833 items
Rockfall simulation on a rock slope along E75 road at km 890+725 to 891-093
Abolmasov Biljana, Marjanović Miloš, Milenković Svetozar, Pejić Marko, Berisavljević Zoran. "Rockfall simulation on a rock slope along E75 road at km 890+725 to 891-093" in Proceedings of the 16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Geotechnical hazards and risks: Experiences and practices, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 1, :Willey Ernst and Sons (2018): 269-274
Assessment of landslide-related hazard and risk on the road network of the Valjevo city, Serbia
Marjanović Miloš, Abolmasov Biljana, Đurić Uroš, Krušić Jelka. "Assessment of landslide-related hazard and risk on the road network of the Valjevo city, Serbia" in Proceedings of the 16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Geotechnical hazards and risks: Experiences and practices, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 1, :Willey Ernst and Sons (2018): 365-370
Modelling of characteristics of crater emerged from the surface explosion on the soil
Bjelovuk I., Jaramaz S., Elek P., Mickovic D., Kričak Lazar. "Modelling of characteristics of crater emerged from the surface explosion on the soil" in FIZIKA GORENIYA I VZRYVA, (COMBUSTION, EXPLOSION, AND SHOCK WAVES) no. 3, Novosibirsk, Rusija:Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Springer (2015): Prihvaćen
Prognostic Analysis Of Slopes Statics Due To Flooding Of The Opencast Coal Mine Tamnava - West Field
Petrović Branko, Vujić Slobodan, Čebašek Vladimir, Gajić Grozdana, Ignjatović Dragan. "Prognostic Analysis Of Slopes Statics Due To Flooding Of The Opencast Coal Mine Tamnava - West Field" in Journal of Mining Science 52 no. 1, Novosibirsk:Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2016 (2016): 110-114
Failure Estimation of the Majdanpek Open Pit East Face Based on Inverse Velocity Model
The Majdanpek open pit mine south district is currently active mining prospect of copper ore exploitation in eastern Serbia. Its depth is approaching the termination depth and occurrences of large-scale instabilities and global instability of the final pit slope is possible. These can generate catastrophic mass movement inside an area that encloses a regional road route and the Pek River bed which is channelled along the outer contour of the pit. The displacements that were noted in early 2023, in the ...Miloš Marjanović, Stefan Milanović, Nikola Simić, Lazar Kričak. "Failure Estimation of the Majdanpek Open Pit East Face Based on Inverse Velocity Model" in Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, Belgrade, 15-18th May 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/resylab.2024.6.ch46
Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia
Оливера Крунић (2021)... земљишта Количина азота у прихрани NH 4 -N NO 3 -N Укупно N Конвенционална обрада 120 kg/ha 24,50 2,62 27,12 60 kg/ha 6,12 1,75 7,87 Контрола без N 11,38 3,50 14,88 Заштитна обрада 120 kg/ha 9,62 4,38 14,00 60 kg/ha 9,72 8,75 18,47 Контрола без N 5,75 2,62 8,37 Без обраде 120 kg/ha ...
... Gerasimenko, N. P., Matviishina, Z. N. & Frechen, M., 2009. Pedo-chemical climate proxies in Late Pleistocene Serbian- Ukrainian loess sequences. Quaternary International 198: 123‒133. [7] Bokhorst, M. P., Vandenberghe, J., Sumegi, P., Łanczont, M., Gerasimenko, N. P., Matviishina, Z. N., Beets, C ...
