260 items
Karst aquifer impact on the formation of surface runoff: case study of the Resava River catchment, Serbia
Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić (2022)The paper compares the flow regimes of the Resava River at the gauging stations of the Manasija Monastery (upper course) and the town of Svilajnac (lower course). The hydrological analysis encompasses a multiyear period of monitoring (1982–2020). The water budget and baseflow index are assessed for the catchment areas monitored by the Svilajnac station (683 km2) and the Manasija Monastery station (358k m2), considering the overall monitoring period and characteristic years. The results indicate that the specific runoff in ...... town of Svilajnac (lower course). The ydrological analysis encompasses a multiyear period of monitoring (1982—2020). The water budget and baseflow index are assessed for the catchment areas monitored by the Svilajnac station (683 km?) and the Manasija Monastery station (358k m?), considering the overall ...
... two gauging stations, were separated to analyze the flow regime. Table 1 shows discharge Table 1. Baseflow and direct flow volumes and baseflow index volumes for baseflow and direct flow (10% m*), as well as the baseflow indices (BFI). In the select- ed years, the BFI at the Manasija Monastery ...
... upper catchment ofthe Rc- sava River conveys 3.31 m*/s or 104 million cubic Year Gauging station Wl Weaenow (10* m*) Wiawano „ (10* m*) Baseflow index 1994 Manasija Mon. 55.597 38.176 17.423 0.687 1994 Svilajnac 50.607 33.697 16.912 0.666 1999 Manasija Mon. 159.214 78.198 &1.017 0.491 1999 ...Marina Mitrašinović, Vesna Ristić Vakanjac, Veljko Marinović, Saša Milanović, Ljiljana Vasić, Dušan Polomčić. "Karst aquifer impact on the formation of surface runoff: case study of the Resava River catchment, Serbia" in National Conference with International Participation “GEOSCIENCES 2022”, Sofia : Bulgarian geological society (2022)
Depth estimation of archeological objects using Euler 3D deconvolution of magnetic data
Vesna Cvetkov, Ilija Vasiljević, Mirko Petković. "Depth estimation of archeological objects using Euler 3D deconvolution of magnetic data" in 5. Hrvatski geološki kongres. Abstract Book 5th Croatian Geological Congress, Hrvatski geološki institut (2015)
Numerical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Ground Movement Above Underground Mine
Nurić A., Nurić S., Kričak Lazar, Lapadić I. Husanagić R.. "Numerical Modeling and Computer Simulation of Ground Movement Above Underground Mine" in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 69 (2012) 6 no. 9, :World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (2012): 361-370
Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)
Milica Mrdak, Eva Wagerer, Milan Sudar, Nevenka Djerić, Martin Đaković, Hans-Jürgen Gawlick. "Demise of the Wetterstein Carbonate Platform and onset of the Dachstein Carbonate Platform recorded in deep-water successions of the East Bosnian-Durmitor megaunit (Pliješevina, northern Montenegro, Dinarides)" in Geologica Carpathica, Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024). https://doi.org/10.31577/GeolCarp.2023.26
Numerical modelling of the roughly simultaneous emplacement of two distinct ophiolite belts
Nikola Stanković, Vesna Cvetkov, Vladica Cvetković. "Numerical modelling of the roughly simultaneous emplacement of two distinct ophiolite belts" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024)
Maturation and isotopic changes of individual hydrocarbons in lignite lithotypes through diagenesis and early catagenesis
... ог n-alkanes with the prevalence ог mid-chain homologues (C?-C>s5) and the equal abunđance ог odd and even numbeređ n-alkanes (Carbon Preference Index, CPI ~ 1). ја lignite extracts 67С was measured only оп С)5-С31 odd n-alkanes, whereas in the pyrolysis prođucts it was determined in the range from ...
