1967 items
Clockwise rotation in the Serbian segment of the Vardar zone and in the Danubicum of Eastern Serbia - tetonic implication
Vesna Lesić, Emo Marton, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Tomić. "Clockwise rotation in the Serbian segment of the Vardar zone and in the Danubicum of Eastern Serbia - tetonic implication" in 5. Hrvatski geološki kongres. Abstract Book 5th Croatian Geological Congress, Hrvatski geološki institut (2015)
GIS application for landfill site selection: a case study in Pancevo, Serbia
Đokanović Sonja, Abolmasov Biljana, Jevremović Dragutin. "GIS application for landfill site selection: a case study in Pancevo, Serbia" in Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 75 no. 3, :Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2016): 1273-1299
Hazardous substances in karst aquifer waters - one of the results of the operational monitoring of groundwater in Serbia
У циљу оцене стања животне средине и разумевања потенцијалних узрока још раније евидентираног лошег хемијског статуса водног тела подземних вода „Крш–север“, извршенa je хидрогеолошка проспекција шире околине лежишта бакра Мајданпек, која је укључилаистраживање површинског копа, флотационог језера и главних карстних врела и пећина. Имајући у виду да се експлоатационо поље рудника бакра Мајданпек директно граничи са карстном издани и водним телом подземних вода „Крш–север“, параметри квалитета подземне воде су анализирани (in situ и лабораторијски) на два главна карстна врела ...Zoran Stevanović, Veljko Marinović, Branislav Petrović. "Hazardous substances in karst aquifer waters - one of the results of the operational monitoring of groundwater in Serbia" in Geoloski anali Balkanskoga poluostrva (Annales geologiques de la Peninsule balkanique), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2020). https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP201107010S
Application of stochastic models for mine planning and coal quality control
... of coal quality at the mine phase is usually planned from in-situ coal parameters which are estimated from coal samples. These samples are commonly used to generate maps of in-situ coal parameters. With such maps, it is possible to know in advance the effect of mining from different benches of the ...
... � � � � � �; ( , )y The steps involved in the study can be summarized as: (1) Build a consistent geological database using drill holes and use this data to develop MinexTM coal quality seam models to map the variability associated with the in situ qualities. Generation of multiple equally probable ...
... stockyard pile qualities in relation to planned average for various pile sizes (masses). Check the size of the pile, which leads to an acceptable range of content variation. Repeat (2) and (3) for each of several simulated models of sulfur contents to map the influence of in situ qualities uncertainty ...Dejan Stevanović, Božo Kolonja, Ranka Stanković, Dinko Knežević, Mirjana Banković. "Application of stochastic models for mine planning and coal quality control" in Thermal Science, Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (2014). https://doi.org/10.2298/TSCI130201031S
Definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje kod izvođenja kosina u ispucalom stenskom masivu
Zoran M. Berisavljević (2016-04-01)Definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje ispucalih stenskih masa predstavlja jedanod najzahtevnijih zadataka mehanike stena. Geotehnička istraživanja su uglavnomograničena na rezultate laboratorijskih ispitivanja malih makroskopski homogenihuzoraka, sa kojih se vrši ekstrapolacija rezultata na terensku razmeru. Ispitivanja semogu vršiti in situ, ali su i ona ograničena veličinom korišćene aparature imikrolokacijom na kojoj se vrše ispitivanja. Pored toga, moguće je vršiti različitaispitivanja na fizičkim modelima, koja su veoma složena i skupa. Ekstrapolacijapodataka sa malog uzorka na terensku razmeru daje mnogo bolje rezultate ...naponsko stanje, ispucalost, heterogenost, čvrstoća na smicanje, geološki indeksčvrstoće, Hoek-Brownov materijal, kompozitni uzorci, dezintegracija, povratna analizaZoran M. Berisavljević. "Definisanje parametara čvrstoće na smicanje kod izvođenja kosina u ispucalom stenskom masivu" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-04-01)
Petrološke karakteristike dunavskog šljunka (Beograd – Zemun)
Miloš Mihajlović (2024)Dunavski šljunak u okolini Zemuna karakterističan je za obalne rečne naslage formirane dugotrajnim procesima erozije i transporta materijala koje reka Dunav nosi sa različitih područja uzvodno. Ispitivanja šljunka sa lokacije „Gemax” su pokazala je šljunak uglavnom zaobljen, najčešće u rasponu od nekoliko milimetara do nekoliko centimetara u prečniku. Kako Dunav nosi materijal sa velikog sliva, ovaj šljunak sadrži raznovrsne sastojke sa dominacijom kvarca i odlomaka stena visokosilicijskog sastava. Mineraloško-petrografska ispitivanja pokazala su prisustvo klasta različitog sastava, čime je potvrđena ...... otpornosti prema habanju usled 14 međusobnog trenja zrna agregata. Materijal je pripremljen na sitima promera 10 mm ı 14 mm. Potrebno je koristiti uzorak koji prolazi kroz sito 14 mm i zadržava se na situ odiO0 mm. Opran i osušen agregat stavljen je u bubanj mašine (Slika 10) za ispitivanje sa kuglama ...
