1247 items
Hydrodynamic calculation of the screen section 1 at the opencast coal mine Drmno
Šubaranović Tomislav, Pavlović Vladimir, Polomčić Dušan. "Hydrodynamic calculation of the screen section 1 at the opencast coal mine Drmno" in V International Conference COAL, Zlatibor: (2011): 355-361
Mikroorganizmi - biohidrogeološki indikatori odabranih pojava mineralnih voda Srbije
Vladimir Šaraba (2021)Sa namerom definisanja hidrogeološke uloge i značaja mikrobiološkog diverziteta odabranih pojava mineralnih voda Srbije, primenom sistema biodetektora, dokazano je prisustvo gvožđevitih, sulfato-redukujućih, sluz-produkujućih, heterotrofnih aerobnih i denitrifikacionih bakterija, na osnovu čega je proračunat rizik od razvoja procesa biokorozije i biohemijske inkrustacije, te zdravstveni rizik. Uz procenu rizika, izvedene su analize skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije biofilmova i hidrogeohemijsko modeliranje, te makroskopska, otpička i difrakciona ispitivanja naslaga inkrustacije, dok je fizičko-hemijskim analizama utvrđena vrednost ukupne mineralizacije iznad 1 g/L, kao i povišeni ...biohidrogeologija, SEM analize, makroskopska i optička ispitivanja, rendgenska difrakcija praha, hidrogeohemijsko modeliranje, BART analize, metabarkoding analize mikrobioma, fizičko-hemijske analize, starenje bunara (biokorozija, biohemijska inkrustacija i biozarastanje), zdravstveni rizik... loški fakultet. Filipović, I., Marković, B., Pavlović, Z., Rodin, V., & Marković, O. (1971). Tumač za list Gornji Milanovac. Beograd: Zavod za geološka i geofizička istraživanja. Filipović, I., Rodin, V., Pavlović, Z., Marković, B., Milićević, M., & Atin, B. (1980). Geološka karta 1:100.000 – list ...
... Kolarić Kravar, S., & Medić, H. (2010). Nitriti i nitrati kao prekursori N-nitrozamina u paštetama u konzervi. Meso, 12 (6), 322-332. Pavlović, Z., Marković, B., Atin, B., Dolić, D., Gagić, N., Marković, O., Dimitrijević, M., & Vuković, M. (1980). Geološka karta 1:100.000 – list Smederevo, (Map). Beograd: ...
... coliform, fecal Streptococci bacteria in the water supply networks. Iranian journal of public health, 44 (12), 1685-92. Anđelković, J., Marković, B., Pavlović, Z., & Rajčević, D. (1986). Geološka karta 1:100.000 – list Bijeljina (za SR Srbiju i SAP Vojvodinu), (Map). Beograd: Savezni geološki zavod. ...Vladimir Šaraba. Mikroorganizmi - biohidrogeološki indikatori odabranih pojava mineralnih voda Srbije, Beograd : [V. Šaraba], 2021
Estimation of damage on the equipment during the floods in opencast mines Tamnava-West field and Veliki Crljeni
Dragan Ignjatović, Predrag Jovančić, Vladimir Pavlović. "Estimation of damage on the equipment during the floods in opencast mines Tamnava-West field and Veliki Crljeni" in 13th International symposium Continuous Surface Mining ISCSM 2016, 12-14 September 2016, Belgrade – Serbia, Belgrade : Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee (2016)
Tehno-ekonomska analiza varijanti sistema odvodnjavanja površinskog kopa Drmno od podzemnih voda do kraja eksploatacije
Odvodnjavanje površinskog kopa Drmno od podzemnih voda je jedan od najznačajnijih podsistema u procesu eksploatacije u veoma zavodnjenoj radnoj sredini Kostolačkog basena uglja. Već od 2006. godine, Inovirani dugoročni program razvoja eksploatacije uglja predviđa izradu ekrana, pored zadržavanja postojećih standardnih metoda odvodnjavanja od podzemnih voda linijama bunara. Iako je kasnijim Glavnim rudarskim projektom, takođe, bila predviđena izrada ekrana, njegova realizacija nije započela. Na osnovu realnog sagledavanja postojeće projektne dokumentacije, početak izrade ekrana se predviđa od 2023. godine. ...Tomislav Šubaranović, Dušan Polomčić, Vladimir Pavlović. "Tehno-ekonomska analiza varijanti sistema odvodnjavanja površinskog kopa Drmno od podzemnih voda do kraja eksploatacije" in XIII Međunarodna konferencija OMC, Zlatibor, 2018, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2018)
A hydrogeological model of the open-cast mine Tamnava - West Field (Kolubara Coal Basin, Serbia)
... phase of new open pit “E” - Kolubara coal basin. In: PAVLOVIĆ, V. (ed.) Proceedings of the VI International Conference “Coal 2013”. Belgrade: Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee, pp. 293-300. 54 Ratković J., Polomčić D., Bajić D., Hajdin B. THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (2016) ...