... (TeMNr) slightly increase from Pyr400 to Pyr500. The same 15 тејајед to methylfluorene (МЕ) гано (2-+3-MF)/(1-+4-MF) and methyiphenanthrene (МР) index 3 (МРТ 3). However, maturity rattos., MFI 1 and МРТ 1 which contain unsubstituted aromatics (fluorene, phenanthrene) in the denominator do not show ...Ivan Kojić, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard Sachsenhofer, Dragana Životić, Ksenija Stojanović. "Maturation and isotopic changes of individual hydrocarbons in lignite lithotypes through diagenesis and early catagenesis" in 29th International Meeting on Ogranic Geochemistry, 1-6 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden , European Association of Organic Geochemists (2019)
The Use of the Omeka Semantic Platform for the Development of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Repository
Under the regulations of the Ministry of Education, Science and technological Development, a digital repository based on the Omeka S data storage platform has been developed for the Faculty of Mining and Geology. The platform has been upgraded with the required modular extensions, Solr index and automatic OCR. Furthermore, document indexing and search have been fine-tuned with the aid of e-dictionaries of the Serbian language, which has brought about outstanding results in terms of usage facilitation and overall ...Petar Popović, Mihailo Škorić, Biljana Rujević. "The Use of the Omeka Semantic Platform for the Development of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Repository" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2020.20.1_2.9
Determination of Mechanical Properties of Altered Dacite by Laboratory Methods
This paper presents a methodology for determining the uniaxial and triaxial compressive strength of heterogeneous material composed of dacite (D) and altered dacite (AD). A zone of gradual transition from altered dacite to dacite was observed in the rock mass. The mechanical properties of the rock material in that zone were determined by laboratory tests of composite samples that consisted of rock material discs. However, the functional dependence on the strength parameter alteration of the rock material (UCS, intact ...... of 19 Figure 5. Composite specimens prepared for testing: (a) UCS, and (b) triaxial test. Nevertheless, UCS tests were performed on a hydraulic compression testing frame with sufficient pressure capacity and capable of applying a force perpendicular to the specimen base. UCS is calculated according to ...
... Rock Materials. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 1979, 16, 135–140. 19. Suggested methods for determining the strength of rock materials in triaxial compression. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Géoméch. Abstr. 1978, 15, 47–51. [CrossRef] 20. Brown, E.T.; Hoek, E. Underground Excavations in Rock; CRC Press: ...
... Test samples D and AD undoubtedly show the same structural-textural character- istics, as well as the mineral composition. Only the intensities of secondary alterations, calcification, limonitization, and chlorination are different (Figure 2). The analyzed rock material samples have a holocrystalline porphyry ...Veljko Rupar, Vladimir Čebašek, Vladimir Milisavljević, Dejan Stevanović, Nikola Živanović. "Determination of Mechanical Properties of Altered Dacite by Laboratory Methods" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/min11080813
Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology
Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni (2019)This paper is a result of a task that was presented to attendants of Keyword Search in Big Linked Data summer school, that was organized by Vienna University of Technology, under the Keystone COST action in the summer of 2017. It presents a specific approach to the classification via creation of minimal document surrogates based on the US National medical library’s MeSH ontology, which is derived from the Medical Subject Headings thesaurus. In a series of previously classified medically ...... docu- ments, usually with use of the so-called Dice6 index or coefficient. sim(Di, Dj) = 2|Si ⋂ Sj | |Si|+ |SJ | (1) Dice’s equation tells us that if Si is a set of terms from document Di, and Sj is a set of terms from document Dj , then this index can be defined as a double the number of common terms ...
... indexing) is most often the creation of a document surrogate. Usu- ally, documents are translated into the word-vector space, or a frequency index. Sometimes words in the index are further derived using stemming or lemmatization, and sometimes by replacing synonyms or hypernyms, in or- der to further reduce the ...
