526 items
Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system
The district heating system (DHS) is one of the key elements of the Belgrade energy system. Overview of the current state and basic characteristics of the DHS are presented in this paper. The focus is on the planned development of DHS and on the analyses of effects of realization of measures and projects defined by strategic documents related to DHS which are adopted by city authorities (Development Strategy of DHS and Strategy of Belgrade Development). Two exploratory scenarios were ...Dejan Ivezić, Marija Živković, Aleksandar Madžarević, Miodrag Grujić. "Assessments of effects of implementation of strategic plans for development of Belgrade District heating system" in Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier BV (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102304
Development of an integrated model for open-pit-mine discontinuous haulage system optimization
Miodrag Čelebić, Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Mirjana Banković, Duško Torbica, Aleksej Milošević , Dejan Stevanović (2024)Miodrag Čelebić, Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Mirjana Banković, Duško Torbica, Aleksej Milošević , Dejan Stevanović . "Development of an integrated model for open-pit-mine discontinuous haulage system optimization" in Sustainability, MDPI (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/su16083156
Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search
Jelena Andonovski, Branislava Šandrih, Olivera Kitanović. "Bilingual lexical extraction based on word alignment for improving corpus search" in The Electronic Library, Emerald (2019). https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-03-2019-0056
The Dictionary of the Serbian Academy: from the Text to the Lexical Database
In this paper we discuss the project of digitization of the Dictionary of the Serbo-Croatian Standard and Vernacular Language. Scanning and character recognition were a particular challenge, since various non-standard character set encoding was used in the course of the almost 60-year long production of the dictionary. The first aim of the project was to formalize the micro-structure of the dictionary articles in order to parse the digitized text of and transform it into structured data stored in relational lexical database. This approach ...... the printed version. The final correction of all 19 digitized volumes is nearly finished. In this paper we will present the work that has been done so far in transforming the digitized text of the Dictionary into various standard structured formats and into a lexical database with the first aim to ...
... article segmentation. The information that was registered in the dictionary explicitly, such as the domain, the stylistic use, the etymology, and so on, was mapped with the help of the data categories and their values; howev- er, some grammatical information was not explicitly encoded. For example ...
... in this paper are restricted to the processing of the 1st and 19th volumes, but the digitization of all previously published volumes is in progress. So far, the Dictionary was produced linearly. In the future, however, the linear processing of entries may be abandoned, as this could accelerate the ...Ranka Stanković, Rada Stijović, Duško Vitas, Cvetana Krstev, Olga Sabo. "The Dictionary of the Serbian Academy: from the Text to the Lexical Database" in Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: Lexicography in Global Contexts, Ljubljana : Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (2018)
The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines
In this paper we present how resources and tools developed within the Human Language Technology Group at the University of Belgrade can be used for tuning queries before submitting them to a web search engine. We argue that the selection of words chosen for a query, which are of paramount importance for the quality of results obtained by the query, can be substantially improved by using various lexical resources, such as morphological dictionaries and wordnets. These dictionaries enable semantic ...LR web services, MultiWord Expressions & Collocations, Information Extraction, Information Retrieval... multi-word term are not taken into account, and this reduces recall. In this case the aforementioned irrelevant document would be omitted, but so would be many relevant results, for instance Gambori u maslacu sa belim lukom (Shrimps on butter with garlic (in the instrumental case)) 2. ...
... by adding new words to the set of words initially specified by the user. 1. Morphological dictionaries of simple words and compounds in the so called LADL format (Courtois et al., 1990) basically consist of lemmas accompanied with inflectional class codes which enables a precise production ...
... word, it was estimated that its introduction in the query would generate a great number of irrelevant documents in languages other than Serbian, so the options for removing some of the synonymous words was used and the word list was reduced to two Serbian words: beli luk and češnjak. In this ...Krstev Cvetana, Stanković Ranka, Vitas Duško, Obradović Ivan. "The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines" in LREC 2008: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2008, European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (2008)
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel and Zigzag Method of Acquisition in Walking Mode in Magnetometric Archeological Research
магнетометријска испитивања, цик-цак и паралелна аквизиција у ходајућем моду, линеарне аномалије, археологија... carried out using the principle of “one tra- verse-one fi le” so that it would be possible to pro- cess the data as separate profi les. Also, with this method of measurement, all the data fell within the margins of the test polygon, so the processing step where the data was spatially limited, was ...