... held on 25 September 2020 БЕОГРАД 2021 СРПСКА АКАДЕМИЈА НАУКА И УМЕТНОСТИ Н АУ Ч Н И СК У ПОВИ Књига CXCVII ОДЕЉЕЊЕ ХЕМИЈСКИХ И БИОЛОШКИХ НАУКА Књига 19 РАЦИОНАЛНО КОРИШЋЕЊЕ ЗЕМЉИШТА И ВОДА У СРБИЈИ У р е д н и к академик ДРАГАН ШКОРИЋ Примљено на III скупу Одељењa хемијских и биолошких ...Оливера Крунић. "Природни потенцијал минералних вода Србије - Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia" in Рационално коришћење земљишта и вода у Србији - Sustainable Use of Land and Water in Serbia- Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Scientific Conferences Volume CXCVII; Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Book 19, Српска академија наука и уметности (2021)
Geochemical properties of the sediments of the Great War Island, Belgrade (Serbia)
Zarić Nenad, Šajnovič Aleksandra, Jovančićević Branislav, Baltić Nevena, Ranđelović Dragana, Kašanin-Grubin Milica (2017)Zarić Nenad, Šajnovič Aleksandra, Jovančićević Branislav, Baltić Nevena, Ranđelović Dragana, Kašanin-Grubin Milica. "Geochemical properties of the sediments of the Great War Island, Belgrade (Serbia)" in Book of Abstracts of the18th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry - EMEC18: Chemistry Towards an Infinite Environment, :Association of Chemistry and the Environment (2017): 241-242
О сопротивлении угля при резании в условиях подводной добычи
Gojković Nebojša, Čebašek Vladimir, Слободан Вуйич, Miljanović Igor, Александар Петровски, Milutinović Aleksandar (2011)Gojković Nebojša, Čebašek Vladimir, Слободан Вуйич, Miljanović Igor, Александар Петровски, Milutinović Aleksandar. "О сопротивлении угля при резании в условиях подводной добычи" in Всероссийская научная конференция „Геодинамика и напряженное состояние недр земли“, посвящена 80-летию академика М. В. Курлени, 3-6.10.2011 - no. -, Новосибирск, Россия:Институт горного дела Новосибирского научного центра Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, Новосибирск (2011): 191-195. https://doi.org/-
Preliminary results of numerical modelling of debris flow - case study Leva reka, Serbia
Krušić Jelka, Samardžić Petrović Mileva, Marjanović Miloš, Abolmasov Biljana, Miljković Stevan (2018)Krušić Jelka, Samardžić Petrović Mileva, Marjanović Miloš, Abolmasov Biljana, Miljković Stevan. "Preliminary results of numerical modelling of debris flow - case study Leva reka, Serbia" in Proceedings of the 16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Geotechnical hazards and risks: Experiences and practices, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia 2, :Willey Ernst and Sons (2018): 707-712
Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US
Even in the third decade of the 21st century, large power plants are still responsible for more than half of the electricity production in Europe and US. They predominantly use fossil fuels in their work, which results in the emission of pollutants into the air, soil and water. In addition to the production of electric energy, fossil fuels, including coal, are used for industrial purposes. Although the use of coal, especially in the countries of the European Union, is ...... 10000 j 8000 j EU-27 average: 6492 kWh/c 6000 4000 j 2000 j ——LFU-27 <——=US 0 eo w i e T T n o u 00 miuČ- O T W i m TO O ~ 0 O O a eNeon E:o:u: ' o e i e oč reeo oeezkžjjBNj“”oZN i — r I eeeee e io a B e e e eoeo>o S Wwe e esA Č e!đ e RT NTe ı.I I K TTKR OT G Figure 2. Ratio of ...
... El ec tr ic ty ge ne ra ti on [1 Wh ] 1000 10,0 Pa rt ic ip at io n of co al in el ec tr ic it y pr od uc ti on [% ] 0,0 -- B F.G S-O-S T.O BBB .B -00 85B85BššŠ e a 82 – I I I I I RI :N-BR:Bo-Bo-O5-Bo-o5-Bo:Bso:BOB:Oo5-50:Bo-S0:o-B5-G0:-Bo-B5o:BeB: - Q e q RRRR RRRGS ...
