46 items
Distant Reading in Digital Humanities: Case Study on the Serbian Part of the ELTeC Collection
Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Duško Vitas, Mihailo Škorić, Milica Ikonić Nešić (2022)In this paper we present the Serbian part of the ELTeC multilingual corpus of novels written in the time period 1840-1920. The corpus is being built in order to test various distant reading methods and tools with the aim of re-thinking the European literary history. We present the various steps that led to the production of the Serbian sub-collection: the novel selection and retrieval, text preparation, structural annotation, POS-tagging, lemmatization and named entity recognition. The Serbian sub-collection was published ...Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Duško Vitas, Mihailo Škorić, Milica Ikonić Nešić. "Distant Reading in Digital Humanities: Case Study on the Serbian Part of the ELTeC Collection" in Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, June 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (2022)
From ELTeC Text Collection Metadata and Named Entities to Linked-data (and Back)
In this paper we present the wikification of the ELTeC (European Literary Text Collection), developed within the COST Action ``Distant Reading for European Literary History'' (CA16204). ELTeC is a multilingual corpus of novels written in the time period 1840—1920, built to apply distant reading methods and tools to explore the European literary history. We present the pipeline that led to the production of the linked dataset, the novels’ metadata retrieval and named entity recognition, transformation, mapping and Wikidata population, ...Milica Ikonić Nešić, Ranka Stanković, Christof Schöch and Mihailo Škorić. "From ELTeC Text Collection Metadata and Named Entities to Linked-data (and Back)" in Proceedings of The 8th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, June 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (2022)
Sentiment Analysis of Serbian Old Novels
In this paper we present first study of Sentiment Analysis (SA) of Serbian novels from the 1840-1920 period. The preparation of sentiment lexicon was based on three existing lexicons: NRC, AFFIN and Bing with additional extensive corrections. The first phase of dataset refinement included filtering the word that are not found in Serbian morphological dictionary and in second automatic POS tagging and lemma were manually corrected. The polarity lexicon was extracted and transformed into ontolex-lemon and published as initial ...Ranka Stanković, Miloš Košprdić, Milica Ikonić Nešić, Tijana Radović. "Sentiment Analysis of Serbian Old Novels" in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data, June 2022, Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association (2022)
SrpELTeC: A Serbian Literary Corpus for Distant Reading
U članku je predstavljen SrpELTeC, korpus razvijen u okviru akcije COST Distant Reading for European Literary History (CA16204). Svi romani u SrpELTeC-u su odabrani, pripremljeni i obeleženi korišćenjem zajedničkih principa uspostavljenih za sve jezičke zbirke u Evropskoj zbirci književnog teksta (ELTeC). Navedeni su izazovi i rešenja u pripremi SrpELTeC od nule. Svi romani su ručno kodirani u TEI sa bogatim metapodacima i strukturnim napomenama. Automatska anotacija je uključivala POS-označavanje, lematizaciju i imenovane entitete, oslanjajući se na resurse za obradu ...digital humanities, Serbian literature, text corpora, distant reading , linked data, named entity recognition, text analyticsRanka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Duško Vitas. "SrpELTeC: A Serbian Literary Corpus for Distant Reading" in Primerjalna književnost, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2024). https://doi.org/10.3986/pkn.v47.i2.03
SrpELTeC on Platforms: Udaljeno čitanje, Aurora, NoSketch
Serbian ELTeC collection (100 novels and extended) developed within COST action CA16204 Distant Reading for European Literary History comprises at this moment 111 novels published in the period 1840-1920. Such a valuable resource is and will be used for various lexical and linguistic research, by using different tools and methodologies. In this paper, three platforms on which these novels are published will be presented: “Udaljeno ˇcitanje”, Aurora and Sketch Engine.Ranka Stanković, Mihailo Škorić, Petar Popović. "SrpELTeC on Platforms: Udaljeno čitanje, Aurora, NoSketch" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2022). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.2.7