... ltering. As in the case of orientating profi les in a north- south direction, with data sampled in the same direction, linear anomalies did not appear, so the data was suitable for further qualitative analysis, after having been clipped to the investigative area and the correct domain of gradient TMI ...Mirko Petković, Vesna Cvetkov, Branislav Sretenović. "Advantages and Disadvantages of a Parallel and Zigzag Method of Acquisition in Walking Mode in Magnetometric Archeological Research" in Arheologija i prirodne nauke (2014)
OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja novi jezički resurs za pretraživanje i istraživanje verbalnih aspektnih parova u BCS (bosanskom, hrvatskom i srpskom), kreiran korišćenjem principa Lingvističkih Povezanih Otvorenih Podataka (LLOD). Pošto ne postoji resurs koji bi pomogao učenicima bosanskog, hrvatskog i srpskog kao stranih jezika da prepoznaju aspekt glagola ili njegove parove, kreirali smo novi resurs koji će korisnicima pružiti informacije o aspektu, kao i link ka aspektnim parovima glagola. Ovaj resurs takođe sadrži spoljne linkove ka monolingvalnim rečnicima, Wordnetu i BabelNetu. ...Ranka Stanković, Maxim Ionov, Medina Bajtarević, Lorena Ninčević. "OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian" in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, 20-25 May 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
Influence of DEM resolution on numerical modelling of debris flows in RAMMS - Selanac case study
Debris flows induced by intensive rainfall represent very hazardous phenomena in many parts of the World. Methods for prediction of runout distance of flow like mass movements are different and depending on the input data, rheology, and available or appropriate numerical solution. However, sometimes it is not easy to obtain pre event and post event high-resolution data in the rural or mountainous area. Thus, the topology of terrain is the most important input parameter for the every real case ...... days affected triggering of many new landslides across the Western Serbia. Most of new occurrences were defined as granular flows, which were not so typical landslide type for this area. The nearest meteorological station Loznica registered maximum of 230 mm of rain for 72 hours. Huge amount of ...
... domain. Including calculation of eroded material will change volumetric of deposited zone. Even if comparison of two epochs DEM gave as a result not so much difference in volume, estimated depth with ERT investigation is more (max 20m) and we can consider that transported material outflow of calculation ...Jelka Krušić, Biljana Abolmasov, Mileva Samardžić Petrović. "Influence of DEM resolution on numerical modelling of debris flows in RAMMS - Selanac case study" in 4th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic Balkan Region, 23-25 October 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Geotechnical Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019). https://doi.org/ 10.35123/ReSyLAB_2019
Анализа стања квалитета ваздуха у граду Суботици за период од 2020. до 2023. године
Филип Величковић (2024)Овај завршни рад истражује концентрацију честица PM2.5 (честица са пречником мањим од 2,5 микрометра) и PM10 (честица са пречником мањимод 10 микрометара) у Суботици, и говори какав негативан утицај имају на здравље становништва.Пре тога је објашњена општа прича о аерозагађењу и саставу ваздуха, укључујући опис свих критеријумским загађивача, законској регулативи што се тиче квалитета ваздуха и дате су неке основне информације о агломерацији Суботица. Коришћени су подаци о концентрацији РМ2.5 и РМ10 честица прикупљени током истраживања ваздушног квалитета у ...... yKyC. TOKCHUHOCT My CeČ mojauaBa y YyCJOBHMa HOBchaHe BJIDKHOCTH 3OOr CTBapaMba CyMIHIODHe KMHCCJIHHC. IIpogaBoju oKcHJanuje SO» y Ba3JlyXy Cy TOKCHuUHHJH OJI CaMOr SO» . OKo 1/3 yKyHHO INIPpHCyTHOTr CyMNHOPp-JMOKcHHMa y aTMOCQO)epH HacrTaje caropeBabeM (pocHiJIHHX TOpHBa, yrJba H Ha(pTe, KOJH ...
... r O3OHa RnonpuHocH moBehay cMora uHjH Je O3OH CaCTaBHH O, H ONIHITOJ 3aMyheHOCTH arMoc(epe. 15 CyMHop-JIHoOKcHJI Cyunop-ouokcuo (SO») je 0e30ojHu rac KapakTrepucTHuHor H OHITpor MHpHca, TeXXH OJI Ba3Jlyxa ( 2,5 myTa ) H no0po ce pacTBapa y Bojnu. IIpH KoHnerHrpanuju 800- 2600 ...