... products [6, 7]. 3500 , r 35,0 3000 2500 2000 | 1500 _ El ec tr ic it y ge ne ra ti on [1 Wh ] 1000 _ 500 _ Pa rt ic ip at io n of co al in el ec tr ic it y pr od uc ti on [% ] NE-U- .F T.E B SB- OB OB .BO""BS OB :Ba"0"| a aBšš e )0)00] 95 2855d45S E I I I 2R IR ...Uroš Djorgovski, Aleksandar Madžarević, Predrag Jovančić. "Production of electricity from coal-fired power plants and accompanying CO2 emissions: comparison of EU-27 and US" in International Conference on Global Energy and Climate Change - ICGRECC-23, New York, 2023, Research Galery- Science Leagues (2023)
Regional Slope Stability Analysis in Landslide Hazard Assessment Context, North Macedonia Example
... P148023. References Haque U, Blum P, da Silva FP, Andersen P, Pilz J, Chalov SR, Malet J-P, Jemec Auflič M, Andres N, Poyiadji E, Lamas PC, Zhang W, Peshevski I, Pétursson HG, Kurt T, Dobrev N, García-Davalillo JC, Halkia M, Ferri S, Gaprindashvili G, Engström J, Keellings D (2016) Fatal landslides in ...
... elevation data, the critical part is to estimate the bulk density, friction angle (determines the flow beha- viour in deceleration) and turbulence factor n (determines the fluidisation degree in acceleration). Velocity v is calculated from the topographic constraints, whereas simu- lated frictional resistance ...
... resistance S (Eq. 2) is back-analysed against the ground truth (real conditions) until the runout becomes realistic. S ¼ hcsoil cos htgusoil þ csoilv 2 n ; ðPaÞ ð2Þ Study Area The Polog Region General Characteristics The Polog Region is located in the NW part of the North Macedonia covering cca. 2420 ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Igor Peshevski, James Reeves, Irena Georgievska. "Regional Slope Stability Analysis in Landslide Hazard Assessment Context, North Macedonia Example" in Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, Springer International Publishing (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60227-7_29
Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support
... l Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA, KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium, 2014, p. 683-694. 9} „Bošnjak S., Pantelić M., Zrnić N., Gnjatović N., Đorđević M. Failure analysis and reconstruction design of the slewing platform mantle of the bucket wheel excavator O&K SchRs630. Journal of ...
... fixed mount – bottom beam of the excavator, which is a very stiff system in this case, and the boom with the belt conveyer moves independently. la n conveyor .SA belt conveyor drive Fig. 1. Bucket wheel excavator. The insert shows a layout of the belt conveyor drive and the characteristic points ...
... 3 shows the measured vibrations over timc at the rear support ofthe drive mount on the excavator boom after the said number of hours. Movementmni n Velocity Imm/ ag Acceleration Im/'} 40 20 a k 000 200 — 400 600 ~ S80D 1000 1200 1400 700 400 6OO _ 80D 1000 1700 1400 000 200 - 400 600 _ S80D 1000 ...Vesna Damnjanović, Predrag Jovančić, Snežana Aleksandrović. "Extensive vibrations of the belt conveyer drive electromotor of a bucket wheel excavator as a result of intesified wear-and-tear of its mount support" in Journal of Vibroengineering (2017). https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.2016.17321
NMR kinetic studies of the interactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ and some sulfur-donor ligands
Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Šmit, Ana Rilak, Biljana Petrović, Dragan Čanović, Živadin D. Bugarčić (2012)Reakcije supstitucije monofunkcionalnog [Ru(terpi)(bipi)(H2O)]2+ kompleksa, gde je terpi = 2,2′:6′,2″-terpiridin i bipi = 2,2′-bipiridin, sa biološki relevantnim sumporo donorskim ligandima, kao što su tiourea, l-metionin, l-cistein i glutation, proučavane su u vodenim rastvorima tehnikom 1H i 13C NMR spektroskopije. Sve reakcije su proučavajne na pH 7,4, u prisustvu fosfatnog pufera, da bi se oponašalo fiziološko okruženje tokom procesa supstitucije. Reakcije se izvode na 295 K pod uslovima reakcija drugog reda. Uočeni rezultati pokazuju da brzina supstitucije snažno zavisi ...... those found in the literature [32–34] (Figs. 1S and 2S, Supplemen- tary material). Anal. Calc. for RuC25H19N5Cl2: C, 53.48; H, 3.41; N, 12.47. Found: C, 53.74; H, 3.44; N, 12.56%. The aqua adduct [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)] 2+ was prepared by treatment of [Ru(terpy)(bipy)Cl]Cl (10 mM, 0.0113 g) with AgClO4 ...