Annotation of the Serbian ELTeC Collection
Ovaj rad predstavlja takozvano izdanje nivoa 2 kolekcije tekstova SrpELTeC razvijene u okviru aktivnosti Radne grupe 2 – Metode i alati COST akcije CA 16204 (Distant Reading for European Literary History) i njene specifikacije šeme. Izdanje nivoa 2 je nastavak izdanja nivoa 1, koje se koristi kao ulaz za morfosintaksičke i NER anotacije romana. Srpska obrada nivoa-2 je navedena kroz potrebne korake, uključujući metode i alate koji se koriste u tom procesu. Neki statistički podaci iz srpske kolekcije nivoa ...udaljeno čitanje, literarni korpus, tagiranje, prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta, lematizacija, ELTeCRanka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev, Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Mihailo Škorić. "Annotation of the Serbian ELTeC Collection" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.2.3
Serbian ELTeC Sub-Collection in Wikidata
This paper presents an example of integration of Wikidata with digital libraries and external systems, as well as some best practices for speeding up the process of data preparation and import to Wikidata, on the use case of SrpELTeC, Serbian subcollection of the ELTeC multilingual collection (European Literary Text Collection). After preliminary work on the manual Wikidata population with SrpELTeC novels, the goal was to automate the process of preparing and importing information, so different solutions were analysed and ...Milica Ikonić Nešić, Ranka Stanković, Biljana Rujević. "Serbian ELTeC Sub-Collection in Wikidata" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.2.4
Нове технологије за оживљавање старих текстова
удаљено читање, књижевни корпус, обрада српског језика, анотација врстом речи, лематизација, именовани ентитетиЦветана Крстев, Ранка Станковић, Бранислава Шандрих Тодоровић, Милица Иконић Нешић. "Нове технологије за оживљавање старих текстова" in Зборник радова Међународне научне конференције Дигитална хуманистика и словенско културно наслеђе II, Београд, 28-29 јуни 2021., Београд : Савез славистичких друштава Србије (2023)
English for Geology Students. 2
Lidija Beko (2023)... • « • < }SLayaji- • • -e 15150 2 Reading Comprehension........... a MASS WASTING AND TYPES „ ttt Vocabulary...........i t ttt Reading Comprehension........... . SLOPE STABILITY ... ttt ttt Mocabulary_ y. NN al . JMN a M, 2MA do a a -yy „O laJaM-Jja Reading Comprehension...........ca. (ram ...
... . . 3NIMJ ) .| Reading Comprehension........... a METAMORPHIC TEXTURES ... ttt N(oezijiEyniAOk ; o aer }1 995 5 OBp OOO o o Oqj o OLO DOO fa Reading Comprehension........... . METAMORPHIC GEMSTONES........ ttt ocabulary. 32737 . OL - .Be. ..0 ... . MM a o -jyO. 0a -M Reading Comprehension.. ...
... OMNA . JELMKyA.JNONOP IJI .E .N2 Reading Comprehension..........ii. OIL AND NATURALGAS....... ttt Vocabulary............. a a Reading Comprehension..........ii ı METALS AND GEMSTONES. ... \orgloyulkto/oooooe o obopooopag abodoao000000 } 0000 0000 Reading Comprehension..........ii c Grammar ...Lidija Beko. English for Geology Students. 2, Belgrade : The Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2023
English for Geology Students. 1
Lidija Beko (2023)... ....aa a ı 48 Reading Comprehension........... .. 51 Part2 PALAEONTOLOGICAL ERAS............at a 52 Mocabulary.....k. Mcv kR dh u t daMas de e 55 Reading Comprehension...........ii ... 57 Part3 MUESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC RRA ....... ı 58 Vocabulary...........i . ı 61 Reading Comprehension.. ...
... 155 Reading Comprehension...........te. 157 Part2 EROSION........ee a a Č 0 158 Wocabulary„...g f. O a.y- ·M-fya . Bc o e . uh ev 160 Reading Comprehension...........it.. 161 Part3 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS ........etee e 164 Mocabulary/:f. a . . K. L. LD.JOO y. OR dd R- tt . wwR o 166 Reading Com ...