... rekonstrukciju genetskih procesa. Distribucija veličine zrna se izražava kao masa materijala zadržanog. na situ određene veličine odnosno kao kumulativna masena frakcija prolaza kroz sito određene veličine. Određivanje granulometrijskog sastava šljunka rađeno je po standardu Geotehničko istraživanje ...
... ABSTRACT The Danube gravel in the vicinity of Zemun is characteristic of coastal river deposits formed by long-term processes of erosion and transportation of materials carried by the Danube River from various upstream areas. Investigations ofthe gravel at the "Gemax" site have shown that the gravel ...Miloš Mihajlović. Petrološke karakteristike dunavskog šljunka (Beograd – Zemun), 2024
The Importance of Detailed Groundwater Monitoring for Underground Structure in Karst (Case Study: HPP Pirot, Southeastern Serbia)
... hydraulic behavior; in situ tests; groundwater aggressiveness; tunnel vulnerability 1. Introduction The presence of an underground structure in a karst can have a considerable impact on the natural status of groundwater and, conversely, the groundwater can affect the structure (the two are in constant interaction) ...
... hydraulic behavior; in situ tests; groundwater aggressiveness; tunnel vulnerability 1. Introduction The presence of an underground structure in a karst can have a considerable impact on the natural status of groundwater and, conversely, the groundwater can affect the structure (the two are in constant interaction) ...
... leakage points in concrete lining fissures and internal boreholes. Quantitative monitoring was performed by continuous gauging of pressure and leakage, and consecutive hydrometric measurements along characteristic sections of the tunnel. Qualitative prospecting was carried out in situ, using a multi ...Marina Čokorilo Ilić, Ana Mladenović, Marina Ćuk, Igor Jemcov. "The Importance of Detailed Groundwater Monitoring for Underground Structure in Karst (Case Study: HPP Pirot, Southeastern Serbia)" in Water, MDPI AG (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/w11030603
Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia
Nenad Marić, Jana Štrbački, Jason Polk, Latinka Slavković Beškoski, Jelena Avdalović, Marija Lješević, Kristina Joksimović, Aleksandra Žerađanin, Vladimir P. Beškoski (2022)General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and SystematicsNenad Marić, Jana Štrbački, Jason Polk, Latinka Slavković Beškoski, Jelena Avdalović, Marija Lješević, Kristina Joksimović, Aleksandra Žerađanin, Vladimir P. Beškoski. "Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia" in Chemistry and Ecology, Informa UK Limited (2022). https://doi.org/10.1080/02757540.2021.2017903
Geoenvironmental Investigations at a Smelter Location in Bor (Serbia)
Petar Papić, Zvonimir Milijić, Jana Stojković, Jovana Milosavljević, Maja Todorović, Marina Ćuk, Željko Kamberović (2014)Petar Papić, Zvonimir Milijić, Jana Stojković, Jovana Milosavljević, Maja Todorović, Marina Ćuk, Željko Kamberović. "Geoenvironmental Investigations at a Smelter Location in Bor (Serbia)" in Challenges : Sustainable Land Management – Climate Change, Advances in Geoecology 43, Catena Verlag GMBH (2014)
Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima
Nenad M. Marić (2016-09-26)Disertacija se konceptualno sastoji iz dva dela kojima je obuhvaćen pasivan (prirodnoprečišćavanje) i aktivan remedijacioni pristup (stimulisana bioremedijacija) kodpodzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima.U prvom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati osmatranja procesa prirodnogprečišćavanja u podzemnim vodama na lokaciji istorijskog zagađenja kerozinom.Tragovi zagađenja naftnim ugljovodonicima pronađeni su 20 godina nakon prosipanjakerozina. Ovo je stvorilo osnovu za proučavanje efekata dugotrajne izloženostipodzemnih voda procesima biodegradacije u terenskim uslovima. Uočeno je da sesnižene koncentracije elektron akceptora (O2, NO3-, SO42-) i povišene koncentracijemetaboličkih produkata biodegradacije ...... WZ (2006) in: Practical Handbook of Environmental Site Characterization and Ground-Water Monitoring. 2nd Ed, Nielsen D, Eds, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 149. Wilson JT, Armstrong JM, Rifai HS (1994) A full scale field demonstration on the use of hydrogen peroxide for in situ bioremediation ...