... 00. Meter readings were corrected for the deuterium isotope effect by adding Fig. 1. Structure of the [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)] 2+ complex. HOOC O N N H SH COOH H ONH2 OH O NH2 HS S OH NH2 O H2N S NH2 Glutathione (GSH) Thiourea L-Methionine (L-Met)L-Cysteine (L-Cys) Fig. 2. Structures ...
... 12, P.O. Box 60, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia bUniversity of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medicine, S. Markovića 69, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 9 April 2012 Received in revised form 15 September 2012 Accepted 19 September 2012 Available online 27 September 2012 ...Aleksandar Mijatović, Biljana Šmit, Ana Rilak, Biljana Petrović, Dragan Čanović, Živadin D. Bugarčić. "NMR kinetic studies of the interactions between [Ru(terpy)(bipy)(H2O)]2+ and some sulfur-donor ligands" in Inorganica Chimica Acta, Elsevier BV (2012). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2012.09.016
Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian
Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová (2019)Basic analyses of several properties of syllables (the rank-frequency distribution, the distribution of length, and the relation between length and frequency) in Serbian is presented. The syllabification algorithm used combines the maximum onset principle and the sonority hierarchy. Results indicate that syllables behave similarly to words as far as mathematical models are concerned, but values of parameters in models for syllables are quite different from those for words.Marija Radojičić, Biljana Lazić, Sebastijan Kaplar, Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Ján Mačutek, Lívia Leššová. "Frequency and Length of Syllables in Serbian" in Glottometrics (2019)
Mikroplastika u peloidima iz Srbije i Slovenije
A. Šajnović, G. Gajica, F. Prosenc, S. Stojadinović, G. Veselinović, P. Trebše, P. Dabić, B. Jovančićević (2023)... Rocha-Santos, T. Sci. Tota! Environ. 566-567 (2016) 15-26. 2. Alimi, O., Budarz, J., Hernandez, L., Tufenkji, N. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52 (2018) 1704-1724. 3. Schroter, L., Ventura, N. Sma// 18 (2022) 2201680. 4. Gulizia, A., Patel, K., Philippa, B., Motti, C., van Herwerden, L., Vamvounis, G ...A. Šajnović, G. Gajica, F. Prosenc, S. Stojadinović, G. Veselinović, P. Trebše, P. Dabić, B. Jovančićević. "Mikroplastika u peloidima iz Srbije i Slovenije" in 9. simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine EnviroChem2023, Kladovo, 4-7. jun 2023., Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2023)
Flood protection and water utilization of karst poljes: example of Gatačko Polje, Eastern Herzegovina
Tina Dašić, Ljiljana Vasić (2020)Earth-Surface Processes,Geology, Pollution, Soil Science, Water Science and Technology, Environmental Chemistry,Global and Planetary ChangeTina Dašić, Ljiljana Vasić. "Flood protection and water utilization of karst poljes: example of Gatačko Polje, Eastern Herzegovina" in Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-020-08987-4
Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia
Bojan Kostić, Pavle Tančić, Natalija Batoćanin. "Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia" in Geological Quarterly, septembar 2024, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7306/gq.1752
Димензионисање система завојних пумпи
Марија Дивац (2024)Овај завршни рад се бави димензионисањем система завојних пумпи (Progressive Cavity Pumps - PCP) које се широко користе у нафтној и гасној индустрији, нарочито за подизање тешких и вискозних флуида. Завојне пумпе су се показале као ефикасно решење у бушотинама са сложеним условима,захваљујући својој способности да транспортују флуиде са високим садржајем чврстих честица и гаса.Рад обухвата анализу кључних параметара као што су вискозност, густина, дубина бушотине и притисак, који су пресудни за избор одговарајуће пумпе.Применом софтверског алата извршена је ...завојне пумпе, димензионисање, експлоатација нафте, вискозни флуиди, софтверска симулација, PCP пумпе... atNA PatNA : “ sm3/d bara % 1 |Howmate=15..1510740 — 337681 Pr es su re at nod al ana lys is poi nt (ba ra) W W E R B M A B B N R E B L N I L H “ B B .0 w “ .6 18 FI 'Stock-tank liquid at nodsl point (sm3/d) — o — Outo: O Operating Points- /lujazpaw 6 IIpecek IPR u PLP kpugse ...