... minerals..................a a a oa 14 Vocabulary....Rh... .v . OM .. NN cg 16 Reading Comprehension...........i cc 20 Part2 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ............ta tt a 22 VM(eyeP-Uylyar .00 o aG D JIO OGG OO O BO D 0 24 Reading Comprehension...........i .. 27/ Part3 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ...........vt ...Lidija Beko. English for Geology Students. 1, Belgrade : The Faculty of Mining and Geology, 2023
Serbian NER&Beyond: The Archaic and the Modern Intertwinned
U ovom radu predstavljamo srpski književni korpus koji se razvija pod okriljem COST Akcije „Distant Reading for European Literary History” CA16204. Koristeći ovaj korpus romana napisanih pre više od jednog veka, razvili smo i učinili javno dostupnim Sistem za prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta (NER) obučen da prepozna 7 različitih tipova imenovanih entiteta, sa konvolucionom neuronskom mrežom (CNN), koja ima F1 rezultat od ≈91% na test skupu podataka. Ovaj model je dalje ocenjen na posebnom skupu podataka za evaluaciju. Završavamo poređenje ...... milica.ikonic.nesic@fil.bg.ac.rs Abstract In this work, we present a Serbian litera- ry corpus that is being developed under the umbrella of the “Distant Reading for European Literary History” COST Acti- on CA16204. Using this corpus of novels written more than a century ago, we ha- ve developed and made ...
... compa- rison of the developed model with the exi- sting one, followed by a discussion of pros and cons of the both models. 1 Introduction The “Distant Reading for European Literary History”1 (COST Action CA16204) has started in 2017 with the purpose of using computa- tional methods to analyse large c ...
... characters in novels, and what are differences and simila- rities that can be discovered between social networks extracted for different novels. Distant Reading Training School for Named Entity Recognition and Geo-Tagging for Litera- ry Analysis organized within the COST Action 162044 covered NER approaches ...Branislava Šandrih Todorović, Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković, Milica Ikonić Nešić. "Serbian NER&Beyond: The Archaic and the Modern Intertwinned" in Proceedings of the Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Methods and Applications, INCOMA Ltd. Shoumen, BULGARIA (2021). https://doi.org/10.26615/978-954-452-072-4_141
Creation of a Training Dataset for Question-Answering Models in Serbian
Razvoj i primena veštačke inteligencije u jezičkim tehnologijama značajno su napredovali poslednjih godina, posebno u domenu zadatka odgovaranja na pitanja (Question Answering - QA). Dok su postojeći resursi za QA zadatke razvijeni za glavne svetske jezike, srpski jezik je relativno zanemaren u ovoj oblasti. Ovaj rad predstavlja inicijativu za kreiranje obimnog i raznovrsnog skupa podataka za obučavanje modela za odgovaranje na pitanja na srpskom jeziku, koji će doprineti unapređenju jezičkih tehnologija za srpski jezik. Pored brojnih istraživanja o jezičkim modelima ...veštačka inteligencija, obrada prirodnog jezika, jezički resursi, anotirani skupovi, ekstrakcija informacija, odgovaranje na pitanjaRanka Stanković, Jovana Rađenović, Maja Ristić, Dragan Stankov. "Creation of a Training Dataset for Question-Answering Models in Serbian" in South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment JuDig Book of Abstracts, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, Serbia, November 21-23, 2024, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology (2024)
Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia
... (Cracknell and Reading 2014). For this study, the JASP soft- ware Wwas utilized for both RF and KNN modelling. Comparative studies employing both RF and KNN on remotely sensed geo-spatial data demonstrate that the RE algorithm outperforms the KNN algorithm (Cracknell and Reading 2014; Ge et al ...
... data or the same datasets but in different domains to generate predictions for data-driven classification and regression problems (Cracknell and Reading 2014). In situ- ations involving the prediction of spatially dispersed catego- ries in extremely complex processes, these algorithms have proven ...