... facilitates and speeds up similarity calculations, as each class now has only one term. In this way, the document will always be classified by the Dice index into the class whose (only) term occurs most often in it, thus avoiding a large amount of computation and reducing the task to finding the most frequent ...Mihailo Škorić, Mauro Dragoni. "Medical Domain Document Classification via Extraction of Taxonomy Concepts from MeSH Ontology" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2019). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.1.3
Debris-flow Susceptibility Assessment in Flow-R: Ribnica River Case Study
Debris flows are among the most dangerous erosional geohazards due to the fast rate of movement and long runout zones. Even though the initiation can be triggered in mountainous areas, inhabited and with steep slopes, their propagation and deposition can endanger not only buildings and infrastructure in the urbanized areas, but also threaten human lives. As these initiation areas usually represent unattainable terrains with rapid vegetation cover development, field observations and aerial photo analysis become high-demanding tasks. Consequently, medium-to-regional ...Ksenija Micić, Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov . "Debris-flow Susceptibility Assessment in Flow-R: Ribnica River Case Study" in Proceeding of the 6th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, ReSyLAB 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.18485/resylab.2024.6
Effect of natural gas composition on methane number: A case of gas reservoirs in Serbia
Natural gas is considered as the most environmentally acceptable fossil fuel, thus it is an alternative to petroleum derivate, dominantly used in internal combustion engines. Physical properties of a fuel as well as behavior during combustion process are affected by its composition. This article presents analysis of effect of natural gas composition on methane number (MN), conducted for natural gas deposits in Serbia. For empirically determination of MN: California air resources board (CARB) method and Linear and Anstalt für ...Marija Živković, Milica Ivić, Dejan Ivezić, Aleksandar Madžarević. "Effect of natural gas composition on methane number: A case of gas reservoirs in Serbia" in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2017). https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2017.1403518
Analiza mogućnosti primene tehnologije hvatanja i skladištenja ugljenika (CO2) na objektima Nis-A
Isidora Veljanoski (2024)U ovom radu opisana je primena CCUS tehnologija u kompaniji NIS i na koji način treba da se optimizuje da bi projekat bio rentabilan.U prvom i drugom poglavlju opisani su energetski trendovi i tranzicije, razvojni mehanizmi za regulisanje emisije gasova staklene baste i o ugljen-dioksidu kao hemijskom jedinjenju i šta je to CCUS.U trećem, četvrtom i petom poglavlju je detaljnije opisano izdvajanje, hvatanje, transport i skladištenje ugljen-dioksida.Šesto poglavlje i sedmo poglavlje obuhvataju rešenja za razvoj i realizaciju CCUS projekata ...energetski trendovi, ugljen-dioksid, CCUS, izdvajanje, hvatanje, transport i skladištenje CO2, ležište, ekonomija projekta... period otplate zajma 15 godina. 49 CO2 captured Efficience of capturing Investment CAPEX capture CAPEX capture CAPEX transport CAPEX compression OPEX capture OPEX transport OPEX compresion General assumptions Discount rate Tax rate Tax property Amortization assumption Generation ...
... capturing % 70% Investment unit Value CAPEX capture RSD/tCO2 1646.40 CAPEX capture RSD 843,125,140 CAPEX transport RSD 497,893,120 CAPEX compression RSD 352,780,800 OPEX capture RSD/tCO2 24.60 OPEX transport RSD 150,000 OPEX compresion RSD 200000 General assumptions unit Value Discount ...
... NPV meri koliko će novac koji se prima ili plaća u budućnosti vredeti danas, uzimajući u obzir vremensku vrednost novca; - PVI (Present Value Index) ili indeks sadašnje vrednosti pokazuje odnos između prezentne vrednosti budućih novčanih tokova projekta i početnih troškova investicije. To je ...Isidora Veljanoski. Analiza mogućnosti primene tehnologije hvatanja i skladištenja ugljenika (CO2) na objektima Nis-A, 2024
Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model
... 24690 (2016). 21. Mäkinen, T., Miksic, A., Ovaska, M. & Alava, M. J. Avalanches in Wood Compression. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 055501 (2015). 22. Baró, J. et al. Statistical Similarity between the Compression of a Porous Material and Earthquakes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 088702 (2013). 23. Navas-Portella ...
... Rep 6, 24690 (2016). 21. Makinen, T., Miksic, A., Ovaska, M. & Alava, M. J. Avalanches in Wood Compression. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 055501 (2015). 22. Bard, J. et al. Statistical Similarity between the Compression of a Porous Material and Earthquakes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 088702 (2013). 23. Navas-Portella ...