... 3eJ1eHa KpHBa OOpTHH MOMCHT. EdukacHocr mymrie H3HocuH 78% KUDU 16 K 2000 100 RPM r a a [10 P [ [7 [10 Fl ow ra te (m 3/ d) [ (N W) ) aa Mo d = s ») [ – = T! T! o [1 a O 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 ...
... A4rgentinian Heavy Oil Field; 35. Sathyamoorthy, S., Stezn, A., McGilvray, J., Fuchs, H., Ainebyona, B., Kyomugisha, P., Vijapurapu, S., Kagga, N., Rindfuss, R., Basiima, D., 2012., First 4Application of Progressive Cavity Pumps for 4ppraisal ll Testing in the Ugandan 4lbertine Graben Basin ...Марија Дивац . Димензионисање система завојних пумпи, 2024
Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia
Bojan Kostić, Pavle Tančić, Natalija Batočanin. "Trace elements and garnet formation in a distal skarn zone: a case study of the Rudnik deposit, Central Serbia" in Geological Quarterly, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) (2024). https://doi.org/10.7306/gq.1752
Геолошке карактеристике лежишта нафте која се експлоатишу еруптивном методом
Милица Милићевић (2024)Геолошке карактеристике специфичних лежишта утичу на различите начине на ефикасност еруптивне методе. Најзначајније геолошке карактеристике које делују на еруптивну методу јесу порозност, пропусност, тип лежишта, резервоар стијене, као и тип замки. Еруптивна метода подразумјева коришћење природног притиска ради лакше експлоатације нафте и гаса из резервоара. У завршном раду су приказани различити типови лежишта и њихове геолошке карактеристике, као и предности и недостаци еруптивне методе код истих.... cjOJa y OHJIO KOM TpyHyTKy t, noMohy jenHaunHa (27), (28), (29), (30), (31) u (32): 27 N,= N*,C00L (27) P(4h) W= W (28) Wij = W pj ((IŽ)); (29) Q -Q (30) QQ (31) iw=iw % (32) Iyje je: n – Oaaa cnoja 1— COJ i p W , W pj – 3anpeMHHa y t (m?) Q -.Q vi w- Op3auHa y t (m?/s) • ...
... oeoJtou4ke KapaKkmepucmuke, epynmuseHa J„emooa. Canp:kaj l. VBOJ.a a aaaoeaaaaaaaaaataaataot 1 2. KJIACHOHKATIMJA JIEKHIIITTA HAOĐTE H FACA aaltyna n 2 2.1. · CnojHa nexHmrra Ha(rTe H raca..aaaaaaaaa a aaaaoaanatate 3 2.1.1. TeomomkKe KapakTepHcCTHKe CJIOJHHX JIGKHIHITa ltt ... 4 2.2. _ MacuHBHa ...
... 29 . FEOJIOIIIKE KAPAKTEPMCTMKE JIE;KMIITA M TIIPMMJEHA EPVIIMTHMBHE METOJIE HA IIPHMJEPY HAOĐTHOT IIOJbA „GHAWAR“ (CAV/JIHJCKA APABMJA) ...anna n 31 4.1. Teomomke KapakrepHcTHKe Ha(bTHor HojJba „Ghawar“ ............. 32 4.2. IIpaMjeHa cpyHTHBHe MeTOJ Ha NpHMjepy Ha()THor NoOJba NI EA 190 ...Милица Милићевић. Геолошке карактеристике лежишта нафте која се експлоатишу еруптивном методом, 2024