 38|5|8|5|5|Š|2||4}|d BEBEHIEHHEHIEKBHIFSEHHHiE' š|š |3 a š rš s|as Ž ...
... T T T s ž i Granulometrijski saslav Zapreminska masa a j3 Slanje konsistencije Proktor CBR ';'Š;';::" F Koeficijent filtracije L g š Šš|S|4a N š|š3 | š |a * | Š | š žš s| 5 F-i š s| — [ I Š|sS}|Š I''T ~. F. iii thJ r — š| š r s |ž HBIET E slz sl |B|B|s _ 3|% |B g Š š| š Š 3 ||E s|E|ž|E|žš|š ...
... || |šž|i N B J FI |s i Fi Pi š S|5|Š|S|E|1|}ž i 4 | š jag|jčajščšjo5 |Be| B |3 sš| 3 a || l a -20 |3 e s|š š ž Fj ghnma |prašina|pesak |šlumak|drobna| S y Ta #. n w K o w | W ip lc |simb.|Yamax| Wow | % | % c |M k k k m % | % | % } % } % |www)|kwm" |khymš|keuw?| % | » |»> |s |> || kNm? | % ' |kNmž| ...Božidar Rudnjanin. Određivanje parametara smičuće čvrstoće tla primenom statističke metode, 2024
Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the microscopy of carbon materials working group of the ICCP
Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Bălănescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Hackley P., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A.K., Varma A.K., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana (2015)Predeanu G., Panaitescu C., Bălănescu M., Bieg G., Gómez Borrego A., Diez M.A., Hackley P., Kwiecińska B., Marques M., Mastalerz M., Misz-Kennan M., Pusz S., Suárez Ruiz I., Rodrigues S., Singh A.K., Varma A.K., Zdravkov A., Životić Dragana. "Microscopical characterization of carbon materials derived from coal and petroleum and their interaction phenomena in making steel electrodes, anodes and cathode blocks for the microscopy of carbon materials working group of the ICCP" in International Journal of Coal Geology 139, Amsterdam, Netherlands:Elsevier BV (2015): 63-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2014.07.011
Karst aquifer impact on the formation of surface runoff: case study of the Resava River catchment, Serbia
Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić (2022)The paper compares the flow regimes of the Resava River at the gauging stations of the Manasija Monastery (upper course) and the town of Svilajnac (lower course). The hydrological analysis encompasses a multiyear period of monitoring (1982–2020). The water budget and baseflow index are assessed for the catchment areas monitored by the Svilajnac station (683 km2) and the Manasija Monastery station (358k m2), considering the overall monitoring period and characteristic years. The results indicate that the specific runoff in ...... range from 0.878 in the wet year, 0.91 and 0.942 for the years, when the mean annual discharge was Š L Š . er\ o% H a s |y FNN| FEJ šoo[ - }ž ŽZO i š E 20 L 10 % j | 5 s t-] 5 Š 5 t |3 5 5 t-i Š k k - - -j |j k_ -i -j -i -i e E SBSBSSBS BBB R B B G B BBB a dii 0 š . a bvu.ž· ...
... meters of water annually. Regarding water avail- ability, the value of 9.25 l/s/km? is considerably above Serbia's average. In dry years, the specific runoff is somewhat lower than the country”'s aver- age (4.92 1/s/km?). However, in wet years it is 2.3 times higher. When the two values of specific ...
... (Qav = 3.48 m?/s at Manasija Monastery and Qav = 4.35 m#/s at Svilajnac) and 2018 (Qav = 4.06 m?*/s at Manasija Monastery and Qav = 4.65 m?*/s at Svilajnac (Figs. 1a, 1b); • The ycar 1994 with a typical low discharge: Qav = 0.58 m*/s (at the Mansija Monastery) and 0.33 m?*/s (at Svilajnac) (Fig ...Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić. "Karst aquifer impact on the formation of surface runoff: case study of the Resava River catchment, Serbia" in National Conference with International Participation “GEOSCIENCES 2022”, Sofia : Bulgarian geological society (2022)
New U–Pb dating and Hf-isotope composition of the Gornjane Granitoids (South Carpathians, East Serbia)
Vasković Nada, Belousova Elena, O’Reilly Susann Y, Griffin William L., Srećković Batoćanin Danica, Christofides Georgios, Koroneos Antonis (2012)Vasković Nada, Belousova Elena, O’Reilly Susann Y, Griffin William L., Srećković Batoćanin Danica, Christofides Georgios, Koroneos Antonis. "New U–Pb dating and Hf-isotope composition of the Gornjane Granitoids (South Carpathians, East Serbia)" in 5th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference and 3rd Central-European Mineralogical Conference no. 7, Miskolc, Hungary:Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series (2012): 146-146
Upravljanje resursima podzemnih voda severne Bačke
Bojan B. Hajdin (2013-03-07)Vodosnabdevanje gradova i naselja severne Bačke vrši se u potpunosti iskorišćavanjempodzemnih voda. Najznačajnije količine podzemne vode namenjene za piće zahvatajuse iz izdani u vodonosnim pleistocenskim naslagama koje su poznate kao osnovnivodonosni kompleks, dok su danas u vodosnabdevanju manje zastupljene vode izizdani u pliocenskim sedimentima i prve, slobodne izdani rasprostranjene plitko ispodpovršine terena.Pored snabdevanja stanovništva, veliki potrošači podzemne vode su i industrijskapreduzeća, a zbog loših uslova i nerazvijenih sistema za navodnjavanje sve veći korisnicivoda prve izdani postaju i poljoprivredni proizvođači.Geološka ...resursi podzemnih voda, vodosnabdevanje, održivo upravljanje, osnovni vodonosni kompleks, termomineralne vode, monitoring podzemnih... količine Isporučene domaćinstvima Isporučene industriji Isporučene ostalima (hoteli, bolnice i dr.) Gubici (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) (l/s) Ada - grad - 25 23 0 2 - Apatin 55 49 42 3 5 6 Bačka Topola - grad 39 36 32 2 2 3 Bečej 94 60 48 3 8 35 Kanjiža 49 43 37 0 ...
... pomoću tri bunara, izdašnosti oko 9 l/s i sa tri bunara iz izdani u okviru osnovnog vodonosnog kompleksa, kapacitetom 13 l/s. Ukupna izdašnost izvorišta je oko 40 l/s, prosečna eksploatacija iznosi oko 22 l/s, a pojedinačni kapacitet bunara od 6 l/s do 13.5 l/s. Bunari imaju ugrađene mostičave ...
... lo at ac ija Q ( l/s ) I izdan II izdan Ukupno (l/s) Qsr = 8.6 l/s Qsr = 13.1 l/s Qsruk = 21.7 l/s Izvorište Štolc 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 vreme D u b in a d o n iv o a (m ) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 E ks p lo at ac ija Q ( l/s ) NPV II izdani (B-4) ...Bojan B. Hajdin. "Upravljanje resursima podzemnih voda severne Bačke" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-03-07)
Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone
The Vardar Zone is a product of the Triassic-Jurassic opening of the Neotethys, Jurassic obduction, Late Cretaceous/Paleogene consumption of the oceanic crust and continental collision. During the last process, the Eastern Vardar Zone was thrust over the Central and eventually both onto the Western Vardar Zone. The present paleomagnetic and structural study provided new results from the first two zones in the Belgrade area. The younger set of data, together with published ones from the third zone, provide firm ...Emő Márton, Marinko Toljić, Vesna Cvetkov. "Late and post-collisional tectonic evolution of the Adria-Europe suture in the Vardar Zone" in Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier BV (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2021.101880