2385 items
Early–Middle Jurassic brachiopods from Ponor Mountain, Western Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria; taxonomy, biostratigraphy and occurrence in the context of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Barbara V. Radulović, Lubomir S. Metodiev, Neda Motchurova-Dekova, Platon Tchoumatchenco. "Early–Middle Jurassic brachiopods from Ponor Mountain, Western Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria; taxonomy, biostratigraphy and occurrence in the context of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event" in Historical Biology (2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2023.2190757
Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard
... ♠♦❞❡❧ ♦❢ t❤❡ ●❡♦❧■❙❙❚❡r♠ str✉❝t✉r❡ 14 Ranka Stankovié, Ivan Obradovié, and Milos Utvié 3000 terms and their English equivalents [15], divided in several subdomains: petrology, mineralogy, hydrogeology, geophysics, structural geology etc. The core of UML model of this resource is presented in Figure 1 ...
... that under favorable circumstances, they can be considered to have economic potential. Hyperonyms: Base economic geology terminology and classifications Hyponyms: Occurrences of mineral resources, Ore body, Ore, Division of min- eral deposits Reference: Lezi8ta metali¢nih mineralnih sirovina. Jelenkovié ...
... presents an example of the information on the Language level () and Term level for Serbian term lezigste mineralnih sirovina (deposit of mineral resource) with related broader concept ekonomska geologija (economic geology), and related concepts pojava mineralnih sirovina (occurence of mineral ... Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, and Miloš Utvić. "Developing Termbases for Expert Terminology under the TBX Standard" in Natural Language Processing for Serbian - Resources and Applications, Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics (2014)
English for Geology Students. 2
Lidija Beko (2023)... of clarity and coherence as a way in which they wish to teach the subject of English language and geology. Six thematic units: 1. Landslides 2. Metamorphic rocks 3. Mineral deposits 4. Hydrological cycle and groundwater 5. Surface water and glaciers 6. Geophysics, seismology and prospecting ...
... Faculty of Mining and Geology who have provided Foreword me with valuable assistance, relevant literature and insights, and who have pointed out specific geological terms and translations of those terms in order for me to use them correctly. My reviewers, prof. dr Juliana Vučo and prof. dr Dragoslava ...
... SOMa. Geological Wonders.......... t Profession – Young Geotechnician................. Geology Mystery Files ... ı Geology through Myths........... . • Unit2 • METAMORPHIC ROCKS AND GEMSTONES CAUSES AND DEFINITION ... i ttt Mocabulany,..3. MOMN . BVIVA.. . MONA a .. .. . 3NIMJ ) .| Reading ...Lidija Beko. English for Geology Students. 2, Belgrade : The Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2023
English for Geology Students. 1
Lidija Beko (2023)... Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs STUDENTS ENGLISH to: — GEOLOGY STUDENTS Lidija Beko ENGLISH FOR GEOLOGY STUDENTS Lidija Beko ENGLESKI ...
... . - 66 Profession – Young Palaeontologist.............i... 67 Geology Mystery Files ... - 68 Geology through Myths..............a. 72 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Table of contents • Unit 3 • TIME AND AGE – GEOLOGICAL THEORIES THROUGH TIMES CATASTROPHE OR UNIFORMITY ...
... ......... ii a 115 Profession – Young Geomagnetician............... 116 Geology Mystery Files ... a 117 Geology through Myths.............c. 120 Table of contents • Unit5 • ROCK CYCLE, IGNEOUS ROCKS AND VOLCANOES Partl ROCKCYCLE........ ttt tttv 126 Vocabulary....n.MOORe. ... o - ...Lidija Beko. English for Geology Students. 1, Belgrade : The Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2023
Application of VIКOR method in the selection of an optimal splution of excavation “Borska Reka” ore deposit
Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Glušćević, Radmila Gaćina. "Application of VIКOR method in the selection of an optimal splution of excavation “Borska Reka” ore deposit" in 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental protection MEP, 24 – 27 May 2023, Sokobanja, Serbia , Belgrade : University of Belgrade-Faculty of mining and geology (2023)
Developing Students’ Mining and Geology Vocabulary Through Flashcards and L1 in the CLIL Classroom
... vocabulary teaching and the use of L1 in the CLIL classroom, (2) review the literature on flashcards and discuss the use of it at home and in the classroom, (3) exemplify the complex mining and geology terminology and the difficulties the Serbian students face in terms of translation and comprehension ...