... areHnuje 3a 3XHBOTHy cpemuHy (EEA) nokayyJy na cHrTHe uecTrHne (PM2?,5) H najbe HaHoce HajBehu yrHIaj Ha 3J1ipaBJbe. 18 [naBo6ojba u aHKcMo3Hocr (SO;) < ~ NEAA FAA OVO MARIIKIFUI FORINKEI HeraTMBHo yrTMue Ha ueHTpa;iHM Mipvrauuja ouujy, Hoca M rpna HepBHu cvcTeM (PM) Tipo6nemw c nMcakbeM (Os, ...Филип Величковић . Анализа стања квалитета ваздуха у граду Суботици за период од 2020. до 2023. године, 2024
Izdvajanje vode iz prirodnog gasa
Dejan Nedeljkov (2024)U radu je istaknuto važnost prirodnog gasa kao vitalna komponenta svetske energetike.Spada u najsigurnije,najčistije i najkorisnije fosilno gorivo. Sama pojava vode u vidu vlage u gasu je pokazatelj lošeg kvaliteta gasa. parametri koji mogu dovesti do lošeg kvaliteta prirodnog gasa kao pokazatelj je Wobbe index.U okviru istraživanja u master radu glavni problem funkcionisanja na KPG Paliću predstavlja vlaga u gasu,takođe se može zaključiti da kvalitet gasa zavisi od Wobbe indeksa odnosno, što je Wobbe veći, čistiji je gas, ili ...... Hydrocarbon Processing, November, 1967., str. 96 29 pritisak vode proporcionalno koncentraciji soli, pa se zato dobijena vrednost sadržaja vode iz dijagrama mora korigovati ukoliko u vodi ima rastvorenih soli. Pored korekcije zbog saliniteta postoji i korekcija zbog sastava gasa koja se izvodi prema ...
... dijagrama Mc Ketta i Wehe. Dijagram daje sadržaj vode u prirodnom gasu na pritisku i temperaturi ravnoteže sa čistom vodom. Kada u vodi ima rastvorenih soli, one snižavaju parni % J. Vincent – Genod: Le transport des hydrocarbures liquides et gasues par canalisatio tecanip, Paris, 1977., str. 45 ? R ...
... i učestala. Sagorevanje se vrši bez štetnih produkata čađi i pepela, gde su u upotrebi male emisije ugljen - dioksida (CO>) i sumpor - dioksida (SO>) i svrstava se među ekološki najčistije energente. U poređenju sa ostalim fosilnim gorivima, upotreba prirodnog gasa proizvodi manju količinu CO2 ...Dejan Nedeljkov . Izdvajanje vode iz prirodnog gasa, 2024
Hidrogeoekološki aspekti aksploatacije uglja u Pelagonijskom basenu (Makedonija)
Kostadin J. Jovanov (2016-06-24)Leţišta uglja „Suvodol“, „Brod-Gneotino“ su u eksploataciji, a leţište uglja „Ţivojno“je u fazi pripremi. Nalaze se u krajnjem jugoistočnom i juţnom delu Pelagonijskekotline. Sva tri leţišta stvorena su u neogenim sedimentima u jezerskim uslovimasedimentacije u zoni kontakta sa prekambrijumskim kristalastim stenama. Kod sva trileţišta ugalja se javljaju više slojeva različite debljine, u okviru kojih se nalaze klastičnisedimenti (gline, peskovi i dr.). U podini ugljenog basena nalaze se kristalaste steneprekambrijumske starosti.Teren u okolini leţišta uglja karakteriše se umereno kontinentalnom klimom, ...ugalj, podzemne vode, površinske vode, neogeni kompleks, izdani,transmisibilnost, nivo podzemne vode, sniţenje nivoa... ekv) Katjoni (% ekv) s. Makovo HCO 3 74 SO 4 17 Cl9 Mg58 Ca24 (Na+K)17 s. Rapeţ HCO 3 73 Cl26 (Na+K)42 Mg36 Ca22 s. Suvodol HCO 3 65 Cl28 SO 4 7 Mg57 Ca26 (Na+K)17 Suvodolska reka HCO 3 83 Cl20 SO 4 7 Mg48 Ca26 (Na+K)26 s. Germijan HCO 3 77,7 SO 4 15,5 Cl6,8 Mg43,8 Ca43 (Na+K)13,2 Izuzetak ...
... Bušotina D-1 s. MiĎitlija SO 4 27 HCO 3 70 Ca47 Mg29 (Na+K)23 Bušotina s. Kremenica HCO 3 71 SO 4 26 Ca55 Mg24 (Na+K)21 Buštoina s. Trn HCO 3 77 Cl20 Mg42 Ca32 (Na+K)26 Bušotina s. Optičari HCO 3 79 Cl14 SO 4 7 (Na+K)53 Mg45 Bušotina s. Logovardi HCO 3 77 SO 4 13 Cl10 Ca50 Mg27 (Na+K)23 ...