... 557-567. BUHAČ, D. et al. (2012) Designe solution of open pit „South Field” dewatering from surface and underground water, coal basin Kolubara. In: PAVLOVIĆ V. (ed.) Proceedings of the X International Opencast Mining Conference OMC 2012. Belgrade: Yugoslav Opencast Mining Committee, pp. 19-32. DIM ...
... Shifting of the Kolubara in terms of dynamic development mining proceeding and opening new open pits in the central part of Kolubara’s coal basin. In: PAVLOVIĆ, V. (ed.) Proceedings of the VIII International conference of Surface Mining OMC 2007. Vrujci Spa, Serbia, 17-20 October, 2007. Belgrade: Yugoslav ...Jelena Ratković, Dušan Polomčić, Dragoljub Bajić, Bojan Hajdin. "A hydrogeological model of the open-cast mine Tamnava - West Field (Kolubara Coal Basin, Serbia)" in Underground Mining Engineering no. 29, Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of mining and geology (2016): 43-54
Analiza sistema odvodnjavanja površinskog kopa Drmno od podzemnih voda sa severnim savršenim ekranom
Izrada nesavršenog ekrana do drugog sloja uglja na površinskom kopu Drmno, pored zadržavanja postojećih standardnih metoda odvodnjavanja od podzemnih voda linijama bunara, predviđena je poslednje decenije u celokupnoj rudarskoj projektnoj dokumentaciji. Iz objektivnih i subjektivnih razloga njegova realizacija nije ostvarena do danas. U međuvremenu je, uz dodatna geološka istraživanja i promenu dinamike i parametara sistema površinske eksploatacije, došlo do određenih značajnih prostornih promena geoloških i rudarskih uslova u eksploatacionom polju. Ovo je omogućilo preliminarno inoviranje pristupa procesu i konceptu ...Tomislav Šubaranović, Dušan Polomčić, Vladimir Pavlović. "Analiza sistema odvodnjavanja površinskog kopa Drmno od podzemnih voda sa severnim savršenim ekranom" in Zbornik apstrakata sa 9. Međunarodne konferencije Ugalj, Zlatibor, 2019., Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2019)
Projecting short to medium-term effects of carbon emissions trading on Serbia's GDP
Boban Pavlović, Nikola Trtica (2024)This paper presents an approach to assess the short to medium-term effects of the Emissions Trading System (ETS), an economic and climate policy instrument aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, on GDP from the expenditure side. The analysis focuses on Serbia’s electricity sector, which relies heavily on lignite-based pro duction dominated by state-owned enterprises. The obtained projections suggest that in the short term, the introduction of an ETS may lead to slower GDP growth compared to official forecasts. However, ...... elsevier.com/locate/jup UTILITIES Full-length article Projecting short to medium-term effects of carbon emissions trading on Serbia's GDP B. Pavlović””, N. Trtica” * University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, Serbia ? National Bank of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia ARTICLEINFO ...
... also has an impact internationally. In addition to its impacts within the * Corresponding author. E-mail address: boban.pavlovic(aygt.bg.ac.rs (B. Pavlović). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2024.101855 EU and EEA, the ETS has demonstrated its role as a foreign or interna- tional economic and climate ...