... Students’ Mining and Geology Vocabulary Through Flashcards and L1 in the CLIL Classroom Lidija Beko, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Developing Students’ Mining and Geology Vocabulary Through Flashcards and L1 in the ...
... 24th, 2015. Developing students’ mining and geology vocabulary through flashcards and L1 in the CLIL classroom Lidija Beko + Ivan Obradović ++ and Ranka Stanković ++ + Chair of Foreign Languages , University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina Street 7, Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: ...Lidija Beko, Ivan Obradović, Ranka Stanković. "Developing Students’ Mining and Geology Vocabulary Through Flashcards and L1 in the CLIL Classroom" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Teaching English for Specific Purposes and New Language Learning Technologies, May, 22-24, 2015, Niš, Serbia, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Niš : Faculty of Electronic Engineering (2015)
BEYOND 2020 - Geology explorations and open pit activities affectation in reclamation designing in Kolubara Coal Mines (KCM) Serbia, new considerations
Geology explorations in KCM runs from 1936. year up to these days and still ongoing. Results in >7,200 drill holes with ≈600,000 m of core drilling and gave lignite ore resources of > 4,1Bt, which 1,15Bt are excavated since 1986. of XIX up to early years of XXI century. For further mining operations in open pits stay 1,5Bt of lignite. Under waste heaps are ≈80 km2, additional 85 km2 should be filled. All of that masses/areas were, are ...Bojan Dimitrijević, Bogoljub Vučković, Radmila Gaćina. "BEYOND 2020 - Geology explorations and open pit activities affectation in reclamation designing in Kolubara Coal Mines (KCM) Serbia, new considerations" in 17th International Conference of the open and underwater mining of minerals, Sts. Constantine and Helena Resort, Varna, 18-22 September, Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria : Scientific and Technical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy, (2023)
Петрологија црвених пешчара источне Србијe
Андреј Марковић (2024)У источној Србији формација црвених пешчара има велико распрострањење и улази у састав многих планина овог дела наше земље. Формацију чине кластичне стене интензивно црвене боје псамитске, ређе псамитско-псефитске структуре и алевритске структуре. Ове стене леже трансгресивно преко старијих пермо-карбонских и карбонских стена, док навише прелазе у доњотријаске седименте. Формација црвених пешчара захвата два појаса унутар Карпато-балканида – унутрашњи и средишњи део. Узорци анализирани у овом раду део су средишњег појаса. Тема завршног рада је петрологија црвених пешчара источне ...... — inner and central part. Samples analyzed in this paper are part of the centre belt. Subject of the final paper is petrology of the red sandstones of Eastern Serbia, more specifically samples from the area around Grza River near Paraćin. After macroscopic determination, optical and chemical ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...
... widespreaded and is included in the composition of many mountains in this part of our country. This formation consists of intensely red-colored clastic rocks, psammitic, rarely psammite-psephitic and siltstone structure. These rocks lie transgressively above older Permo-Carboniferous and Carboniferous ...Андреј Марковић. Петрологија црвених пешчара источне Србијe, 2024
History of meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia)
... Mining and Geology (UBFMG) contains 52 meteorites organized in two collections: 36 samples are stored in the Collection of Minerals and Rocks and 16 pieces are kept in the Paleontological Collection. In this paper we describe the collection of meteorites at the Collection of Minerals and Rocks, ...
... meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia) | Alena Zdravković, Maja Milošević, Kristina Šarić, Ivana Jelić, Ana Černok | 9th International Conference Mineralogy and Museums, Sofia, Bulgaria | 2021 | | http://dr.rgf ...