... e tehnologije (Beškoski et al., 2012) U zavisnosti od mesta primene razlikujemo in situ (primena na samoj lokaciji koja je zagađena) i ex situ bioremedijaciju (primena van lokacije koja je zagađena). In situ metode su uglavnom jeftinije za izvođenje, jer podrazumevaju tretman na lokaciji zagađenja ...
... ............ 139 4.2.3. Procena potencijala lokacije za primenu stimulisane in situ bioremedijacije ...................................................................... 141 4.2.4. Primena stimulisane in situ bioremedijacije podzemnih voda ............................................... ...Nenad M. Marić. "Prirodno prečišćavanje i stimulisana bioremedijacija podzemnih voda zagađenih naftnim ugljovodonicima" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-09-26)
Overview of the hydrogeological investigations of recently discovered world class deposits in Serbia
Europe industry has growing concerns on availability of the raw materials. To address this challenge, the European Commission has created a list of critical raw materials for the EU, launched EIT Raw Materials initiative, and continuously support research projects (like INTRAW, UNEXMIN etc.) with the aim of reducing the dependency and meeting growing demands. In the last 15 years Serbia is experiencing new bust in geological exploration of mineral deposits. Currently 167 exploration licenses are active, covering approximately 6000 ...Nebojša Atanacković, Vladimir Živanović, Veselin Dragišić, Sava Magazinović. "Overview of the hydrogeological investigations of recently discovered world class deposits in Serbia" in Proceedings of IAH2019, the 46th Annual Congress of the International Associaton of Hydrogeologists, Málaga (Spain), September 22-27, 2019, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) (2019)
Paleomagnetic study of Jurassic-Early Cretaceus sediments in the Danibicum of Eastern Serbia
... our study was to find out if the study area was involved in regional displacement during or after the time covered by the samples. We sampled 8 localities of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous limestones. The cores were oriented in situ using geological compass and sun compass if needed. Samples ...
... ili posle vremenskog peroda obuhvaćenog starošću uzoraka. Uzorkovano je 8 lokaliteta jurskih i donjekrednih krečnjaka. Jezgra su orijentisani "in situ" geološkim kompasom i sunčevim kompasom gde je bilo potrebno. Uzorci su podvrgnuti standardnim paleomagnetskim merenjima i demagnetizacijama. Izvršena ...