... 2024 0957-1787/6) 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, Al training, and similar technologies. B. Pavlović and N. Trtica subject of the economic effects of introducing an ETS. Economic studies utilizing, various methodologies aim to provide policymakers ...Boban Pavlović, Nikola Trtica. "Projecting short to medium-term effects of carbon emissions trading on Serbia's GDP" in Utilities Policy, Elsevier BV (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2024.101855
Прелиминарни избор Система одводњавања површинског копа Дрмно од подземних вода
Томислав Шубарановић, Душан Поломчић, Владимир Павловић, Иван Јанковић . "Прелиминарни избор Система одводњавања површинског копа Дрмно од подземних вода" in Зборник радова X међународне конференције, Златибор, 13-16. Октобар, 2021, Београд : Југословенски комитет за површинску експлоатацију (2021)
Design of the Opencast Coal Mine Drmno Dewatering System
Development of mining in the opencast mine Drmno from Kostolac basin in Serbia is carried out in the increasingly complex geological and hydro geological conditions with the decline of the coal seams to the alluvial part of Europe's largest river Danube. Greater depth and inflow of groundwater significantly increase costs for dewatering facilities construction with the requirement for optimizing of this more and more important surface mining process. Making decision on screen construction in the opencast mine with redesign ...dewatering system, groundwater, hydrodynamic model, dewatering wells, screen, reliability, environmental effects.Vladimir Pavlović, Dušan Polomčić, Tomislav Šubaranović. "Design of the Opencast Coal Mine Drmno Dewatering System" in Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Continuous Surface Mining - Aachen 2014, Springer International Publishing (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12301-1_11
Opencast Mine Field B Inner Dump Sanation as A Condition of Mine Field E Opening in RB Kolubara
Branko Petrović, Jelena Majstorović, Tomislav Šubaranović. "Opencast Mine Field B Inner Dump Sanation as A Condition of Mine Field E Opening in RB Kolubara" in 10th International Conference Coal 2021, Jugoslovenski komitet za površinsku eksploataciju (2021)
Towards more sustainable district heating systems in Serbia - Options and obstacles
The major share of energy consumed in the building environment is dedicated to meeting heating needs, which makes this sector one of the key players in the transformation of the whole energy system. The accurate approach to the transition process assumes acting on both the demand and supply sides. Lately, the supply side has received more attention, as its transformation is one of the key steps of the energy transition process. District heating systems are recognized as substantial contributors ...energetska tranzicija, daljinsko grejanje, dekarbonizacija, obnovljivi izvori energije, prepreke, SrbijaMarija Živković, Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Miloš Tanasijević, Dejan Stojanović . "Towards more sustainable district heating systems in Serbia - Options and obstacles" in Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems, Rome, September 8-12, 2024, Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (2024)
A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia
When assessing the potential of renewable energy alternatives for electricity generation, it is necessary to implement a multi-perspective approach that includes economic, technical, environmental, and socio-political criteria. For the evaluation of criteria and alternatives, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method is applied. The obtained weights are formed according to the values of energy indicators and expert judgments. The use of a fuzzy numerical value scale for the assessment of expert judgments and energy indicators provides a more sensitive ...... available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Please cite this article as: B. Pavlović, D. Ivezić andM. Živković, Amulti-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia ...
... contribute to accomplishing renewable energy targets (SOR, 2020) since Serbia ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address: boban.pavlovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs (B. Pavlović). is largely dependent on coal. Around 2/3 of domestic electricity generation originates from lignite-fired thermal power plants. The challenges ...