... University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia) Alena Zdravković1, Maja Milošević1, Kristina Šarić1, Ivana Jelić2, Ana Černok3 1Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia; alena.zdravkovic@rgf.bg.ac.rs; maja.milosevic@rgf.bg.ac.rs; kristina.saric@rgf ...Alena Zdravković, Maja Milošević, Kristina Šarić, Ivana Jelić, Ana Černok. "History of meteorite donations to the Collection of Minerals and Rocks of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (Serbia)" in 9th International Conference Mineralogy and Museums, Sofia, Bulgaria, Earth and Man National Museum and Bulgarian Mineralogical Society (2021)
Three ophiolitic belts – one ocean? Field Trip Guide
Vladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić, Ana Mladenović"". "Three ophiolitic belts – one ocean? Field Trip Guide" in 13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies - September 7th-18th 2017 in Serbia, Zlatibor Mts."", Beograd:Faculty of Mining and Geology Faculty of Mining and Geology Faculty of Mining and Geology (2017)
Three ophiolitic belts – one ocean? Field Trip Guide
Vladica Cvetković, Kristina Šarić, Ana Mladenović. "Three ophiolitic belts – one ocean? Field Trip Guide" in 13th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies - September 7th-18th 2017 in Serbia, Zlatibor Mts., Beograd:Faculty of Mining and Geology Faculty of Mining and Geology Faculty of Mining and Geology (2017): 1-36
Evidence for Badenian marine transgression in Belgrade (Serbia)
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2019)... Mediterranean is the cause for the partial isolation and fall of salinity (Rögl, 1999). REFERENCES Anđelković, M. 1987. Geology of the wider Belgrade area – Geology and geodynamics. Institute for regional geology and palaeontology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, p. 428 (in Serbian) Anđelković, M., Anđelković ...
... 1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional Geology, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: filip.and- jelkovic@rgf.rs and dejan.radivojevic@rgf.bg.ac.rs The only true marine depositional environment in the Serbian part of the Central Paratethys belongs to the Badenian stage. Belgrade ...
... Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Evidence for Badenian marine transgression in Belgrade (Serbia) Filip Anđelković1 and Dejan Radivojević1 1University ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "Evidence for Badenian marine transgression in Belgrade (Serbia)" in AAPG Vienna, Paratethys petroleum systems between Central Europe and the Caspian Region, Vienna, 26-27 mart, 2019, AAPG (2019)
Asbestos-Based Pottery from Corsica: The First Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite
Asbestos-containing pottery shards collected in the northeast of Corsica (Cap Corse) and dating from the 19th century, or earlier, have been analyzed by SEM-EDS, XRPD, FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy. Blue (crocidolite) and white (chrysotile) asbestos fiber bundles are observed in cross-sections. Most of the asbestos is partly or totally dehydroxylated, and some transformation to forsterite is observed to occur, indicative of a firing above 800 C. Examination of freshly fractured pieces shows a nonbrittle fracture with fiber pull-out, consistent with ...... talc: A mineral of interest in petrology and materia! science. Phvs. Chem. Miner. 2013, 40, 145-156. [CrossRet] Hanawalt, J.D.; Rinn, H.W.; Frevel, L.K. Identification of Crystalline Materials. d. Eng. Anal. Chem. 1938, 10, 457–513. [CrossReft] Gatta, G.D.; Rinaldi, R.; Knight, K.S.; Molin, G ...
... Matrix Composite Philippe Colomban 1*(5 and Aleksandar Kremenović 205 1 MONARIS (From the Molecule to the Nano-object: Reactivity, Interaction & Spectroscopies), Sorbonne Universitć, CNRS, 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France Faculty of Mining, and Geology, University of Belgrade, Đušina 7, 11000 ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...Philippe Colomban, Aleksandar Kremenović. "Asbestos-Based Pottery from Corsica: The First Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite" in Materials, MDPI AG (2020). https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13163597
From post-disaster landslides inventory to open landslides data
Biljana Abolmasov, Miloš Marjanović, Uroš Đurić, Jelka Krušić. "From post-disaster landslides inventory to open landslides data" in Proceedings of 3rd European Regional Conference of IAEG/ Athens/ Greece/ 6-10 October 2021, International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (2021)
Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)
Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić (2024)The paper describes linking the Digital Repository of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, with the eScience system in terms of transferring metadata about the results of researchers' scientific work. The steps taken to ensure a smooth harvesting of metadata are outlined. Additionally, a presentation of additional improvements to the OAI system is provided, aiming to contribute to the automatic linking of authors with their results in the eScience system.Biljana Rujević, Mihailo Škorić. "Data from the Digital Repository of the Faculty of Mining and Geology in eScience (eNauka)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2024). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2023.23.2.4
Geology of the southern part of the Sava-Vardar zone: new constraints from the Klepa Mts.
... of the Republic of North Macedonia GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE SAVA – VARDAR ZONE: NEW CONTRAINTS FROM THE KLEPA MTS. lDejan Prelević, 'Ana Mladenović, !Violeta Gajić, Milena Dunčić, *Blažo Boev TUniversity of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology, Serbia, ana.mladenovic(d)rgf-bg.ac ...
... слободном приступу. - Претрага репозиторијума доступна је на www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs The Digital repository of The University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac ...