... (Romania) southward in Eastern Serbia and continues in western Bulgaria. This unit is composed of Arjana, Coşuştea, Upper and Lower Danubian thrust complexes. Our area of investigation belongs to the Upper Danubian on the Serbian side of the River Danube, but, it has a continuation in Romania, where ...Vesna Cvetkov, Emo Marton, Vesna Lesić, Dragana Tomić. "Paleomagnetic study of Jurassic-Early Cretaceus sediments in the Danibicum of Eastern Serbia" in I Kongres geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini sa međunarodnim učešćem, Udruženje geologa u Bosni i Hercegovini (2015)
Application of Expansive Mortars for the Formation of Artificial Screens During Blasting in Urban Areas
During construction of buildings in urban areas, sometimes there is a need to blast solid rock mass in the immediate vicinity of the surrounding buildings. In that case, the aim is not only to increase the efficiency of blasting, but also to reduce harmful effects of ground vibration induced by blasting. At the same time, it is very important to protect the buildings located in the safe zone from the blast site as well as remaining rock mass around ...Milanka Negovanović, Lazar Kričak, Stefan Milanović, Nikola Simić, Jelena Majstorović. "Application of Expansive Mortars for the Formation of Artificial Screens During Blasting in Urban Areas" in 31st International Conference Ecological Truth & Environmental Research-EcoTER'24, Sokobanja, 18-21. jun 2024, Bor : Tehnički fakultet u Boru (2024)
Polyhedral characteristics of the cosalite-type crystal structures
Sabina Kovač, Predrag Dabić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleksandar Pačevski, Ljiljana Karanović, Marko V. Rodić, Martina Tribus (2019)Sabina Kovač, Predrag Dabić, Aleksandar Kremenović, Aleksandar Pačevski, Ljiljana Karanović, Marko V. Rodić, Martina Tribus. "Polyhedral characteristics of the cosalite-type crystal structures" in The Canadian Mineralogist, Mineralogical Association of Canada (2019). https://doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1900017
Post Early Miocenevertical-axis clockwise rotation in the West Vardar Zone of Serbia
... cight sites of dacitoandesites andfifteen localities of granodiorites both of Oligocene age. Samples were drilled and oriented in situ both by magnetic and sun compasses. In the laboratory samples were cut into standard size specimens, then subjected to standard paleomagnetic measurements which included ...
... e the rest of the specimens from each locality/site. Magnetic mineralogy experiments were carried out on selected specimens. The demagnetization curves were then analyzed for linear segments which were used for statistical evaluation on locality/site level. The fold/tilt test was carried out on locality ...
... Schmid et al. (2008). In this 160 km long strip we sampled on the north in the wider Rudnik Mts. area seven localities of Late Cretaceous micritic limestones and one locality of flysch and seventeen sites of Oligocene-Earliest Miocene igneous rocks of different composition. In the south, ın the wider ...Vesna Lesić, Emo Marton, Vesna Cvetkov, Dragana Jovanović. "Post Early Miocenevertical-axis clockwise rotation in the West Vardar Zone of Serbia " in Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians, 11th ESSEWECA Conference, Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava (2018)
Validation of vulnerability assessment by means of the Time Dependent, Model: case study from the Slovenian karst catchment
Groundwater vulnerability assessment methods are continuously being developed and existing methods are very often modified to provide better simulation of natural protection conditions and more objective results. Most frequently used methods are based on calculation of predefined parameters influencing water infiltration and underground flow, which can often lead to bias conclusions related to vulnerability evaluations. Some other methods, like the Time Dependent Model (TDM) are based on an approach, where parametrization is obtained at the final stage of the ...Ocena ranjivosti podzemnih voda, karstne podzemne vode, TDM metoda, delineacija sanitarnih zona, Slovenački karstVladimir Živanović, Nataša Ravbar, Igor Jemcov. "Validation of vulnerability assessment by means of the Time Dependent, Model: case study from the Slovenian karst catchment" in Proceedings of IAH2019, the 46th Annual Congress of the International Associaton of Hydrogeologists, Málaga (Spain), September 22-27, 2019, International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) (2019)
Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool
... rock face site and adopted the acquisition accordingly (annual) in respect to our study site. We tried to extract the deformation threshold as exampled in abovementioned case studies and estimate the total vectors instead of its line-of-sight component as suggested by [4]. 2. Study site Location ...
... [3] emphasize the spatial, i.e. the pre-failure deformation aspect in their research, while acknowledging the frequency precursor analysis as impractical with TLS technique in their case. They emphasized site-specific limitations in respect to TLS monitoring. The cliff they monitored turned out to ...
... sandstone, alternating with a thin laminated marly siltstone, while claystone is likely lost in the sediment transport or missing for other reasons. Tectonics is not particularly pronounced at the site or in its vicinity, the formation has moderately gentle bedding (40-45°) that is dipping towards ...Miloš Marjanović, Biljana Abolmasov, Zoran Berisavljević, Marko Pejić, Petko Vranić. "Pre-failure deformation monitoring as rockfall prediction tool" in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Publishing (2021). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/833/1/012197
Analysis of a simplified model for determining rock mass oscillation velocity at the Kovilovača open pit
... distance from the blasting site to the monitoring point r increase in the same or approximately the same ratio, the rock mass oscillation velocity V remains the same [6]. Here we cite second way of rock mass oscillation velocity equation derivation. If, in blasting in the specific environment, ...