... https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.072 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ B. Pavlović, D. Ivezić and M. Živković Energy Reports xxx (xxxx) xxx Table 1 Total installed capacity for electricity generation and amounts of produced electricity ...Boban Pavlović, Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković. "A multi-criteria approach for assessing the potential of renewable energy sources for electricity generation: Case Serbia" in Energy Reports, Elsevier BV (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.072
Selektivna površinska eksploatacija uglja kontinualnim sistemima
Pavlović Vladimir, Ignjatović Dragan, Stepanović Saša, Jovančić Predrag. "Selektivna površinska eksploatacija uglja kontinualnim sistemima" in Monografija nacionalnog značaja, Beograd:Rudarsko-geološki fakultet (2012)
Coal production in Serbia - Status and perspective
Pavlović Vladimir, Ignjatović Dragan, Jovančić Predrag, Mitrović Slobodan. "Coal production in Serbia - Status and perspective" in VII International Brown Coal Mining Congress 1, Bełchatów:PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna Spółka Akcyjna (2011): 261-274
Influence on Environment of Sealing Screen at Lignite Opencast Mines
Šubaranović Tomislav, Pavlović Vladimir, Polomčić Dušan, Malbašić V. "Influence on Environment of Sealing Screen at Lignite Opencast Mines" in Metalurgia International (2013): 169-176
Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast
In certain situations, it is extremely important to determine the exact time “someone” entered or crossed the forbidden zone of a military or strategic installation, a red zone of radioactive, chemical, or biological contamination, a bank or similar structure. Standard security measures include ordinary video surveillance using cameras that operate in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well commercial thermal imaging cameras [1, 2]. The paper presents the results of experiments that suggest another possible use of ...Stevan Đenadić, Ljubiša Tomić, Vesna Damnjanović, Darko Vasiljević, Danica Pavlović. "Tracking of the temporal dependency of fading of the human footprint temperature contrast" in VIII International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Serbia, 23-27 August 2021, Institute of Physics Belgrade (2021)
The Reliability of Choice for Water Supply System of The Stanari Thermal Power Plant
Pavlović Vladimir, Šubaranović Tomislav, Polomčić Dušan, Jakovljević I.. "The Reliability of Choice for Water Supply System of The Stanari Thermal Power Plant" in Proceedings of the XI National Conference With International Participation of The Open and Underwater Mining of Minerals, Bulgaria: (2011): 276-281
Cutting Parameters Optimization for Difficult Excavating Conditions with Bucket Wheel Excavators on Gracanica Opencast Mine in Gacko
Ignjatović Dragan, Pavlović Vladimir, Jovančić Predrag, Bošković Saša. "Cutting Parameters Optimization for Difficult Excavating Conditions with Bucket Wheel Excavators on Gracanica Opencast Mine in Gacko" in 22th Conference – Mine Planing and Equipment Selection 1, Dresden:Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (2013): 303-310
Multiannual effects of Peštan source operation in the function of predewatering the future Kolubara bsin opencast mines
Polomčić Dušan, Pavlović Vladimir, Bajić Dragoljub, Šubaranović Tomislav. "Multiannual effects of Peštan source operation in the function of predewatering the future Kolubara bsin opencast mines" in Proceedings of VI International Conference COAL, Zlatibor: (2013): 259-266
Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду
... Рударство М. Цветковић М. Цветковић; А. Лазић; В. Павловић; Д. Симеуновић 120. Симић Владимир 27.02.2004. Прогноза оцена ресурса каолинитских глина у седиментним басенима Србије Геологија Б. Стајевић, Р. Јеленковић Б. Стајевић; Р. Јеленковић; М. Илић 121. Јовановић Миливоје ...
... Владислав 16.5.2000. Методика избора објеката и система одводњавања у површинској експлоатацији Рударство Р. Симић; В. Павловић; Б. Филиповић 92. Ивановић Владимир 29.5.2000. Истраживање ризика рада од штетности на површинским коповима лежишта руда метала Рударство Ј. Пејчиновић ...
... Драган Игњатовић Божо Колоња Ранка Станковић Владимир Малбашић 13. Младеновић Ана 19.06.2015. Еволуција напонског поља подручја Интерних Динарида у Србији током алпске орогенезе ДАГ/ДАГ Б. Тривић, В. Цветковић С. Михајловић Р. Павловић В. Цветков 14. Неговановић Миланка 30.06 ...главни и одговорни уредник Душан Поломчић. Споменица 1991. – 2015. година: 135 година геологије и 70 година рударства на Универзитету у Београду, Београд : Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет, 2016