... been extensively studied for their application in geologi- cal mapping through the analysis and processing of digital images (Cracknell and Reading 2014). Multispectral satel- lite data, such as Landsat 7 ETM +, Landsat 8, Landsat 9, or Sentinel-2, have been effectively employed for mapping ...Filip Arnaut, Dragana Đurić, Uroš Đurić, Mileva Samardžić-Petrović, Igor Peshevski. "Application of geophysical and multispectral imagery data for predictive mapping of a complex geo-tectonic unit: a case study of the East Vardar Ophiolite Zone, North-Macedonia" in Earth Science Informatics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-024-01243-4
Infotheca (Q25460443) in Wikidata
Ranka Stanković, Lazar Davidović (2021)Vikipodaci su baza znanja Zadužbine Vikimedija koja predstavlja zajednički izvor različitih vrsta podataka koje koriste ne samo drugi Vikipedijini projekti, već sve više i brojne aplikacije semantičkog veba. U ovom radu ćemo prezentovati primer integracije Vikipodataka sa digitalnim bibliotekama i eksternim sistemima, kao i mogućnost ubrzanja pripreme i unosa podataka na primeru radova iz časopisa za digitalnu humanistiku Infoteka.... course features the subjects Knowledge Represen- tation and Semantic Web that explore the potential for application of open data. As part of the “Distant Reading for European Literary History”12 се ради на уносу метаподатака о српским романима из корпуса srpELTeC 13 COST Action CA16204 (2017-2021) metadata ...
... Literary Text Collection) one subcollection of which will consist of a hundred Serbian novels from the period 1840-1920 developed as part of the Distant Reading for European Literary History Cost Action: CA16204 by members of the JeRTeh society, 19. The co-authorship graph is available, where the SPARQL ...
... look into the ways of overcoming or at least mitigating them. Wikidata is a truly immense knowledge base that is 1) available to ev- eryone – for reading information, making queries, editing and improving it; 2) Open – multiple use is available under the Creative Commons CC0 li- cence granting complete ...Ranka Stanković, Lazar Davidović. "Infotheca (Q25460443) in Wikidata" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2021). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2021.21.1.5
OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Ovaj rad predstavlja novi jezički resurs za pretraživanje i istraživanje verbalnih aspektnih parova u BCS (bosanskom, hrvatskom i srpskom), kreiran korišćenjem principa Lingvističkih Povezanih Otvorenih Podataka (LLOD). Pošto ne postoji resurs koji bi pomogao učenicima bosanskog, hrvatskog i srpskog kao stranih jezika da prepoznaju aspekt glagola ili njegove parove, kreirali smo novi resurs koji će korisnicima pružiti informacije o aspektu, kao i link ka aspektnim parovima glagola. Ovaj resurs takođe sadrži spoljne linkove ka monolingvalnim rečnicima, Wordnetu i BabelNetu. ...Ranka Stanković, Maxim Ionov, Medina Bajtarević, Lorena Ninčević. "OntoLex Publication Made Easy: A Dataset of Verbal Aspectual Pairs for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian" in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics @ LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, 20-25 May 2024, ELRA and ICCL (2024)
Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC
Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Joanna Byszuk, Ioana Galleron, Diana Santos, Ranka Stanković (2020)Akcija COST „Udaljeno čitanje za evropsku književnu istoriju“, koja je počela 2017. godine, ima među svojim glavnim ciljevima stvaranje višejezične zbirke evropskih književnih tekstova (ELTeC) otvorenog koda. U ovom radu predstavljamo rad koji je obavljen na ručnom označavanju selekcije ELTeC kolekcije za imenovane entitete, kao i na proceni postojećih alata za prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta u pogledu njihove sposobnosti da automatski urade takve anotacije. U poslednjem paragrafu se razmatraju zajedničke tačke između ove inicijative i CLARIN-a.... Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Joanna Byszuk, Ioana Galleron, Diana Santos, Ranka Stanković Дигитални репозиторијум Рударско-геолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду [ДР РГФ] Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC | Francesca Frontini ...
... employees' publications. - The Repository is available at: www.dr.rgf.bg.ac.rs Annotation and Visualization Tools 37 Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC Francesca Frontini P ra x il in g C N R S U n iv e rs i te P a u l-V a le ry M o n tp e llie r 3 Carmen Brando C R H , E ...Francesca Frontini, Carmen Brando, Joanna Byszuk, Ioana Galleron, Diana Santos, Ranka Stanković. "Named Entity Recognition for Distant Reading in ELTeC" in CLARIN Annual Conference 2020, Oct 2020, Virtual Event, France, CLARIN (2020)
Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)
Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković (2020)U ovom radu predstavljamo kako se e-rečnici i kaskade transduktora konačnih stanja implementirani u alatu Unitex mogu koristiti za rešavanje tri problema transformacije teksta: ispravljanje tekstova nakon OCR-a, vraćanje dijakritičkih znakova i prebacivanje između različitih jezičkih varijanti.ispravka teksta, OCR greške, restauracija dijakritika , jezičke varijante, elektronski rečnik, transduktori konačnih stanja... corpus is a part of the European Literary Text Collection corpus (ElTEC) developed in the scope of the COST action 16204 Distant Reading for European Literary History (d-reading). 64 Infotheca Vol. 19, No. 2, December 2019 Scientific paper 2. All words not detected by dictionaries are marked as ...