... Anjoni (% ekv) Katjoni (% ekv) Bunar s.Aglarci HCO 3 71 SO 4 17 Cl12 Ca47 Mg38 (Na+K)14 Bušotina s.Logovardi HCO 3 77 SO 4 13 Cl10 Ca49 Mg27 (Na+K)23 Bušotina Sredno Egri HCO 3 92 Cl5 Mg42 Ca37 (Na+K)21 Bušotina G2-18 rud. Suvodol SO 4 51 Cl26 HCO 3 23 Mg24 Ca58 (Na+K)17 Bušotina G2-18 rud ...Kostadin J. Jovanov. "Hidrogeoekološki aspekti aksploatacije uglja u Pelagonijskom basenu (Makedonija)" in Универзитет у Београду, Универзитет у Београду, Рударско-геолошки факултет (2016-06-24)
Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia
Marina Ćuk, Maja Todorović, Petar Papić, Jovan Kovačević, Zoran Nikić. "Hydrogeochemistry of Uranium in the Groundwaters of Serbia" in Uranium - Past and Future Challenges, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11059-2_89
New approach to correlation of hydrocarbon reservoirs in sandstone layers of the "Mokrin" field"
Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević (2018)геофизички каротаж, депозиционе средине, лежишта угљоводоника, миоцен, пост‐ рифтнo, секвенциона стратиграфија... depositional environment, hydrocarbon reservoirs, Miocene, post‐rift, sequ‐ ence stratigraphy. INTRODUCTION Based on the correlation applied so far, oil and gas reservoirs of the “Mokrin” field represent individual sandstone layers. The correlation is based on similarity in the sha ...
... ation of seismic data, the shelf‐edge trajectory was reconstructed, on the basis of which no significant drop in the lake water level was detected, so that post‐rift sediments are deposited within the highstand systems tract and the transgressive systems tract, (Ivanišević Radivojević ...Saša Ivanišević, Dejan Radivojević. "New approach to correlation of hydrocarbon reservoirs in sandstone layers of the "Mokrin" field"" in 17th Serbian Geological Congress, Vrnjačka Banja, 17-20 maj 2018, Srpsko geološko društvo (2018)
Failure Estimation of the Majdanpek Open Pit East Face Based on Inverse Velocity Model
The Majdanpek open pit mine south district is currently active mining prospect of copper ore exploitation in eastern Serbia. Its depth is approaching the termination depth and occurrences of large-scale instabilities and global instability of the final pit slope is possible. These can generate catastrophic mass movement inside an area that encloses a regional road route and the Pek River bed which is channelled along the outer contour of the pit. The displacements that were noted in early 2023, in the ...Miloš Marjanović, Stefan Milanović, Nikola Simić, Lazar Kričak. "Failure Estimation of the Majdanpek Open Pit East Face Based on Inverse Velocity Model" in Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region, Belgrade, 15-18th May 2024, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/resylab.2024.6.ch46
Interactions of Copper(II) Complexes of some Schiff base ligands with calf thymus DNA and bovine serum albumin
Joni prelaznih metala u kombinaciji sa različitim ligandima nude veliki broj mogućnosti za ispitivanje potencijalnih bioaktivnosti. Među jonima prelaznih metala, bakar je poznat kao endogeni metal za ljude, sa karakterističnim biološkim redoks aktivnostima i relativno jakim afinitetom za nukleobaze. Kompleksi bakra ispoljavaju svoju antitumornu aktivnost na nekoliko različitih načina, generišu veliku količinu ROS, što uzrokuje oksidativno oštećenje mitohondrija i biomakromolekula. Nađeno je da kompleksi bakra(II) imaju umeren do dobar afinitet vezivanja sa DNK, uglavnom putem interkalacije.Angelina Petrović, Aleksandar Mijatović, Rada Baošić, Jovana Bogojeski. "Interactions of Copper(II) Complexes of some Schiff base ligands with calf thymus DNA and bovine serum albumin" in 6. Konferencija mladih hemičara Srbije, Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2018)
Prognozna ocena resursa kaolinitskih glina u sedimentnim basenima Srbije
Vladimir M. Simić (2003)Kaolinitske gline predstavljaju jednu od privredno najznačajnijih nemetaličnih mineralnih sirovina u Srbiji. Ležišta tih glina odavno se istražuju i eksploatišu u Aranđelovačkom i Kolubarskom basenu i basenima vlašićkog antiklinorijuma. Osim toga, u većem ili manjem obimu istražene su mnoge lokalnosti, a na nekima od njih vršila se povremena eksploatacija. Dosadašnja istraživanja kaolinitskih glina imala su, međutim, prevashodno uzak istraživački cilj - utvrđivanje rezervi glina određenog ležišta, dok su istraživanja regionalnog karaktera bila malog obima i vezana za delove pojedinih ...prognozna ocena, resursi kaolinitskih glina, sedimentni baseni, Srbija, geologija, mineralogija, kvalitet, potencijalnostVladimir M. Simić. Prognozna ocena resursa kaolinitskih glina u sedimentnim basenima Srbije, Beograd : V. Simić, 2003