... that can have hazardous impact on the environment and result in moving of buildings. In order to protect the environment from shock when performing blasting it is necessary to define rock mass oscillation equation for each working site. This paper ofjers the analysis of the simplified model for ...
... most often is used the M.A. Sadovskii equation where oscillation velocity V is given in the form of: v=K-R"; (D where R is reduced distance, that represents distance from the blasting site to monitoring site r , reduced to the total quantity of the explosive Q i.e., R =%č. Parameters K and m ...Suzana Lutovac, Miloš Gligorić, Jelena Majstorović, Luka Crnogorac. "Analysis of a simplified model for determining rock mass oscillation velocity at the Kovilovača open pit" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental protection MEP, 24 – 27 May 2023, Sokobanja, Serbia, Belgrade : University of Belgrade-Faculty of mining and geology (2023)
2D geoelectrical resistivity tomography application at the former city waste dump "Ada Huja": Eco-geological problem
... proclaimed to be the most unattractive housing settlement in Belgrade, is located near the former waste dump site “Ada Huja”. The lack of statistical reports on the health condition of the people who live in the near vicinity of the waste site indicates a neglecting attitude for the health of people ...
... THE FORMER WASTE DUMP SITE “ADA HUJA” 3.1 Basic Information Convenient location of the former waste site “Ada Huja” (4 km from the Belgrade city center, first city zone) resulted in the housing development for 900 to 2000 people built on the most unsanitary locality in Belgrade (housing development ...
... “Deponija”). In the beginning of the year 1960, under the jurisdiction of the former Federal executive council of SFRY, “Ada Huja” became a waste dump site. A variety of birds was endangered as consequence of this decision, one of which was the white-tailed-eagle, the largest eagle in Europe. Through ...Branislav Sretenović, Filip Arnaut, Ivana Vasiljević, Vesna Cvetkov. "2D geoelectrical resistivity tomography application at the former city waste dump "Ada Huja": Eco-geological problem" in Podzemni radovi, Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES) (2019). https://doi.org/10.5937/PodRad1934059S
Analysis and visualization of geophysical well-logging data from closely spaced boreholes
Geophysical logging measurements for determining the condition of the rock mass on the dam profile and locating the predisposed directions of water circulation and loss from the reservoir were conducted in four boreholes distributed at a close distance. The survey was carried out in a typical karst terrain, which is an additional challenge for defining the geological model, especially in terms of water retention. That kind of data set provides an excellent opportunity for a new approach to analysis ...... S OF SEDIMENTS IN BOREHOLE B-70 AT THE TETIMA ROCK SALT DEPOSIT (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA) Zijad Ferhatbegović, Izudin Đulović, THE GEOLOGICAL PHENOMENA OF SALDA LAKE (BURDUR-TURKIYE Toni Nikolic, Yasemin Levanteli CAVE IN MIROSAVE GORGE - A NEW LATE PLEISTOCENE SITE OF THE SMALL MAMMAL ...
... dam situated in highly karstified rocks. In: Stevanovic Z, Krešić N & Kukuric N (eds) Karst without Boundaries, 1Ird edn. CRS Press, Taylor & Francis group, pp 321-336. Sretković B., Vučković D., 2020: Geophysical seismic mapping inside the investigative galleries at dam site. Minutes of the ...
... Bosnia-Durmitor unit, and the · overthrust autochthonous Dinaric- ophiolitic unit (Milanović and Vasić, 2016). The foundation of the dam site is located in an intensely tectonized limestone block (Triassic age), where vertical and subvertical Ilerru Konrpec Ha I eonoaure Ha PenyOnaka CeBepHa ...Branislav Sretković, Ivana Vasiljević, Dimitry Sidorov - Biryukov. "Analysis and visualization of geophysical well-logging data from closely spaced boreholes" in Vth Congress of the Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia, September 27-28, 2024, Macedonian Geological Society (2024)