... наредба, коjом се забрањуjе тумарање по турским кућама? — +++Ниjе+++. — Jа где си ти +++био+++ за ово месец дана — У +++болници+++. A text after reading and correcting — Е, ниjе него броћ! Тебе ће неко сад питати шта ти хоћеш, а шта нећеш! Него, кажи ти мени, jе ли теби била позната моjа наредба, коjом ...
... program for correcting spelling errors”. Information and Control Vol. 3, no. 1 (1960): 60–67 Bledsoe, W. W. and I. Browning. “Pattern Recognition and Reading by Machine”. In Papers Presented at the December 1-3, 1959, Eastern Joint IRE-AIEE-ACM Computer Conference, IRE-AIEE-ACM ’59 (Eastern). New York, NY ...Cvetana Krstev, Ranka Stanković. "Old or New, We Repair, Adjust and Alter (Texts)" in Infotheca, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (2020). https://doi.org/10.18485/infotheca.2019.19.2.3
Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin
Balázs Németh, Gábor Tari, Gábor Bada, Dejan Radivojević, Bruno Tomljenovic, Csaba Krézsek. "Introduction to special section: Characterization of hydrocarbon and geothermal resource potential and carbon sequestration opportunities of the Pannonian Basin" in Interpretation, AAPG SEG (2018). https://doi.org/10.1190/INT-2017-1207-SPSEINTRO.1
Part of Speech Tagging for Serbian language using Natural Language Toolkit
Ranka Stanković, Boro Milovanović (2020)Dok se razvijaju složeni algoritmi za NLP (obrada prirodnog jezika), osnovni zadaci kao što je označavanje ostaju veoma važni i još uvek izazovni. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) je moćna Python biblioteka za razvoj programa zasnovanih na NLP-u. Pokušavamo da iskoristimo ovu biblioteku za kreiranje PoS (vrsta reči) oznake za savremeni srpski jezik. Jedanaest različitih modela je kreirano korišćenjem NLTK API-ja za označavanje. Najbolji modeli se transformišu sa Brill tagerom da bi se poboljšala tačnost. Obučili smo modele na označenom ...... Machine Translation focused on South Slavic and Balkan Languages”. Scientific results of the SEE-ERA.NET pilot joint call, pp 5, Oct. 2009 [12] Distant Reading for European Literary History, a COST Action funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework. https://www.distant-reading.net/, Mar. 2020 [13] M. d. Marneffe ...
... BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations,” Feb. 2020 [3] Z. Zhang, J. Yang, and H. Zhao, “Retrospective Reader for Machine Reading Comprehension,” Jan. 2020 [4] B. Li, N. Jiang, J. Sham, H. Shi, and H. Fazal, “Real-world Conversational AI for Hotel Bookings,” Proc. International ...Ranka Stanković, Boro Milovanović. "Part of Speech Tagging for Serbian language using Natural Language Toolkit" in 7th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2020, Academic Mind, Belgrade (2020)
Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology
... selected in the tree on the left hand side. Namely, the data type, the measurement unit, the way in which data are created (by reading, entry, entry for each sub-bench , or reading for each bench, etc.), as well as the maximal range of the data, number of decimals, and its rank for presentation in the ...Ranka Stanković, Ivan Obradović, Olivera Kitanović, Ljiljana Kolonja. "Towards a Mining Equipment Ontology" in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, RaDMI 2012, September 2012, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia no. 1, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia : SaTCIP (Scientific and Technical Center for Intellectual Property) Ltd. (2012)