... tectonic plates. Basement formations surrounding the Klepa Mountains basalt belong to the Veles series, consisting of low- to medium-grade GEOLOGY AND IIerru KoHrpec Ha I conoaure Ha PenyOxuka CeBepHa MakcjuoHuja Fifth Congress of Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia metamorphic rocks ...Dejan Prelević, Ana Mladenović, Violeta Gajić, Milena Dunčić, Blažo Boev. "Geology of the southern part of the Sava-Vardar zone: new constraints from the Klepa Mts." in Fifth Congress of Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Macedonian Geological Society (2024)
Rift sequence stratigraphy and its contribution to source rock understanding – Serbian part of Pannonian Basin
Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević (2018)... (Serbia). Technics – Mining, Geology and Metalurgy 63, 43–47. Lučić, D., Saftić, B., Krizmanić, K., Prelogović, E., Britvić, V., Mesić, I., Tadej, J. 2001. The Neogene evolution and hydrocarbon potential of the Pannonian Basin in Croatia. Marine and Petroleum Geology 18, 133–147. Magyar, I., Fogarasi ...
... (Eds). The Carpathians and their foreland: geology and hydrocarbon resources, AAPG Memoir 84, 619–632. Matenco, L. Radivojević, D. 2012. On the formation and evolution of the Pannonian Basin: Constraints derived from the structure of the junction area between the Carpathians and Dinarides. Tectonics ...
... Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs 328 XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, September 10–13, 2018, Abstracts Rift sequence stratigraphy and its ...Filip Anđelković, Dejan Radivojević. "Rift sequence stratigraphy and its contribution to source rock understanding – Serbian part of Pannonian Basin" in CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, Septembar 10-13, 2018, Bulgarian Academy of Science (2018)
Tectono-lithostratigraphic model of the Northern Banat Miocene sediments (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)
Dejan Radivojević, Ljupko Rundić (2017)... consisted of numerous seismic data, both 2D and 3D, and exploration wells data allowed building of subsurface model of explored area. Special emphasis was placed on the Miocene sediments which are the most valuable part of sedimentary cover due to its economic signiºcance. °e extension of the Pannonian ...
... consisted of numerous seismic data, both 2D and 3D, and exploration wells data allowed building of subsurface model of explored area. Special emphasis was placed on the Miocene sediments which are the most valuable part of sedimentary cover due to its economic significance. ‘The extension of the Pannonian ...
... Rundić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional Geology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia *corresponding author: dejan.radivojevic@rgf.bg.ac.rs °e Neogene back-arc Pannonian Basin lies in southeastern Europe and extends over several countries. °e area of interest ...Dejan Radivojević, Ljupko Rundić. "Tectono-lithostratigraphic model of the Northern Banat Miocene sediments (Pannonian Basin, Serbia)" in 7th International Workshop: Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe, Velika, Croatia, maj 2017, Croatian Geological Society (2017)
The Crystal Structure and Crystal Chemistry of Mineral-like Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4, a Novel Isomorph of Arsenoclasite and Gatehouseite
Ljiljana Karanović, Tamara Ðorđević (2022)Ljiljana Karanović, Tamara Ðorđević. "The Crystal Structure and Crystal Chemistry of Mineral-like Cd5(VO4)2(OH)4, a Novel Isomorph of Arsenoclasite and Gatehouseite" in Minerals, MDPI AG (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/min12121601
Mio-Pliocene Geodynamics and its Stratigraphic Consequences in the Area of Avala Mt. (Belgrade, Serbia)
... Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional geology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia *corresponding author: ljupko.rundic@rgf.bg.ac.rs In recent years, thanks to numerous infrastructural works and construction of the local roads, new outcrops and sections near Avala Mt. have ...
... Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department of Regional geology, Kamenicka 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia *corresponding author: ljupko.rundic@raf.bg.ac.rs In recent years, thanks to numerous infrastructural works and construction of the local roads, new outcrops and sections near Avala Mt. have ...
... University of Belgrade Faculty of Mining and Geology archives faculty publications available in open access, as well as the employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs 57 7th International Workshop | Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe ysis revealed sta ...Ljupko Rundić, Meri Ganić, Slobodan Knežević, Dejan Radivojević. "Mio-Pliocene Geodynamics and its Stratigraphic Consequences in the Area of Avala Mt. (Belgrade, Serbia)" in 7th International Workshop: Neogene of Central and South-Eastern Europe, Velika, Croatia, maj 2017, Croatian Geological Society (2017)