... many di�er- ent physical systems exhibiting crackling noise15. Examples of such systems stem from earthquakes16–19 to neu- ronal networks20, from compression of wood samples21 and porous materials22–24 to deformation and fracture of stressed materials25–27, to name just a few. One very important common ...Sanja Janićević, Dragutin Jovković, Lasse Laurson, Đorđe Spasojević. "Threshold-induced correlations in the Random Field Ising Model" in Scientific Reports, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-20759-6
Konstitutivne zavisnosti komunalnog otpada sa deponija u Srbiji
Dragoslav Rakić (2013-05-10)U disertaciji su prikazani rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja uzoraka komunalnogotpada dobijeni u aparatima za direktno smicanje i edometarskim aparatima (jedanedometarski aparat konstruisan je za potrebe ove disertacije). Sva ispitivanja su izvršenana veštački pripremljenim uzorcima, uz uvažavanje preporuka koje se odnose nadimenzije korišćenih aparata i veličinu najvećih frakcija u uzorku (EN 1997-2, ASTM2007-a, 2007-b). Za formiranje uzoraka korišćen je komunalni otpad različite starosti,uzet sa dve deponije u Srbiji (Ade Huje u Beogradu i gradske deponije u Novom Sadu).Interpretacija rezultata dobijenih iz ...komunalni otpad, deponija, geotehnička klasifikacija, čvrstoća smicanja,deformabilnost, indeks primarne kompresije, indeks sekundarne kompresije, modelisleganja... degradation. The oedometer test results were used to determine the ranges of secondary compression index (Cα) and modified secondary compression index (Cα'), primary compression index (Cc) and modified primary compression index (Cc'), and modulus of compressibility (Mν). The shear strength and ...
... designated landfills. Key words: municipal waste, landfill, geotechnical classification, shear strength, deformability, primary compression index, secondary compression index, models of settlement Scientific field: Geological Engineering Narrower scientific field: Geotechnics UDC: ...
... primary and secondary compression indices to the initial Rezime iv void ratio.The relation between the modified indices of primary (Cc') and secondary compression, (Cα')max and (Cα')min is established for the first time in this thesis for municipal waste. The growth of secondary compression ...Dragoslav Rakić. "Konstitutivne zavisnosti komunalnog otpada sa deponija u Srbiji" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2013-05-10)
The first record of nautiloids (Cenoceras intermedius) from the early Pliensbachian of Rgotina, (Getic nappe, eastern Serbia)
Cenoceras intermedius (J. Sowerby) is one of the most widespread species among the Early Jurassic nautiloid fauna and its geological range still controversial up to the present day. The specimen of Cenoceras intermedius from the sandy bioclastic limestones of Rgotina (Getic nappe of eastern Serbia), is a large half conch representing the phragmocone. Viewing our findings in light of previous results suggests the main morphological changes occurred during the ontogenetic evolution. The coiling starts with a round-square whorl section, ...Cephalopoda, Cenoceras intermedius, ontogenetic changes, geological range, northwestern Neo-Tethys, PliensbachianPaul Țibuleac, Barbara V. Radulović, Marinko Toljić. "The first record of nautiloids (Cenoceras intermedius) from the early Pliensbachian of Rgotina, (Getic nappe, eastern Serbia)" in Historical Biology, Informa UK Limited (2020). https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2020.1821003
Crystallographic, spectroscopic, thermal and computational studies of polymeric cobalt(II)–mellitate complex with 2,2′-bipyridine
Orange single crystals of new polymeric cobalt(II) complex {[Co(bipy)(H2O)4]2[Co(μ-mell)(H2O)2]·10H2O}n, 1, were synthesized by slow evaporation method at room temperature (bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, mell = hexaanion of mellitic acid) and its crystal structure was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex 1 was characterized based on elemental analysis, FTIR spectroscopy and thermal (TG/DTA) analysis followed by computational analysis of noncovalent interactions and quantum chemical calculations of interaction energies. In 1, two crystallographically different Co(II) atoms adopt a deformed octahedral geometry, ...Lidija Radovanović, Dušan P. Malenov, Marko V. Rodić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Jelena Rogan. "Crystallographic, spectroscopic, thermal and computational studies of polymeric cobalt(II)–mellitate complex with 2,2′-bipyridine" in Journal of Molecular Structure, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2021.132202