Mikroplastika u peloidima iz Srbije i Slovenije
A. Šajnović, G. Gajica, F. Prosenc, S. Stojadinović, G. Veselinović, P. Trebše, P. Dabić, B. Jovančićević (2023)... jedno od najatraktivnijih prirodnih i kulturnih znamenitosti Slovenije, Park prirode Sečovlje (Seč). Ovaj lokalitet je poznat i po solani iz koje se so proizvodi na isti tradicionalan način, već vekovima unazad. Prvi korak u analizi mikroplastike podrazumevao je određivanje sadržaja vlage u uzorcima ...A. Šajnović, G. Gajica, F. Prosenc, S. Stojadinović, G. Veselinović, P. Trebše, P. Dabić, B. Jovančićević. "Mikroplastika u peloidima iz Srbije i Slovenije" in 9. simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine EnviroChem2023, Kladovo, 4-7. jun 2023., Beograd : Srpsko hemijsko društvo (2023)
Comparative analysis of correlation coefficients in mineralogical and geophysical data from the mine tailing site “Rudnik” (Serbia)
Vesna Cvetkov, Filip Arnaut, Dragana Životić. "Comparative analysis of correlation coefficients in mineralogical and geophysical data from the mine tailing site “Rudnik” (Serbia)" in 5th Congress Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ohrid, 28-29. 10. 2024, Македонско геолошко друштво (2024)
Indexing of textual databases based on lexical resources: A case study for Serbian
In this paper we describe an approach to improvement of information retrieval results for large textual databases by pre-indexing documents using bag-of-words and Named Entity Recognition. The approach was applied on a database of geological projects financed by the Republic of Serbia in the last half century. Each document within this database is described by metadata, consisting of several fields such as title, domain, keywords, abstract, geographical location and the like. A bag of words was produced from these ...... factors and the number of occurrences of the corresponding keywords. A specific feature of Serbian is the common use of two alphabets: Cyrillic and Latin, so a user can initiate her/his search using any of the two, and the method on the server automatically expands the search query with the other, while the ...
... last one since its code is given in the paper. However, although the author claims accuracy of 92% it was evaluated on a very small text (522 words) so its reliability is not confirmed. Also, as Hiemstra states [3] “Stemming tends to help as many queries as it hurts.” The other possibility is statistical ...
... organization 2,882 0.59 0.32 total 64,287 13.11 7.14 4.2 The Architecture of the New System Indexing of metadata database on the projects is done so that for each document a text is generated of all the fields and records in the database, where the title, discipline and cartographic sheet are given ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović. "Indexing of textual databases based on lexical resources: A case study for Serbian" in Semantic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources : First COST Action IC1302 International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-9, 2015. Revised Selected Papers, Springer (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27932-9_15
Using technology for knowledge transfer between academia and enterprises
Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković (2014)... within the TEL platform can be in various languages, thus providing an efficient answer to one of the major criticisms of OER being biased towards the so called "big" languages. In order to resolve successfully the issues related to multilinguality, especially terminological issues, but also in order ...
... such as Serbian, they need to be coupled with morphological dictionaries. Morphological dictionaries of Serbian simple words and compounds in the so-called LADL format (Krstev et al., 2010) are thus also part of the lexical resources used by LSS. Besides Serbian, such resources exist for many ...
... of. Specific features of Serbian grammar need corresponding language resources in the form of grammars. Grammars within LSS are implemented by the so called finite state automata, finite state transducers and compound inflection rules (Krstev, 2008). The language support system handles various ...Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Using technology for knowledge transfer between academia and enterprises" in Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth, Proc. of IFKAD 2014, 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 11-13 June 2013, Matera, Italy, Bari : IFKAD (2014)