An Experimental Investigation of the Environmental Risk of a Metallurgical Waste Deposit
Jasmina Dedić , Jelena Djokic , Jovana Galjak, Gordana Milentijević, Dragan Lazarevic, Živče Šarkočević, Milena Lekić (2022)The aim of this study is to investigate the environmental risk of long-term metallurgical waste disposal. The investigated site was used for the open storage of lead and zinc waste materials originating from a lead smelter and refinery. Even after remediation was performed, the soil in the close vicinity of the metallurgical waste deposit was heavily loaded with heavy metals and arsenic. The pollutants were bound in various compounds in the form of sulfides, oxides, and chlorides, as well ...Jasmina Dedić , Jelena Djokic , Jovana Galjak, Gordana Milentijević, Dragan Lazarevic, Živče Šarkočević, Milena Lekić. "An Experimental Investigation of the Environmental Risk of a Metallurgical Waste Deposit" in Minerals, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/min12060661
Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija
Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić (2016)... of the consistency index (CI) and random index (RI), according to Equation (5): CR = CI RI (5) Random index (RI) depends on the matrix row, and is taken from Table 6, in which the first row is compared to the matrix row, and the second row is composed of RI. Table 6. Random Index (RI) [23]. 1 2 3 ...
... tailings—all five tailings have identical value which is 0.2. Table 9. Display of maximum values of comparison matrix (λmax), consistency index (CI), random index (RI) and consistency rate (CR) for analyzed tailing ponds. P C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 λmax 5.08 5.46 5.12 5.46 5.34 5 5 5 5.04 ...
... adding values to the elements in coupling comparison are determined by consistency rate (CR) calculation. In order to calculate the CR, the consistency index (CI) should be calculated according to Equation (3): CI = λmax − n n − 1 (3) where λmax is maximum value of the evaluation matrix. The closer λmax ...Gordana Milentijević, Blagoje Nedeljković, Milena Lekić, Zoran Nikić, Ivica Ristović, Jelena Đokić. "Application of a Method for Intelligent Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Environmental Impact of Tailing Ponds in Northern Kosovo and Metohija" in Energies, MDPI AG (2016). https://doi.org/10.3390/en9110935
Mineralogical study of clays from Dobrodo, Serbia, for use in ceramics
Maja Milošević, Predrag Dabić, Sabina Kovač, Lazar Kaluđerović, Mihovil Logar. "Mineralogical study of clays from Dobrodo, Serbia, for use in ceramics" in Clay Minerals, Mineralogical Society (2019). https://doi.org/10.1180/clm.2019.49
Assessment of environmental radioactivity and health hazard at Stara Planina region
Slavko Dimovic, Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Radoje Bankovic (2021)Циљ студије је био да се процени потенцијални ризик од зрачења у близини напуштених рудника уранијума, јаловишта или лежишта уранијума на Старој планини у Србији. За процену ризика одређено је неколико параметара: активност еквивалента радијума, Raeq, екстерни индекс опасности, Hex, брзина апсорбоване дозе гама зрачења, D, годишња ефективна доза на позадинској експозицији гама гама на отвореном, AEDoutdoor и ризик од рака током живота, ELCR. Добијени резултати су показали да сви узорци, осим једног, имају Raeq вредност и до два ...Slavko Dimovic, Boris Vakanjac, Ivana Jelic, Milena Rikalovic, Vesna Ristic-Vakanjac, Radoje Bankovic. "Assessment of environmental radioactivity and health hazard at Stara Planina region" in Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (2021). https://doi.org/10.2298/NTRP2004354D